View Full Version : +6 Thrown Weapons Bonus, +7 Perception Bonus & +1 Wisdom Bonus pendant

09-15-2019, 04:32 PM
a lapis-inlaid platinum pendant

It is a magical item which could be imbedded with a spell.
It does not have any charges left.
It could be activated by waving it.

It provides a boost of 6 to Thrown Weapons Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 21 times.
It provides a boost of 7 to Perception Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 19 times.
It provides a boost of 1 to Wisdom Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 6 times.
The pendant looks to have quite a few charges remaining.
It will persist after its last magic item charge, but crumble after its last enhancive charge is depleted.

Neck worn.

MB: gone, sold in game

09-18-2019, 04:55 PM
Bump, priced lowered