View Full Version : Perfect Invar Morning Star

09-14-2019, 12:46 PM
Hi Blacksmiths. I am interested in a Perfect Invar Morning Star.

Base Enchant. Nothing fancy except the perfect forge.

Please let me know if you got one and your price.

09-14-2019, 02:03 PM
If you don't find one, I can pick up some invar from Zul and make one (how long it would take depends on luck)... I don't tend to keep invar from the slab generator though, other metals are easier to sell

09-14-2019, 04:25 PM
If you don't find one, I can pick up some invar from Zul and make one (how long it would take depends on luck)... I don't tend to keep invar from the slab generator though, other metals are easier to sell

I have not found one yet but if you could make one, that would be great!