03-11-2005, 08:51 AM
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Don't miss the Shamrock Festival! Three days of rollicking good fun and ale on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of Charlatos! Sponsored by Elanthia's Great Houses Brigatta and the Silvergate Inn in cooperation with The Elanthian Explorers Society and Cairnfang Manor. In addition to scheduled festivities, both the Silvergate Inn and House Brigatta will have surprises in their Wehnimer's houses throughout the weekend.

~Charlatos, Day of the Huntress, the 18th~

8:00PM: Runaround in Wehnimer's Landing. Meet outside House Brigatta. Hosted by The Elanthian Explorers Society.
9:00PM: Shamrock Plucking in Wehnimer's Landing, hosted by House Brigatta and Silvergate Inn (meet at Silvergate Inn). Pluck from the special bed of shamrocks, if you find a four-leaf clover, you get 500,000 silvers!
10:30PM: Limerick Contests held in Wehnimer's Landing hosted by Silvergate Inn and House Brigatta (meet at Silvergate Inn), and in Solhaven hosted by Cairnfang Manor (meet at Spirits of the Delta on market bridge.)

~Charlatos, Feastday, the 19th~

1:00PM: Scavenger Hunt in Ta'Vaalor hosted by The Elanthian Explorers' Society (meet in Amaranth Court), in Wehnimer's Landing hosted by Silvergate Inn and House Brigatta (meet outside of Silvergate Inn), in Solhaven hosted by Cairnfang Manor (meet at Market South.)
4:00PM: The Wearing of the Green Fashion Contest. In Solhaven hosted by Cairnfang Manor (meet in Solhaven Inn Tap Room.)
7:00PM: Tall Tales in Solhaven hosted by Cairnfang Manor (meet at Cafe Dumont Patio on Wentletrap Lane.)
9:00PM: Turn in Scavenger Hunt items as instructed in each city.
10:00PM: Can You Hold Your Ale? In Solhaven hostedby Cairnfang Manor (meet at the Sea Troll.)

~Charlatos, Restday, the 20th~

2:00PM: Horseshoe Tossing in Solhaven hosted by Cairnfang Manor (meet at Market South out at the beach.)
5:00PM: Poker Dice Round 1 in Ta Vaalor hosted by The Elanthian Explorers Society (meet in Amaranth Court.)
5:30PM: Poker Dice Round 2 in Ta Vaalor hosted by the Elanthian Explorers Society (meet in Amaranth Court.)
6:00PM: Runaround in Ta Vaalor hosted by the Elanthian Explorers Society (meet in Amaranth Court.)
8:00PM: The Amunet Drinking Game in Ta Vaalor hosted by the Elanthian Explorers Society.
9:00PM: Gift of Gab in Solhaven hosted by Cairnfang Manor (meet at Solhaven Inn Tap Room.)
11:30PM: Belching contest followed by Best Legs in a Kilt contest in Wehnimer's Landing, hosted by House Brigatta and Silvergate Inn (meet at House Brigatta, Garden Central). For both contests, each participant will have 60 seconds to show off their best actions; ladies and lads may enter the contest. First place will receive 1 million silvers

03-11-2005, 08:53 AM
I am so happy that GSIV is setting the standard for roleplay :rolleyes:

03-11-2005, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
I am so happy that GSIV is setting the standard for roleplay :rolleyes:

Since you complain about everything else please fill us in on what is wrong with this.


03-11-2005, 08:58 AM
I dont think there is an Irish culture in GSIV

03-11-2005, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Amaron

Originally posted by theotherjohn
I am so happy that GSIV is setting the standard for roleplay :rolleyes:

Since you complain about everything else please fill us in on what is wrong with this.


shamrock festival = st patty day

has nothing to do with Elanthia.

has everything to do with fucking idiots bringing OOC shit into the game instead of celebrating a real life holiday doing real life things

03-11-2005, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by Dave
I dont think there is an Irish culture in GSIV

No but we have shamrocks....

So maybe we should ban all earthly plants if thats a problem.


03-11-2005, 09:01 AM
Amaron look at your calander.

03-11-2005, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Dave
Amaron look at your calander.
Does it matter....

Goodness at least we aren't seeing

St. Thrakddy day...

All the events seem very IC to me.

If you celebrate St. Patrick's day great some of us don't really worry about it and a fest based on shamrocks and greens that is IC sounds fun.


03-11-2005, 09:09 AM
I don't see this as a big deal. Most of their customers obviously like it.. and we know there is no pleasing some people.

I would go with the majority.. as they seemed to have done.

03-11-2005, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Amaron

Originally posted by Dave
Amaron look at your calander.
Does it matter....

Goodness at least we aren't seeing

St. Thrakddy day...

All the events seem very IC to me.

If you celebrate St. Patrick's day great some of us don't really worry about it and a fest based on shamrocks and greens that is IC sounds fun.


there would be no festival if not for the real life holiday.

and yes you will see St. Thrakddy day and st pattymas day because of this now.

There is no doubt in my mind that Simu does not care about GS anymore.

There is doubt in my mind that Tsin is selling his items to buy a TV. I wonder if Tsin knows something we dont

03-11-2005, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
There is doubt in my mind that Tsin is selling his items to buy a TV. I wonder if Tsin knows something we dont

That you can't get HD ESPN from Gemstone? I knew that years ago.

03-11-2005, 09:26 AM
As the Chair of one of the groups organizing it I can say we talked together to make sure it was IC and the events are in genre.

We wanted an event this month that would promote rp and community spirit and unity between CHE and PRO.

So if you dislike the name ignore it.join in the events because they are all good ones and should be a lot of fun.

I am especially looking forward to limericks. Last time we ran that it was great fun and they were very very good. It was so hard to judge.

Also some of the Solhaven locations will be changed as the schedule was turned in before Solhaven was trashed again.
Some of the locations are not open and won't be


03-11-2005, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by Amaron

Originally posted by Dave
Amaron look at your calander.
Does it matter....

Goodness at least we aren't seeing

St. Thrakddy day...

All the events seem very IC to me.

If you celebrate St. Patrick's day great some of us don't really worry about it and a fest based on shamrocks and greens that is IC sounds fun.


there would be no festival if not for the real life holiday.

and yes you will see St. Thrakddy day and st pattymas day because of this now.

There is no doubt in my mind that Simu does not care about GS anymore.

You know... there would have been a fest... just maybe with a different name but with most of the same events as these are events that for the most part each group has done in the past.

And because we are running an event based on a shamrock which Elanthia has and the color green you will NOT see those goofy holiday names.


03-11-2005, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by Amaron
And because we are running an event based on a shamrock which Elanthia has and the color green you will NOT see those goofy holiday names.


Want to make a bet on it?

When the "goofy" names for St Patty is seen you quit the game and stop posting here.

If they are not seen then I will quit and stop posting here.

03-11-2005, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Want to make a bet on it?

When the "goofy" names for St Patty is seen you quit the game and stop posting here.

If they are not seen then I will quit and stop posting here.

You will not see those dumb names because of this. And I won't debate anymore because you are always right no one else ever could be. Keep complaining because it makes you happy.

On a lighter note to everyone else:

Please feel free to join in the fun events They look to be great and have a wide variety. Luck, scavenger hunts, trivia, limericks, fashion and OMG do I dare say it some fun roleplay.


[Edited on 3-11-2005 by Amaron]

[Edited on 3-11-2005 by Amaron]

03-11-2005, 12:45 PM
You start it the day after St. Patrick's Day, put in limericks, "the wearing of the green", shamrocks, and a four-leaf clover, and we're supposed to believe it's entirely coincidental?