View Full Version : Favorite ESPN Writer

03-10-2005, 11:00 PM
Bill Simmons. I don't know why, but I'm absolutely fascinated by his analysis of stupid shit that no one ever talks about like the Karate Kid series.

03-10-2005, 11:32 PM
People still read? Hahahahahahaha.

PTI > whoever that guy is.

03-11-2005, 08:49 AM
Whoever wrote that spelling champion commercial. Classic and it still makes me laugh.

03-11-2005, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Bill Simmons. I don't know why, but I'm absolutely fascinated by his analysis of stupid shit that no one ever talks about like the Karate Kid series.

Bill Simmons has been mailing it in for 6 months now. He's beginning to come across as a self-absorbed asshole.

He's worse than a cocky Yankees fan, and even his ramblings aren't nearly as funny as they were a year ago. I know I'm not alone in thinking this...it's a shame.

03-11-2005, 09:28 AM
peter gammons

03-11-2005, 11:51 AM
Hunter S. Thompson's articles were awesome.

03-11-2005, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Bill Simmons has been mailing it in for 6 months now. He's beginning to come across as a self-absorbed asshole.

He's worse than a cocky Yankees fan, and even his ramblings aren't nearly as funny as they were a year ago. I know I'm not alone in thinking this...it's a shame.

You're right. His articles have been far and between lately, and the ones from like 2002-present were a lot funnier. But he's still the only columnist that touches on pop culture.

Even now, with sub-par ramblings you can usually glean a gem or two. Like this reader contribution on how to determine whether or not the WNBA is a sport. (Not exact words, but I can't find the article right now)

"I went around asking people if they would rather find a $5 bill on the ground or have their city's WNBA team win the championship. So far, the consensus has been it's not a sport."

03-11-2005, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by crazymage
peter gammons

I like gammons too, but kruk makes me laugh from time to time.

03-11-2005, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by peam
Hunter S. Thompson's articles were awesome.

I concur. I loved his page2 articles, albeit they were way to sparse.

03-11-2005, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Even now, with sub-par ramblings you can usually glean a gem or two. Like this reader contribution on how to determine whether or not the WNBA is a sport. (Not exact words, but I can't find the article right now)

"I went around asking people if they would rather find a $5 bill on the ground or have their city's WNBA team win the championship. So far, the consensus has been it's not a sport."

Exactly....a reader suggestion. You're right, there are still some gems, but far less than before. I'm sick of hearing him rag on A-Rod and champion Schilling as a god. (And I'm a Met fan if anything...) Schilling is one of the biggest phonies in sports, it's hilarious how he's being portrayed as a good guy/hero.

He now dedicates 98% entire columns to things like the Clippers, the Celtics, movies, and now this damn intern contest (and of course the Sawks). He's running out of material. Even his last Vegas article (which are usually priceless) was boring.

I figured he'd get better after leaving the Kimmel show.