View Full Version : Max Attack Strength (AS) Trials

08-23-2019, 12:03 PM
Last day of Duskruin so in honor of that let's see some highest sustained attack setups. The original discussion was theory at Highest Theoretical AS Inquiry (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?88511-Highest-Theoretical-AS-Inquiry).

Side by side isn't usable in solo play for Arena.

Prior research/Boosters:

Skills, Enhancives and Gear
302 AS - weapon skill (202 ranks) - Easy (cap)
101 AS - combat maneuver skill (202 ranks) - Easy (cap)
60 AS - strength bonus max (60 bonus) - Uncommon (includes Surge of Strength CMAN)
50 AS - weapon bonus enhancives (50 bonus) - Rare
50 AS - 10x weapon (50 bonus) - Rare
25 AS - combat maneuver enhancives (50 bonus) - Rare

Zelnorn Gear
Shield, armor and weapons that grant half their bonus to attack strength at a max of +25. Most Zelnorn is in the +10/10 range for AS/DS.

15 AS - Strength (509) - Common
5 AS Benediction (307) - Uncommon
15 AS - Bravery (211) - Common
10 AS (10 strength bonus) - Phoen's Strength (606) - Rare
25 AS - Heroism (215) - Rare or a 65 lore trained cleric in group for 1 minute.
10 AS - Dauntless (1606) - Rare
10 AS - Adrenal Surge (1107) - Common, 3 seconds
30 AS - Camouflage (608) - Uncommon, must be hidden when attacking
30 AS - Zealot (1617) - Uncommon, grouped paladin
20 AS - Kai's Triumph (1007) - Uncommon, singing bard
75 AS - Spirit Strike (117) - Common, 1 swing
30 AS - V'Tull's Fury (1718) - Uncommon, 1 swing
8 AS - Patron's Blessing (1611) - Class Specific/Beyond Rare
15 AS - Empathic Focus (1109) - Class specific/Beyond Rare
20 AS - Intensity (1130) - Class specific/Beyond Rare
25 AS to +50 - Elemental targeting (425) - Uncommon. Overtaining in MnE at 75 ranks can boost attack bonus to +50. Each 2 spell trains after 425 adds +1. 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73 and 75 mne.

29 AS - Berserk - Warrior Guild/CMAN - Warrior only
20 AS - Warcry Holler - Warrior Guild/CMAN - Uncommon, grouped warrior
18 AS - Spin attack - Warrior Guild/CMAN for rogues, monk, warrior, bard - Uncommon, training specific/63 guild ranks or CMAN 5
40 AS - Coup De Grace - CMAN - Uncommon, on kill, short duration. Use Warcry Cairn to stun.
10 AS - Weapon Specialization/Rank 5 - CMAN (You can have multiple weapon types: Wspec1, Wspec2, etc.)
10 AS - Weapon Bonding/Rank 5 - CMAN (single weapon)

+26 AS - Voln Symbol - Courage
+13 AS - Voln Symbol - Supremacy (Undead only)
+35 AS - CoL Signs - Sword, Smite, Striking
+25 AS - GoS Sigil - Plus HCW/HDW
+50 AS - Sign of madness - 15 seconds/3 spirit loss cost

+2 AS to +25 - Item Supercharger (Day 25 login bonus) - +50% attack strength boost on enchantment bonus

+5 AS to +25 - Ensorcell. +5 per tier on a random flare for 1 swing.
+5/10/+25 AS - Briar flares. T1 is +5, T2 is +10 and T3 is +25. Briar weapons drain health for influence. When the weapon is full it can be raised for a 1 minute buff.

Lore Training

Earth Lore
Boosts Strength (509) - Boosts strength self-cast by +1 per 4 ranks.

Blessing Lore
Benediction (307) - +5 AS for 1 swing on a 1-15% chance

Patron's Blessing (1611) - Boosts CM ranks from +1 to +17

Heroism (215) - Boosts heroism AS by + 1 per 10 ranks of lore training up to 25 at 250 ranks.

Religion Lore
Zealot (1617) - Boosts AS by +1 as a seed summation of 1. AS boost of +1 at 1 rank, +10 at 55 ranks and +51 at 231 ranks

Setup on example:


Combat Maneuvers...................| 352 252
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 352 252

Max enhancives.

Strength (STR): 100 (40) ... 140 (60)

Max bonus.

10x perfect T5 Maul

Max enchantment.


- Major Spirit:
211: Bravery - 2:53:39

- Cleric:
307: Benediction - 0:24:34

- Minor Elemental:
425: Elemental Targeting - 1:05:10 (30 ranks of MnE)
509: Strength - 2:05:29

- Paladin:
1606: Dauntless - 1:34:36

- Ranger:
606: Phoen's Strength - 0:19:08

- Combat Maneuvers:
9605: Surge of Strength - 0:01:16

- Order of Voln:
9805: Symbol of Courage - 0:04:05

-Cman (Untracked):
Warcry Holler (+20 Attack Strength)

Normal - Aimed
You swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a mottled cave lizard!
AS: +736 vs DS: +432 with AvD: +43 + d100 roll: +47 = +394
... and hit for 157 points of damage!
Neck removed, head falls to the ground.
The cave lizard drops to the ground and shudders a final time.
Roundtime: 7 sec.

Berserk +29 attack strength
You swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a behemoth mud-covered crab!
AS: +765 vs DS: +360 with AvD: +47 + d100 roll: +37 = +489
... and hit for 210 points of damage!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending shield arm flying.
A behemoth mud-covered crab twitches recklessly and regurgitates a white fluid over its mangled left foreleg.
The mud-covered crab clacks its pincers a final agonizing time and dies.

Berserk T5 ensorcell flare +25 attack strength
You spin around looking for something to attack!
You assault a burly grahnk with an unrelenting fury!
You swing a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a burly grahnk!
AS: +790 vs DS: +250 with AvD: +57 + d100 roll: +5 = +602
... and hit for 220 points of damage!
Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung.
Breathing becomes a challenge.
You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away.

08-23-2019, 07:37 PM
>25 AS to +75 - Elemental targeting (425) - Uncommon. Overtaining in MnE at 75 ranks can boost attack bonus to +75

425 caps at +50 at 75 ranks.

08-23-2019, 07:43 PM
>25 AS to +75 - Elemental targeting (425) - Uncommon. Overtaining in MnE at 75 ranks can boost attack bonus to +75

425 caps at +50 at 75 ranks.

Also for a warrior id be interested if they get the full 50. Sorcerers get half buff for having 100s so would assume the same for warriors.

08-23-2019, 08:05 PM
Also for a warrior id be interested if they get the full 50. Sorcerers get half buff for having 100s so would assume the same for warriors.

They get the full +50 for bolts and physical AS. They get half the CS buff to 700s because it is a hybrid circle.

08-25-2019, 11:32 AM
I hadn't done the math on spell ranks, but 31 mne adds +1. I tend to avoid using heroism, but it's +25. It really starts to put the sustained cap since only a handful of people go this high. This should help folks min/max to push the thresholds though.

The big hitters actually tend to not power-up. I almost always am near my sustained max, but I'm limited by lore and spell training others have.

08-25-2019, 02:44 PM
Berserk, w/initial 117:

You assault a flat-nosed hobgoblin shaman with an unrelenting fury!
You swing an immense rolaren waraxe at a flat-nosed hobgoblin shaman!
AS: +925 vs DS: +350 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +66 = +673
... and hit for 190 points of damage!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending weapon arm flying.
The hobgoblin shaman is stunned!
The guiding force leaves you.
You swing an immense rolaren waraxe at a flat-nosed hobgoblin shaman!
AS: +798 vs DS: +326 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +100 = +604
... and hit for 161 points of damage!
Hard blow breaks the femur!
The hobgoblin shaman gasps a final prayer, then falls to the ground dead.

You spin around looking for something to attack!
You assault a burly grahnk with an unrelenting fury!
You swing an immense rolaren waraxe at a burly grahnk!
AS: +850 vs DS: +250 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +34 = +675
... and hit for 141 points of damage!
Hard hit shatters weapon arm.
You swing an immense rolaren waraxe at a burly grahnk!
AS: +798 vs DS: +239 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +88 = +688
... and hit for 183 points of damage!
Body pulped to a gooey mass.
Watch where you step!
The burly grahnk growls one last time in defiance, then slumps to the ground.

You spin around looking for something to attack!
You assault a patchy wart-covered vor'taz with an unrelenting fury!
You swing an immense rolaren waraxe at a patchy wart-covered vor'taz!
AS: +850 vs DS: +218 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +52 = +716
... and hit for 236 points of damage!
Wicked slash slices open the wart-covered vor'taz's chest!
Heart and lungs pureed!
The wart-covered vor'taz's horn dims, and he falls to the ground dead.

And another where my self-cast benediction I think boosted with lore:

You assault a burly white-haired yeti with an unrelenting fury!
You swing an immense rolaren waraxe at a burly white-haired yeti!
AS: +925 vs DS: +397 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +100 = +660
... and hit for 166 points of damage!
Deep slash to the white-haired yeti's left forearm!
The white-haired yeti is stunned!
The guiding force leaves you.
Pearly light flares up suddenly from within you, lending strength and focus to your attack!
You swing an immense rolaren waraxe at a burly white-haired yeti!
AS: +813 vs DS: +345 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +65 = +565
... and hit for 171 points of damage!
Powerful slash leaves the white-haired yeti without a right leg!
A burly white-haired yeti collapses to the floor and grasps his mangled right leg!

This was with holler, 10x weapon, &:

Item Supercharger .................. 0:04:48
Bravery ............................ 0:43:20
Heroism ............................ 0:45:51
Benediction ........................ 0:39:27
Elemental Targeting ................ 2:42:13
Strength ........................... 1:38:17
Phoen's Strength ................... 0:40:28
Empathic Focus ..................... 0:47:45
Dauntless .......................... 0:58:59
Symbol of Courage .................. 0:29:26

And enhanced:

Combat Maneuvers...................| 326 226
Edged Weapons......................| 352 252

Strength (STR): 100 (40) ... 140 (60)

Need more CM and didn't use bard or other spells/cmans

08-25-2019, 02:59 PM
So quickly looking it over, you have max CM enhanced and I think my AS increase would be from being over 75 ranks (80) of 400's for 425 +7 AS from 98 ranks of earth lore and +3 AS from 60 ranks of SL: Blessings for 215.

You also probably forgot supercharger login boost for 25 AS on a 10x weapon?

Supremacy on undead would be +13 more, warhorn script +30 and bards and CM can likely boost to low or mid 900s sustained maybe near 1k with a nice coup beforehand.

Crap, just remembered forgot zealot.

08-25-2019, 03:29 PM
you have 98 ranks of earth lore, sure you do, wtf.

08-25-2019, 03:30 PM
You swing a massive glowing sabar at a patchy wart-covered vor'taz!
AS: +940 vs DS: +183 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +2 = +800
... and hit for 437 points of damage!
Massive blow punches a hole through the wart-covered vor'taz's chest!
The wart-covered vor'taz's horn dims, and she falls to the ground dead.

08-25-2019, 03:33 PM
you have 98 ranks of earth lore, sure you do, wtf.

My lores!

Elemental Lore - Earth.............| 198 98
Elemental Lore - Water.............| 15 3
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.........| 160 60
Spiritual Lore - Religion..........| 45 9
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 124 32
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy........| 20 4

08-25-2019, 03:34 PM
why 4 in necro and 3 in water?

08-25-2019, 03:38 PM
Berserk, w/initial 117:

And another where my self-cast benediction I think boosted with lore:

This was with holler, 10x weapon, &:

Item Supercharger .................. 0:04:48
Bravery ............................ 0:43:20
Heroism ............................ 0:45:51
Benediction ........................ 0:39:27
Elemental Targeting ................ 2:42:13
Strength ........................... 1:38:17
Phoen's Strength ................... 0:40:28
Empathic Focus ..................... 0:47:45
Dauntless .......................... 0:58:59
Symbol of Courage .................. 0:29:26

And enhanced:

Combat Maneuvers...................| 326 226
Edged Weapons......................| 352 252

Strength (STR): 100 (40) ... 140 (60)

Need more CM and didn't use bard or other spells/cmans

With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a deadly titanium-spiked throwing axe into flight.
You throw a spiked throwing axe at a banded cave worm!
AS: +985 vs DS: +406 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +62 = +676
... and hit for 215 points of damage!
Gruesome, slashing blow to the side of the cave worm's head!
Skull split open! Brain (and life) vanishes in a fine mist.
The worm rolls over and dies.

Do you even lift ?

08-25-2019, 03:39 PM
Necro is current skill working on, for true cap mostly but chose it over demonology for a rot flare benefit that I won't see anyway.

Water was because no extra benefit from earth lore possible after that threshold and water gives a minor boost to degrading locks when I 407 pop boxes. Also minor boost to 410 and 435.

08-25-2019, 03:49 PM
Do you even lift ?

LOL, I didn't use 10 accounts buffing biatch!

08-25-2019, 04:35 PM
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a deadly titanium-spiked throwing axe into flight.
You throw a spiked throwing axe at a banded cave worm!
AS: +985 vs DS: +406 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +62 = +676
... and hit for 215 points of damage!
Gruesome, slashing blow to the side of the cave worm's head!
Skull split open! Brain (and life) vanishes in a fine mist.
The worm rolls over and dies.

Do you even lift ?


With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a black glaes throwing axe into flight.
You throw a black glaes throwing axe at a hulking forest bendith champion!
AS: +1074 vs DS: +242 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +71 = +935
... and hit for 260 points of damage!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending shield arm flying.

08-25-2019, 04:45 PM
All the damn strings!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

08-25-2019, 04:51 PM

Hold my beer

You hear a loud *POP* come from your muscles!
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a deadly titanium-spiked throwing axe into flight.
You throw a spiked throwing axe at a spotted and striped warcat!
AS: +1106 vs DS: +395 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +37 = +787
... and hit for 231 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.
The striped warcat crumples to the ground and dies.

** Necrotic energy from your throwing axe overflows into you! **

[ POPed muscles: +0:10:30, 0:10:29 remaining. ]
You feel energized!
The guiding force leaves you.

Your throwing axe spins rapidly through the air, the blade whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again.

Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.

08-25-2019, 04:56 PM

08-25-2019, 04:56 PM
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You swing a perfect eahnor-spiked axe at a spotted and striped warcat!
AS: +790 vs DS: +433 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +32 = +428
... and hit for 137 points of damage!
Deep slash to the striped warcat's left forearm!
The striped warcat is stunned!
You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away.
You swing a perfect eahnor-spiked axe at a spotted and striped warcat!
AS: +745 vs DS: +396 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +73 = +461
... and hit for 155 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash to the striped warcat's left knee!
The striped warcat is knocked to the ground!
You swing a perfect eahnor-spiked axe at a spotted and striped warcat!
AS: +765 vs DS: +289 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +75 = +590
... and hit for 187 points of damage!
Weapon arm mangled horribly.
The striped warcat lets out a final caterwaul and dies.
You deftly switch your ongoing attack towards a large-tusked wooly mammoth!
You swing a perfect eahnor-spiked axe at a large-tusked wooly mammoth!
AS: +765 vs DS: +411 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +8 = +399
... and hit for 134 points of damage!
Feint left spins the wooly mammoth around!
Jagged slash to lower back.
The wooly mammoth is stunned!
** Necrotic energy from your eahnor-spiked axe overflows into you! **
You feel energized!
** Your eahnor-spiked axe surges with power as dark amber radiance coalesces around it! **
... 20 points of damage!
Minor burns to head. That hurt a bit.
You swing a perfect eahnor-spiked axe at a large-tusked wooly mammoth!
AS: +770 vs DS: +362 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +59 = +504
... and hit for 211 points of damage!
Incredible smash to what used to be a stomach!
The wooly mammoth collapses heavily into a heap on the ground and dies.
You deftly switch your ongoing attack towards a craggy fog beetle!
You swing a perfect eahnor-spiked axe at a craggy fog beetle!
AS: +790 vs DS: +381 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +31 = +475
... and hit for 173 points of damage!
Lucky shot rips through bone and muscle sending right leg flying.
The fog beetle's legs give way and he lurches to the ground.
You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away.
You swing a perfect eahnor-spiked axe at a craggy fog beetle!
AS: +745 vs DS: +193 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +65 = +652
... and hit for 231 points of damage!
Blow ruptures the stomach!
The fog beetle kicks a leg one last time and lies still.
** Necrotic energy from your eahnor-spiked axe overflows into you! **
You feel energized!
Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Roundtime changed to 3 seconds.

i suck

08-25-2019, 05:00 PM
AS: +790



08-25-2019, 05:40 PM
Hold my beer

You hear a loud *POP* come from your muscles!
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a deadly titanium-spiked throwing axe into flight.
You throw a spiked throwing axe at a spotted and striped warcat!
AS: +1106 vs DS: +395 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +37 = +787
... and hit for 231 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.
The striped warcat crumples to the ground and dies.

** Necrotic energy from your throwing axe overflows into you! **

[ POPed muscles: +0:10:30, 0:10:29 remaining. ]
You feel energized!
The guiding force leaves you.

Your throwing axe spins rapidly through the air, the blade whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again.

Roundtime: 4 sec.
Roundtime changed to 1 second.


08-25-2019, 05:52 PM
Sweet strings

08-25-2019, 08:44 PM
For hypothetical max AS, there's a few more boosts that haven't been discussed:
+25 AS for T3 briar
+5 AS from black silk standard
+30 (I think?) from hypothetically applicable bane boost

08-27-2019, 06:06 PM
Thanks Ewayn. I added the briar flare stuff.

The Warhorn is a warcry effect and it stacks with holler/shout, etc? There is like 5 of them in the game.

The string uses mana to boost AS. There is like 2 of them.

The idea here is sustained AS. I can 117 too ya'll ;)

Can folks show some bane weapons on non-bane AND bane creatures?

08-27-2019, 08:28 PM
It stacks, but only 2 AS boosting ones that I know of (one on an inactive account).

There are more than 2 strings now, probably 6 or more. They use both mana and stamina to power up.

Bane would like just be +10 or so on the bane creature group, maybe higher now if bane boosted via HESS

08-27-2019, 08:30 PM
8 active strings now