View Full Version : Difficult Enchant

08-21-2019, 07:51 PM
Looking for an above capped enchanter for a difficult enchant.

Now need a real mutant for what is probably impossible without the difficulty potions. Have fixskills if needed. Looking to explore taking Adamantine from +30 to a full 35.

Edited for future info and anyone searching the boards.

303 Ranks. In a Workshop. No Enhancives. Adamantine greatsword at a full x6 and +10 defender:

"You sense that the adamantine greatsword bears a natural enchantment and that you should be able to enchant it easily enough, barring bad luck."

"That's with 303 wiz ranks and max skills, without any of my enhancives on."

So, probably able to get to a full x7 with a capped wiz.

But like I said, just posted for future research and anyone looking.

Wizard Stats of the test cast:

Level: 100

Aura (AUR): 100 (20) ... 100 (20)
Logic (LOG): 96 (28) ... 96 (28)
Intuition (INT): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)

AS: 202
MIU: 202
EMC: 202
Wizard Ranks: 303

No enhancives

The cast: in guild workshop with familiar

"Not sure how the difficulty grows with enchants, but I bet with enhancives it'd be possible to get to +35. (though it would probably need multiple fixskills since this build isn't really huntable)."

08-23-2019, 03:56 PM
Where the mutant wizards at? ��

08-23-2019, 04:30 PM
Probably because Simu made it much more difficult to have a mutant enchanter build and still effectively gather essence.

08-23-2019, 05:01 PM
Yup. I know. Still hunting wabbits though. ;)

08-23-2019, 05:19 PM
There is someone out there for sure, apparently you can do it with straight wizard, spells and use earthen fury, just not sure if anyone has.

08-24-2019, 11:02 PM
Now looking for even more impossibility. See original post.

08-25-2019, 10:04 AM
Looking for an above capped enchanter for a difficult enchant.

Now need a real mutant for what is probably impossible without the difficulty potions. Have fixskills if needed. Looking to explore taking Adamantine from +30 to a full 35.

Your best bet is to look for someone with premium points.

08-25-2019, 11:12 AM
I know of some. Again, wabbit hunting. For the theory crafting people!

Seriously though, can go pp points, but want to see the limits of this new system if possible.

08-29-2019, 02:20 AM
Still huntin' for that unicorn. :D

Or an unused enchant cert (HA!)

08-29-2019, 05:42 PM
I can look at it... but if it's the defender one... probably completely impossible.. I can also tell you from experience that a 303 rank sorc with enhancives can barely t5 at +17 with nothing else

08-29-2019, 05:45 PM
Welp, worth a look. And was pointed out in discord, ensorc potions were still being sold this DR. So here's to hoping that stays. :D

Will PM ya. See when we can cross paths to take a look.

09-03-2019, 04:49 PM
The hunt continues! Looking for test casts from wizards and any high end sorc enscorcerlerereresrrrs. ;)

09-08-2019, 08:26 PM
Edited with info for future board searches. Thanks for looking all the enchanters that did.

09-08-2019, 10:33 PM
Edited with info for future board searches. Thanks for looking all the enchanters that did.

A +34 to +35 enchant should be doable with enhancives. In the old system adamantine had a secondary penalty in addition to the material difficulty of -500. It looks like there is no additional penalty in the new system. Based on previous preliminary research the difficulty for this particular item with a starting enchant bonus of +30 is approximately -693 (-500 material penalty, -100 defender penalty(10 ^2) and -93 starting enchant bonus penalty).

Wizard Stats of the test cast:

Level: 100

Aura (AUR): 100 (20) ... 100 (20)
Logic (LOG): 96 (28) ... 96 (28)
Intuition (INT): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)

AS: 202
MIU: 202
EMC: 202
Wizard Ranks: 303

No enhancives

The cast: in guild workshop with familiar

Note: Aura is not a factor

Wizard Enchant Bonuses:

Level: +100 (1 point per level)
Wizard Ranks: +404 (not absolutely certain on this but I believe the bonus is +2 per rank up to {level +1} and +1 per rank for additional ranks)
Logic: +28
Intuition: +35
AS: +20 (202 ranks/10)
MIU: +20 (202 ranks/10)
EMC: +101 (202 ranks/2)
Workshop: +50
Familiar: +25

Total bonus: +783

Total Bonus 783 + Total Penalty -693 = +90 (90% success rate with you should be able to enchant it easily enough, barring bad luck messaging."

With a starting enchant bonus of +35 this item should have a total penalty of -728 but you only want to take it to +35. I don't have numbers for that but my best guess is that the penalty with a starting bonus of +34 will be approximately -123. This is 30 points more difficult than the current penalty of -93. To guarantee 100% success going from +34 to +35 would require approximately 40 more bonus points, perhaps a bit less. Each stat bonus adds +1 and EMC is +1 per 2 ranks.


Current penalty: -693 (with starting bonus +30)
Estimated penalty: -723 (with starting bonus +34)

Wizard's enchant bonus: +783

To guarantee 100% success the total bonus must be 100 points higher than the total enchant penalty.

As things currently stand the wizard in this scenario would have an approximate 60% success rate enchanting this item from +34 to +35.


09-08-2019, 10:47 PM
Now there is some enchanting-theory worth reading!

Gracias yo!