View Full Version : Evil toys/sorcerer toys

08-16-2019, 09:53 AM
looking for weather changing charm that can make blood rain

I saw a wand that can refresh animates

Want the wand that can imprint images on stuff

I dont know what else is out there.

Please tell me what you have - and how much you want for it. If you dont tell me how much you want, i'll ignore.

I have silvers and paypal

-Xred's player

08-16-2019, 04:32 PM
I've got an umbral shade-newt - one of these guys, https://gswiki.play.net/Shade_Skink - looking to get 23m or so for him!

They're so much fun and what says "Sorcerer" better than a lil' ball of shadows living under your skin?

08-16-2019, 06:42 PM
I hear beldar has a nice collection of his mother's toys.

08-16-2019, 08:19 PM
The animate dead wands are pretty fucking awesome and probably have the best loresong in the history of the game. They're filled with the blood of a god. Not sure how many were released in total but as per the lore song only 6 were ever made. At least 4 were released.

There is also a one of a kind scroll book that combines scrolls as well as is the only way in game to add a charge to any scroll, locked or not.

Every sorcerer should have a thousand pound sack because phase.

There are two high end scripted wrist worn bracers, one is +15 necromancy, one is +15 demonology. There are also lesser +5 ones that were sold off the shelf.

I have a pile of apples that are edible +5 necro and +5 demonology. I actually have no use for them because I max out both with permanent enhancives. I should get rid of them.

There is another sorta like animate dead thing that predates the spell called a rattle that makes buggy ass sorta-animates.

Assuming you're in col spirit return items are quite nice, but that is true for any magic user. I believe one ever +3 spirit return item was released in game. Maybe a couple +2 spirit returns, and many +1s.

Then of course there are a lot of nice high end enhancives spawned from the treasure system people have collected.

Most of these things you'll never own.

08-16-2019, 09:06 PM
The rattle was to illusion demons, there's at least 2 scroll conbiners now that I know of, and the blood in the soulstone wand according to the loresong is the elf's that was sacrificed and then reborn to wield it.


08-16-2019, 09:23 PM
The rattle was to illusion demons, there's at least 2 scroll conbiners now that I know of, and the blood in the soulstone wand according to the loresong is the elf's that was sacrificed and then reborn to wield it.


Don't confuse the scroll portfolio's with the scroll book. And the elf is supposed to be amasalen... I think that was the discussion back in the day.

And also right, there were multiple rattles, the very first rattle was a custom buggy ass animate dead. Later rattles were for illusions.

08-16-2019, 10:17 PM
Don't confuse the scroll portfolio's with the scroll book. And the elf is supposed to be amasalen... I think that was the discussion back in the day.

And also right, there were multiple rattles, the very first rattle was a custom buggy ass animate dead. Later rattles were for illusions.

Interesting! I think the Amasalen connection makes some sense. I am surprised ive never heard of this book or rattle, obviously things I would love to study!

08-17-2019, 08:02 AM
the rattle produced "zombies" instead of animates. You could have multiple. So 3 zombie kobolds following you around. But it was buggy as shit.

And ya, as I recall from the GM when the wand was first release you're supposedly witnessing the birth of amasalen, or dietification anyway.

The book is mine and is the only way to transfer spells across scrolls vs absorbing into a portfolio. It can transfer fresh to fresh, fresh to locked, or locked to locked. Allowing you to maximize scroll infusion. IT used to do locked to fresh, which allowed me to keep spells infinitely. When that was nerfed they added the ability to add a charge to any locked scroll once a day as a nerfology. It even works on 420 scrolls. Not that I have one.