View Full Version : Sick Messaging

09-16-2003, 10:46 PM
Okay, I can deal with some freaky shit but this takes the cake.

I was out getting swepe reps when I got killed

A spiked cavern urchin launches a barrage of spines, the barbs exploding outward at you!
The spines hit you squarely in your abdomen!
... 50 points of damage!
Perfect strike to abdomen. You scream in anguish and drop quite dead!

then to add insult to injury some wacky coder had an urchin rape me
A spiked cavern urchin slowly crawls atop Meriman, then repeatedly impales him with its spear-like spines.

Thats just some cold cold shit

09-16-2003, 10:48 PM
Ooh that's way creepy -- is that a "normal" urchin thing to do or was a GM um......ahem....playing with you?

09-16-2003, 10:53 PM
Ha. That was cute.

09-16-2003, 11:15 PM
It's never been done to me before and I've died there quite a bit, but if it was a GM playing with me.

They need some serious dating issues

I mean the bastard didn't even buy me dinner first!!

09-16-2003, 11:16 PM
:lol: That was kind of amusing.;)


09-16-2003, 11:17 PM

That is funny.


[Edited on 9-17-2003 by Halfsilver]

09-16-2003, 11:22 PM
Eeew. That is really gross!


09-17-2003, 05:54 AM
Urchins are frickin evil. That area's very well done.

09-17-2003, 08:08 AM
Just a little calming encouragement here...

You're all a bunch of perverts. Who's the sicko in this?

This cave urchin thing sounds a lot like a sea urchin, which is covered in spines. Each spine carries with it a little bit of poison. When a sea urchin *impales* you with its spines, all it's doing is rolling itself over your skin.

Nowhere did I see that this cave urchin crawled between your legs and impale any of your lower orifices with anything. It crawled -on top of you- and impaled you. Impaling is a perfectly legitimate and non-sexual term for sticking you with something sharp. Like a spear through the chest, or a knife in the back.

Yes, it is ALSO a term used to describe a sexual movement, but in this case, I refer you to my first statement:

You're all a bunch of perverts.

09-17-2003, 08:11 AM
<<You're all a bunch of perverts. >>

Grow a sense of humor... get over it.


09-17-2003, 08:19 AM
And fix your signature. Quoting Klaive with something he didn't even make up himself is more insulting than anything that urchin did. :P

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-17-2003, 08:41 AM
where the heck are urchins?

Dighn Darkbeam
09-17-2003, 08:50 AM
In Icemule, in the cellar where the Sentries dogs and wall guards can be found. Very nasty area full of maneuvers and guild attacks. Swarms quickly.

Alot of monsters do some messed up things to you when you die. I have had my corpse used as a sled, had my head ripped off and batted about, ect.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-17-2003, 08:51 AM
Ah, that explains it. The only place in the game I refuse to go.

09-17-2003, 09:02 AM
Understand we are perverts, even sickos.

We're not prudes, old maids, or anal retentive church ladies. Get over it.

09-17-2003, 09:24 AM
Roberta has mated with sea urchins, so she might know her stuff on this one.

09-17-2003, 11:58 AM
Whoa, lighten up there, kitty. It's all a joke. No one's talking about suing SIMU for rape. Geez.

09-17-2003, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Dighn Darkbeam
I have had my corpse used as a sled

That happened to Whirlin a long time ago when he was helping Michiko hunt on the glacier in the Landing...

An ice troll jumped on him (while he was still alive, mind you) and used him as a sled. By the time he got back, I laughed and said "I didn't realize you were big enough to be used as a sled," or something along those lines. :lol:

Dighn Darkbeam
09-17-2003, 02:27 PM
Whirlin softly exclaims, "Drinking and smoking should be artisan style training skills!"

They should. Everything should.

09-17-2003, 03:19 PM
Have you ever seen the messaging for 130? Some of it's pretty disgusting. I don't know about you, but when I get the messaging about bowels clenching, I don't think about vomiting, I think about something else.

09-17-2003, 05:05 PM
Heh, when you died in Solhaven when the Sheruvians took over, the lunatics 'ravaged your corpse'.

09-17-2003, 11:13 PM
bwahahah! almost as bad as the trolls using your body as a sled

09-17-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
<<You're all a bunch of perverts. >>

Grow a sense of humor... get over it.


Heh..who's the one lacking a sense of humor? I was making a joke. Making fun, making light, poking fun at the fact that people take something with two possible meanings and assigning the sexual one to it.

As for CrystalTears' quip about my quote, tell me who originated it and I'll change the source. Til then, I've never seen it from anyone other than Klaive, and I wanted to credit the source. And I think it's funny so the quote stays. Nya.

Oh and Zanagodly, don't forget to mention that the reason you knew I was mating with sea urchins is because you stood there with the video camera in one hand, while your other hand was down your pants.


09-18-2003, 07:16 AM
Roberta I think you are the pervert?!?!

09-18-2003, 10:33 AM
I never claimed I wasn't.


09-21-2003, 11:26 AM
These violating creatures... do they carry good treasure?

10-02-2003, 09:07 AM
Geesh, only Meriman could start a thread like this. I was there when he first came in complaining about being raped in Town Center. If you ask me, he liked it. He wasn't walking funny, and in between the complaining he kept smiling and getting this far away look on his face.

Morstanya, Pervert.

10-02-2003, 10:20 AM
Man. Despite my vast boredom at nearly everything Thurfelish.....

Thurfel's Cellar is one of the greatest areas GS has ever seen. It rocks your world.

10-02-2003, 10:45 AM
I think so as well! It's a very pretty place. I love the mirror especially. :)

10-02-2003, 10:53 AM
Great treasure and fun hunting, too.

10-02-2003, 11:35 AM
Im always amused when i "accidently" rub myself in game.

10-02-2003, 11:47 AM
There's porn sites that'd love to help you with that. Me, personally? I think the Gemstone damage messaging is kind've tamed down from the DR stuff, but some of the "humour" touches are kind've sicko.

[Edited on 10-2-2003 by Warriorbird]