View Full Version : Must See Rooms in Gemstone
Hey guys,
Was wondering what some of your favorite rooms are in the lands?
I'd lke to stop and smell the roses.
Shrine of Heroes - 18254]
Snow white vultite walls tower high overhead in this eight-sided room, their enormous size dwarfing only slightly the magnificent granite statue that stands in the center of the structure. Softly colored light filters in from huge stained glass windows set into each wall, creating a kaleidoscope of color dancing across the rich grey slate floors.
Obvious exits: out
Love this one and the surrounding area.
How about you
08-15-2019, 11:57 AM
The rooms prior to the pool enroute to the rift, as well as the room you get to if you swim down instead of up in the pool. Lots of notable things to see there.
08-15-2019, 12:11 PM
The room where it just says it's so beautiful it can't be described.
/edit This one:
[Ridge Line - 8189]
You enter a realm so splendid and bewitching that you are left speechless. Later, when asked to describe what you saw, you are unable to do more than open your mouth and gawk at the memories.
Obvious paths: southeast, west
This is a great idea for a thread. I'll try to grab some room descriptions after work today.
08-15-2019, 02:16 PM
Always liked this one - node in the sorc guild in Illi
[Sorcerer Guild, Sitting Room]
A large underground lake spreads onward into darkness, its tranquil waters undulating softly with every tiny ripple that seeks to disturb the solace. Pale white sand borders the edges of the water, providing a welcome respite from the rocky ground of the area. A variety of glowing fungi has colonized the blackness of the high ceiling in small patches -- casting the illusion of being underneath a sheer alien sky.
Obvious exits: east
08-15-2019, 03:03 PM
For anyone who has not yet visited, the entire history wing of the Landing museum is worth seeing.
08-15-2019, 08:04 PM
The human sacrifice temple under the tree east of Mist Harbor is kind of cool. (Part of the fun is finding it yourself.)
08-15-2019, 10:15 PM
The path to Li'aerion is so amazingly detailed and the theme behind the entire palace is truly spectacular. Such a shame it's been on lockdown.
08-15-2019, 11:45 PM
I always found this area to be interesting and creepy:
[Ice Cave]
This small cave is filled with shadows, the only illumination provided by a dim ray of light that peeks through an opening in the southern wall. In the cave's center is a fire pit, its rim ringed with a number of scorched rocks. Overhead, a multitude of designs cover the walls and ceiling, incised upon the rock with rich earth tones. Noticeable by its lack of ornamentation is a small silhouette on the east wall, the crevice about the size of a halfling. Dense shadows cloak the back of the cave. You also see a pile of firewood.
Obvious exits: out
[Ice Cave]
The tunnel is narrow and rough, its sides pocked and notched. Sharp protrusions and angry-looking gouges mark every twist of its tortuous progress. The wounds in the rock look recent. Since the corridor meanders in such a haphazard squiggle, little light penetrates from either end. Most noticeable, though, is the silence. The wind's constant dirge finds no admittance here.
Obvious exits: northwest, out
[Chamber of the Dead]
The corridor widens into a chamber that is bare except for an object in its center, a sarcophagus made entirely of ice. The panels forming its walls are cloudy and striated with swirls and variegations. Although the chamber is austere, designs cover walls and ceiling on every side, a veritable riot of color and form all possessing a striking sense of movement and vitality. The playfulness of the renderings lends the somber form in the cold, icebound bed a sense of joyful transfiguration.
Obvious exits: out
In the ice sarcophagus:
other (1): the body of a halfling.
The body of a male halfling lies in peaceful repose, his silky beard flowing down his chest and tattooed arms crossed over that. On the corpse's face, you can still discern a somewhat mixed expression. It appears to be less than a happy demeanor, but still resigned to a fate that can never be changed. The body's hands are lightly clasped around each other, gently cradling an emerald falcon pin as though it were a fragile and precious egg.
[The Shore of Dreams - 7924] - and surrounding rooms
Fel and pine trees crowd close to the shore of an almost perfectly clear pool. A low wall crafted from bright blue Liabo marble surrounds the tiny pond, encircling it in a loving embrace. The gleaming surface of the water is disturbed only by concentric rings drifting away from the waterfall lazily spilling down from an outcropping of rocks overhead. Though the shadows are deep here, an occasional beam of light pierces the darkness, illuminating the vivid colors surrounding you. You also see a faint path.
Obvious paths: none
[North Shore, Bay View - 27461] - parked my home here with a big picture window to enjoy the view
The coast below seems to extend out for miles. The ocean dances and sparkles as its deep waters constantly move governed only by the tides. Off in the distance ships sail slowly across the horizon.
[North Shore, Tidal Pool - 27465]
Crisp clear water swirls all around you. Schools of tiny silver-finned fish flit about through the deep waters forming the pool. The sandy sea bottom underneath is covered with bright colored shells that look close enough to touch but are down so deep that you cannot reach them. You also see the shore.
Obvious paths: none
Mist Harbor:
[Saewehna Jungle, Tree Limb - 27124]
A particularly large limb extending from the trunk of the tree provides a comfortable perch to settle upon and observe the vast expanse of jungle both below and before it. Enshrouded by the rest of the majestic being's vine-tangled limbs, the area is bestowed a reprieve from the heat by rustling leaves. The whisper of the wind blowing through the secluded retreat is the sole interruption to the ever-present sounds of wildlife. You also see a cluster of vines leading downward.
Obvious paths: none
An excitedly chattering spider monkey spies you from its branch, and tosses a soft piece of fruit, which splatters against the limb. It lets out a screech of what sounds like laughter, and disappears into the canopy afterwards.
[Saewehna Jungle, Lagoon - 27093]
A vast lagoon of brilliant blue depths stretches out before the tumble of water rushing down from the plateaus above. The bi-level falls are surprisingly quiet as the water cascades from its lowest outcropping to feed the pool, and the ripple of the liquid curtain only partially conceals the shadows of a cave beneath the ledge. Plumes of mist rise into the air constantly, casting glistening dew upon everything within close proximity. You also see a narrow footpath leading to a small clearing.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, southwest
[Saewehna Jungle, Coast - 27113]
The vibrant plants and trees of the jungle provide an exotic background to the expanse of sand surrendering to the ocean's grasp as its foamy waves rush forth and retreat rhythmically on the shoreline. A flock of pelicans gather upon a large boulder, only moving from their resting place to dive into the water and retrieve fish in their large gullets before returning to their perch. Collections of seaweed cling to the debris cluttering the beach, and the cry of seagulls accompanies the crash of waves. You also see a steeply ascending path.
Obvious paths: southwest
Cloud Forest has some great room descriptions and ambients too. Basically all of Mist Harbor is my fave place in GS.
Thanks guys, this is great! lets keep it going.
08-16-2019, 10:47 AM
[Methais's Home, Game Room - 22077]
A large table fills nearly half the room. Sitting on the table is a detailed model of Teras Isle. The town of Kharam-Dzu, the Fhorian Village, a volcano and lava flows--complete with club-wielding pyrothags--fills the tabletop. At the far end of the table you can see a small ferry leading from the town to the Kiramon mines, and even a few miniature Kiramon poised near the mine entrance. Winding its way across the landscape is what appears to be some sort of racetrack. You also see a mithril pull chain, a polished haon door and a small sideboard with a heap of popcorn housed in a large glass case on it.
Obvious exits: none
>l racetrack
The model of Teras Isle and the racetrack look dull and lifeless.
>pull chain
You give the mithril chain a sharp tug, and a sparkling ripple of mana erupts at the center of the model and spreads outward. As it passes, the colors of the miniature buildings and plants appear more vibrant, and the tiny figures of the island's inhabitants begin to move...
You release the pull chain, and a shrill whistle signals the beginning of the race! The six racers scurry out, nearly trampling each other as they make a mad dash for the small mine carts at the mouth of the Kiramon Mine, the first part of this grueling race around the track! Place your bets!
The racers clamber into their carts and take off! Approaching a narrow run in the track, the polka-dotted kobold slows his cart to squeeze through. But upon being bumped in the rear from a fellow racer, he is thrown against the far wall, smacking his head on the stone and knocking him unconscious! He's out of the race!
Completing the first section of the race, the racers hop out of their carts and board the ferry! After a few moments, they arrive at the dock, and the race continues into the town of Kharam-Dzu!
The speckled troll sneaks off from the rest of the group, deciding to try and take a shortcut. Dashing down the dark alley, he loses track of where he is. Moments later he exits the shadows to find himself running up the gangplank of the Glaesen Star! After realizing his mistake, he turns around and runs back the way he came, but it's too late! The gangplank is pulled away and the ship departs from the dock before he can get off. So much for THAT idea!
Running along the track at a brisk pace, the well-rounded halfling comes to a sudden stop as she sees what appears to be a tart vendor! "Tartsh! Git yer fresh tartsh!" Unable to resist, the halfling stops to buy one, when suddenly, the vendor throws all his stuff at her and sends her crashing to the ground. The vendor takes off, yelling, "I'se smarted you out!" It was that cheating hobgoblin all along!
Emerging from the town, the remaining racers head down the track and are soon running through the environs of the Fhorian Village!
The striped orc takes a sudden lead over the others, only to stumble upon a firethorn shoot, which quickly drags him to the ground...directly into several long thorny vines, making quick work of him! There goes *his* lead!
The blue rolton falls behind in the race as he stops to munch on an irresistable patch of grass growing alongside the track.
Leaving the village behind, the surviving racers quickly cross the intervening terrain and enter the Lava Flows!
Straying a little too close to one of the pyrothags, the muddy hobgoblin finds out exactly why the locals call their clubs massive, as he is smashed by the club and sent up high into the air! He comes crashing back down to the ground with a loud *THUD*! You could swear you see stars circling his head as he lies there, obviously knocked silly and unable to continue the race.
>l race
You watch the remaining two survivors, red-lit as they run alongside streams of molten lava!
Following the course of the track, the two surviving racers climb above the Lava Flows and ascend the outer cone of the volcano!
The remaining two racer's make a dead sprint up the volcano and the finish of the race! Focusing a little too intently on his goal, the blue rolton runs right into a fire mage! His final sight consists of a scorching ball of fire headed directly for him, as he quickly becomes a pile of ashes!
The well-rounded halfling, being the only one left, lets out several squeaks of joy! She then pulls out a small blanket and works on a picnic setting. Sitting down to enjoy a post-victory snack, she mutters, "All that running sure builds an appetite!"
>pull chain
You give the mithril chain a sharp tug, and a sparkling ripple of mana erupts at the center of the model and spreads outward. As it passes, the colors of the miniature buildings and plants appear more vibrant, and the tiny figures of the island's inhabitants begin to move...
You release the pull chain, and a shrill whistle signals the beginning of the race! The six racers scurry out, nearly trampling each other as they make a mad dash for the small mine carts at the mouth of the Kiramon Mine, the first part of this grueling race around the track! Place your bets!
The racers clamber into their carts and take off! Approaching a narrow run in the track, the speckled troll slows his cart to squeeze through. But upon being bumped in the rear from a fellow racer, he is thrown against the far wall, smacking his head on the stone and knocking him unconscious! He's out of the race!
Completing the first section of the race, the racers hop out of their carts and board the ferry! After a few moments, they arrive at the dock, and the race continues into the town of Kharam-Dzu!
The blue rolton sneaks off from the rest of the group, deciding to try and take a shortcut. Dashing down the dark alley, he loses track of where he is. Moments later he exits the shadows to find himself running up the gangplank of the Glaesen Star! After realizing his mistake, he turns around and runs back the way he came, but it's too late! The gangplank is pulled away and the ship departs from the dock before he can get off. So much for THAT idea!
"Whoa! Be's you a deety?" the striped orc asks Methais as he catches sight of your features looming above the terrain. "I'z promisk I'z make a shrine fer ya if ya helpz me win dis race. Honest. Whatcher name anywayz?" Then, blinking and shaking his head as if disbelieving his own senses, he returns his attention to his immediate surroundings.
Emerging from the town, the remaining racers head down the track and are soon running through the environs of the Fhorian Village!
Gaining ground during this part of the race, the muddy hobgoblin gets a little too careless rushing through the village and is grabbed by a mud wasp! The wasp carries him off of the track and into a small nest nearby, and you hear the loud buzzing sounds of the nest residents enjoying a hearty meal!
Leaving the village behind, the surviving racers quickly cross the intervening terrain and enter the Lava Flows!
Straying a little too close to one of the pyrothags, the striped orc finds out exactly why the locals call their clubs massive, as he is smashed by the club and sent up high into the air! He comes crashing back down to the ground with a loud *THUD*! You could swear you see stars circling his head as he lies there, obviously knocked silly and unable to continue the race.
Following the course of the track, the two surviving racers climb above the Lava Flows and ascend the outer cone of the volcano!
Both of the remaining racers' eyes gleam from knowing their chances of winning are now alot higher, and they make a mad dash up the volcano! Suddenly, the well-rounded halfling is no longer worried about winning, but rather how to escape from the red tsark who has just grabbed her and drug her off into a nearby cavern, as her opponent sprints for the finish!
The polka-dotted kobold, realizing he can't lose without any opponents left, starts jumping up and down in delight yelling, "I'se did it maw! I'se wun da rase!" He begins to do a victory dance, but stumbles over his own feet and falls directly into the mouth of the volcano! Poor fella, he had so much going for him.
>pull chain
You give the mithril chain a sharp tug, and a sparkling ripple of mana erupts at the center of the model and spreads outward. As it passes, the colors of the miniature buildings and plants appear more vibrant, and the tiny figures of the island's inhabitants begin to move...
As you release the chain, the contestants make a mad dash out of the gates, running like mad for the mine carts at the mouth of the Kiramon Mine! And the race is on!
In a mad dash toward the mine carts, the blue rolton is trampled under the weight of his fellow racers! You can't help but feel sorry for the poor thing, as you know his racing days are pretty much over.
The rest of the racers climb into their carts and release the brake levers! They're off!
Completing the first section of the race, the racers hop out of their carts and board the ferry! After a few moments, they arrive at the dock, and the race continues into the town of Kharam-Dzu!
As the race continues, you hear somebody yell "Chase! Invasion! MINE!!!!!", then a nameless figure proceeds to split the speckled troll's head open with a sword, dancing around the room and screaming like an idiot! One of the other racers glances at the person and mutters, "Stoopid noobey!" before continuing with the race.
As the well-rounded halfling crests a rise, she catches sight of the edge of the tabletop and hauls up short! "I knew it! The world is flat and the edge is closer than most people think!" she states with a concerned frown. Then, seeming to forget all about the matter, she resumes the race.
Emerging from the town, the remaining racers head down the track and are soon running through the environs of the Fhorian Village!
The muddy hobgoblin takes a sudden lead over the others, only to stumble upon a firethorn shoot, which quickly drags him to the ground...directly into several long thorny vines, making quick work of him! There goes *his* lead!
Leaving the village behind, the surviving racers quickly cross the intervening terrain and enter the Lava Flows!
Straying a little too close to one of the pyrothags, the well-rounded halfling finds out exactly why the locals call their clubs massive, as she is smashed by the club and sent up high into the air! She comes crashing back down to the ground with a loud *THUD*! You could swear you see stars circling her head as she lies there, obviously knocked silly and unable to continue the race.
Following the course of the track, the two surviving racers climb above the Lava Flows and ascend the outer cone of the volcano!
The remaining two racer's make a dead sprint up the volcano and the finish of the race! Focusing a little too intently on his goal, the striped orc runs right into a fire mage! His final sight consists of a scorching ball of fire headed directly for him, as he quickly becomes a pile of ashes!
You feel a soft pulse in the essence around you.
The polka-dotted kobold, realizing he can't lose without any opponents left, starts jumping up and down in delight yelling, "I'se did it maw! I'se wun da rase!" He begins to do a victory dance, but stumbles over his own feet and falls directly into the mouth of the volcano! Poor fella, he had so much going for him.
And 4872304239 other possible results and messages.
Useless bug if you LOOK at the track after pulling the chain but before the race begins:
>pull chain
>l racetrack
You're seeing something you shouldn't. Please contact a GM. <Mode is unknown>
As you release the chain, the contestants make a mad dash out of the gates, running like mad for the mine carts at the mouth of the Kiramon Mine! And the race is on!
House is always open, has a bunch of other shit to fuck around with. Room 1466 in Solhaven > go door
Being the only racer remaining, the muddy hobgoblin lets out a snicker and taps himself on the chest, "Me wun cause me da smartest!" He then turns and walks off.
I always found this area to be interesting and creepy:
[Ice Cave]
This small cave is filled with shadows, the only illumination provided by a dim ray of light that peeks through an opening in the southern wall. In the cave's center is a fire pit, its rim ringed with a number of scorched rocks. Overhead, a multitude of designs cover the walls and ceiling, incised upon the rock with rich earth tones. Noticeable by its lack of ornamentation is a small silhouette on the east wall, the crevice about the size of a halfling. Dense shadows cloak the back of the cave. You also see a pile of firewood.
Obvious exits: out
[Ice Cave]
The tunnel is narrow and rough, its sides pocked and notched. Sharp protrusions and angry-looking gouges mark every twist of its tortuous progress. The wounds in the rock look recent. Since the corridor meanders in such a haphazard squiggle, little light penetrates from either end. Most noticeable, though, is the silence. The wind's constant dirge finds no admittance here.
Obvious exits: northwest, out
[Chamber of the Dead]
The corridor widens into a chamber that is bare except for an object in its center, a sarcophagus made entirely of ice. The panels forming its walls are cloudy and striated with swirls and variegations. Although the chamber is austere, designs cover walls and ceiling on every side, a veritable riot of color and form all possessing a striking sense of movement and vitality. The playfulness of the renderings lends the somber form in the cold, icebound bed a sense of joyful transfiguration.
Obvious exits: out
In the ice sarcophagus:
other (1): the body of a halfling.
The body of a male halfling lies in peaceful repose, his silky beard flowing down his chest and tattooed arms crossed over that. On the corpse's face, you can still discern a somewhat mixed expression. It appears to be less than a happy demeanor, but still resigned to a fate that can never be changed. The body's hands are lightly clasped around each other, gently cradling an emerald falcon pin as though it were a fragile and precious egg.
True story, I think, in probably 1996 I totally cybered in that cave with some chick (allegedly). Oh to be 15 again.
Not so beautiful now is it?
08-16-2019, 04:19 PM
True story, I think, in probably 1996 I totally cybered in that cave with some chick (allegedly). Oh to be 15 again.
Not so beautiful now is it?
In the ice sarcophagus:
other (1): the body of a halfling.
That's her isn't it?
08-16-2019, 04:43 PM
There is a sex dungeon in Ta'Illistim. I forgot exactly where.
08-16-2019, 05:52 PM
There is a sex dungeon in Ta'Illistim. I forgot exactly where.
Temple district? Or am I thinking of Sol?
08-16-2019, 05:58 PM
Temple district? Or am I thinking of Sol?
You're thinking of Solhaven. It is outside Ta'Illistim. You have to be converted to Mularos to get in. You can chain people to walls and stuff.
08-16-2019, 06:08 PM
You're thinking of Solhaven. It is outside Ta'Illistim. You have to be converted to Mularos to get in. You can chain people to walls and stuff.
Oh. Right then.
08-16-2019, 06:32 PM
You're thinking of Solhaven. It is outside Ta'Illistim. You have to be converted to Mularos to get in. You can chain people to walls and stuff.
I knew that somewhere there had to be a reason why I chose Mularos for my cleric... It just took a few years for some one to tell me what it was.
[Arboretum, Memory Boulder - 14875]
Statuesque deciduous trees of several varieties are scattered to either side of the wide dirt path, while lush green grass carpets the ground in between the leafy giants, creating an inviting park-like setting. The silvery glow of moonlight filters through branches overhead, illuminating a small granite boulder with a green marble plaque set into it.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
>read plaque
In the Elven language, it reads:
I hear your musical laugh as the brook rushes over stones...
I sense your strength in the solid feel of rock under my hand...
I hear your quiet whisper as the wind soughs through the leaves...
I see your graceful movements as the boughs of a willow sway...
I feel your soft touch as the warm breeze caresses my face...
I see your sparkling eyes as the sun glints off the blue waters...
...and I remember.
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