08-09-2019, 02:40 AM
1|a red garnet studded copper armband|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; holy item; spell from spirit sphere with 14 charges; the spell is Prayer of Protection; -303; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Blunt Weapons RANKS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Combat Maneuvers RANKS (4 trains); several charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
2|a glittering white starstone armband|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; spell from arcane sphere with 6 charges; the spell is Mystic Focus; -1711; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Magic Item Use RANKS (5 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Constitution BONUS (4 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|100k
3|a cushion-cut star emerald armband|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Picking Locks RANKS (7 trains); ENHANCIVE: +4 to Max Health (7 trains); more than your average giantman could count charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k
4|a jade-inlaid copper band|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; spell from spirit sphere with 20 charges; Wizard Empowerable (not actually rechargeable) for additioanal 613 charges; the spell is Head Repair; -1104; ENHANCIVE: +6 to Max Stamina (21 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
5|a malachite-set mithril band|less than 1 pound; holy item; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Armor Use RANKS (6 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Spiritual Lore - Blessings RANKS (17 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
6|a princess-cut fire opal band|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +3 to First Aid RANKS (14 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Mental Lore - Transformation RANKS (17 trains); one charge; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k
7|a delicate star sapphire barrette|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +3 to Edged Weapons BONUS (6 trains); more than your average giantman could count charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|200k coldd sold
8|studded ora barrette|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; Wizard Empowerable (not actually rechargeable) for additioanal 127 charges; the spell is Mass Elemental Defense; -419; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Swimming RANKS (3 trains); several charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|100k
9|silver barrette|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; Wizard Empowerable (not actually rechargeable) for additioanal 338 charges; the spell is Eye Spy; -707; ENHANCIVE: +5 to Magic Item Use BONUS (20 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|mobius1 100k SOLD
10|a pear-cut amethyst bracer|less than 1 pound; Jewelry; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Arcane Symbols RANKS (14 trains); ENHANCIVE: +3 to Physical Fitness RANKS (14 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles|100k
11|a tear-cut white sunstone bracer|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Elemental Lore - Air RANKS (6 trains); a huge number of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k
12|an agate-inset pewter brooch|less than 1 pound; Jewelry; ENHANCIVE: +8 to Swimming BONUS (12 trains); ENHANCIVE: +4 to Two Weapon Combat BONUS (10 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it persists|125k SOLD jhsu
13|an etched mithril brooch|less than 1 pound; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Shield Use RANKS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Edged Weapons RANKS (4 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Survival RANKS (7 trains); a fair amount of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k Palcron sold
14|a chased gold brooch|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +3 to Climbing RANKS (6 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|100k
15|an aquamarine studded bronze brooch|less than 1 pound; Jewelry; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Dexterity BONUS (4 trains); ENHANCIVE: +3 to Influence BONUS (14 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it persists!|300k nocturnix sold
16|a chiseled chrysoberyl buckle|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; Wizard Empowerable (not actually rechargeable) for additioanal 247 charges; the spell is UnPoison; -114; ENHANCIVE: +5 to Physical Fitness BONUS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Blunt Weapons BONUS (3 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|120k doomsday sold
17|an oval-cut dragonfire opal buckle|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Wisdom BONUS (18 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Trading RANKS (7 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Edged Weapons RANKS (4 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k tsalin sold
18|a bejewelled platinum buckle|less than 1 pound; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Ranged Weapons BONUS (3 trains); ENHANCIVE: +4 to Stalking and Hiding BONUS (7 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Agility BONUS (11 trains); several charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|400k nocturnix sold
19|a filigreed silver buckle|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +3 to Two Weapon Combat RANKS (20 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
20|a lapis lazuli studded copper circlet|less than 1 pound; Jewelry; ENHANCIVE: +4 to Influence Base (7 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Sorcerous Lore - Demonology BONUS (2 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Spell Aiming BONUS (3 trains); a huge number of charges; on enhancive it crumbles|100k
21|a copper and star emerald clasp|less than 1 pound; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Intuition BONUS (7 trains); more than your average giantman could count charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k nocturnix sold
22|a petal-cut emerald clasp|less than 1 pound; the spell is Brace; -1214; ENHANCIVE: +4 to Swimming RANKS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Two-Handed Weapons RANKS (10 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k
23|a carved amber clasp|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Discipline BONUS (4 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Thrown Weapons RANKS (4 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|100k
24|a star sapphire studded bronze clasp|less than 1 pound; holy item; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Spiritual Lore - Blessings RANKS (6 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Spirit Mana Control RANKS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Spiritual Lore - Religion RANKS (17 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Max Stamina (1 trains); a fair amount of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
25|a starstone inset eonake crown|2 pounds; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +4 to Spirit Mana Control BONUS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Mana Recovery (4 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
1|a red garnet studded copper armband|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; holy item; spell from spirit sphere with 14 charges; the spell is Prayer of Protection; -303; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Blunt Weapons RANKS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Combat Maneuvers RANKS (4 trains); several charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
2|a glittering white starstone armband|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; spell from arcane sphere with 6 charges; the spell is Mystic Focus; -1711; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Magic Item Use RANKS (5 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Constitution BONUS (4 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|100k
3|a cushion-cut star emerald armband|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Picking Locks RANKS (7 trains); ENHANCIVE: +4 to Max Health (7 trains); more than your average giantman could count charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k
4|a jade-inlaid copper band|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; spell from spirit sphere with 20 charges; Wizard Empowerable (not actually rechargeable) for additioanal 613 charges; the spell is Head Repair; -1104; ENHANCIVE: +6 to Max Stamina (21 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
5|a malachite-set mithril band|less than 1 pound; holy item; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Armor Use RANKS (6 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Spiritual Lore - Blessings RANKS (17 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
6|a princess-cut fire opal band|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +3 to First Aid RANKS (14 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Mental Lore - Transformation RANKS (17 trains); one charge; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k
7|a delicate star sapphire barrette|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +3 to Edged Weapons BONUS (6 trains); more than your average giantman could count charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|200k coldd sold
8|studded ora barrette|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; Wizard Empowerable (not actually rechargeable) for additioanal 127 charges; the spell is Mass Elemental Defense; -419; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Swimming RANKS (3 trains); several charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|100k
9|silver barrette|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; Wizard Empowerable (not actually rechargeable) for additioanal 338 charges; the spell is Eye Spy; -707; ENHANCIVE: +5 to Magic Item Use BONUS (20 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|mobius1 100k SOLD
10|a pear-cut amethyst bracer|less than 1 pound; Jewelry; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Arcane Symbols RANKS (14 trains); ENHANCIVE: +3 to Physical Fitness RANKS (14 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles|100k
11|a tear-cut white sunstone bracer|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Elemental Lore - Air RANKS (6 trains); a huge number of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k
12|an agate-inset pewter brooch|less than 1 pound; Jewelry; ENHANCIVE: +8 to Swimming BONUS (12 trains); ENHANCIVE: +4 to Two Weapon Combat BONUS (10 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it persists|125k SOLD jhsu
13|an etched mithril brooch|less than 1 pound; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Shield Use RANKS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Edged Weapons RANKS (4 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Survival RANKS (7 trains); a fair amount of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k Palcron sold
14|a chased gold brooch|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +3 to Climbing RANKS (6 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|100k
15|an aquamarine studded bronze brooch|less than 1 pound; Jewelry; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Dexterity BONUS (4 trains); ENHANCIVE: +3 to Influence BONUS (14 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it persists!|300k nocturnix sold
16|a chiseled chrysoberyl buckle|less than 1 pound; mage-rechargeable; Wizard Empowerable (not actually rechargeable) for additioanal 247 charges; the spell is UnPoison; -114; ENHANCIVE: +5 to Physical Fitness BONUS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Blunt Weapons BONUS (3 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|120k doomsday sold
17|an oval-cut dragonfire opal buckle|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Wisdom BONUS (18 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Trading RANKS (7 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Edged Weapons RANKS (4 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k tsalin sold
18|a bejewelled platinum buckle|less than 1 pound; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Ranged Weapons BONUS (3 trains); ENHANCIVE: +4 to Stalking and Hiding BONUS (7 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Agility BONUS (11 trains); several charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|400k nocturnix sold
19|a filigreed silver buckle|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +3 to Two Weapon Combat RANKS (20 trains); quite a few charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
20|a lapis lazuli studded copper circlet|less than 1 pound; Jewelry; ENHANCIVE: +4 to Influence Base (7 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Sorcerous Lore - Demonology BONUS (2 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Spell Aiming BONUS (3 trains); a huge number of charges; on enhancive it crumbles|100k
21|a copper and star emerald clasp|less than 1 pound; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +2 to Intuition BONUS (7 trains); more than your average giantman could count charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k nocturnix sold
22|a petal-cut emerald clasp|less than 1 pound; the spell is Brace; -1214; ENHANCIVE: +4 to Swimming RANKS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Two-Handed Weapons RANKS (10 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it crumbles|100k
23|a carved amber clasp|less than 1 pound; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Discipline BONUS (4 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Thrown Weapons RANKS (4 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it persists; on magic it persists|100k
24|a star sapphire studded bronze clasp|less than 1 pound; holy item; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +1 to Spiritual Lore - Blessings RANKS (6 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Spirit Mana Control RANKS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +2 to Spiritual Lore - Religion RANKS (17 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Max Stamina (1 trains); a fair amount of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k
25|a starstone inset eonake crown|2 pounds; mage rechargeable; imbeddible average amount; re-imbeddible; ENHANCIVE: +4 to Spirit Mana Control BONUS (10 trains); ENHANCIVE: +1 to Mana Recovery (4 trains); a lot of charges; on enhancive it crumbles; on magic it persists|100k