View Full Version : Another Dreanor Cleanout

08-02-2019, 07:08 PM
Have some legal salvage here from my latest stint on the high seas. First come, first serve. Post here or DM ReverendCatch#2945 on official discord for faster service. I'm on Lich as well.

Attuning Spidersilk Cloaks, 1m/ea

a soft crimson spidersilk cloak edged with black velvet trim
a jet black spidersilk cloak edged with silver silk trim SOLD

a sparkling greenish flasket, drink to permanently change your eye color 1m
>analyze my flasket
You analyze your greenish flasket and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
A sparkling greenish flasket will permanently change your features. When drunk, and will change your eyes to sparkling acantha green eyes.

a gold and crimson silk cloak, morphing container (2/4 unlocks), holds significant (can be futher light/deep): 750k SOLD

Currently it morphs into "a gold-edged crimson leather backpack"

a dark crimson velvet atanika trimmed with pale ermine, armor concealer (soft, rigid, chain, plate over torso, arms, legs), 500k SOLD

a shadowy myrtle green silk velvet corset, Vanishing Point Gown (0/1) (https://gswiki.play.net/Vanishing_Point), 500k SOLD

a symbol of silver and black marble shaped like a crescent moon, chrism holder (https://gswiki.play.net/Chrism_holder), 250k SOLD

a filth-stained burlap sack fringed with various talons, Pelt Bag (https://gswiki.play.net/Pelt_Bag), Tier 1, 250k SOLD

Super Secure Gem Pouches (https://gswiki.play.net/Super_Secure_Gem_Pouch, not unlocked, OTS basically), 250k/ea

a lace-trimmed pink gem pouch SOLD
a black velvet drawstring gem pouch SOLD
an ebon silk drawstring pouch SOLD
a gem-encrusted drawstring pouch SOLD

a set of two grey-throated mulberry orchids, hair altering flowers, push for 4 different hairstyles, 100k SOLD

a pair of fingerless black leather gloves with suede palm pads, worn over hands, functional, 50k SOLD
a pair of thick steel-studded leather gloves, Enhancive, +1 Blunt Weapon Bonus, functional hand worn, 100k
a pair of dark grey silk gloves lined with silvery satin, 25k
a pair of ivory silk gloves with ruby buttons, Dramatic/Haughty gloves (zesty), non-functional hand worn, 100k SOLD
a diaphanous ivory scarf, waist worn, non-functional, 25k
an ash grey jaquard cloak clasped with a moonstone butterfly, holds significant, can be further light/deep, weighs ~6, 250k

a crimson glaes armband covered in Saramar runes, functional arm worn (covers tattoos), 25k
a brushed silver armband inlaid with a rough-cut ruby, functional arm worn (covers tattoos), 25k
a pair of platinum armbands set with moonstones, functional arm worn (covers tattoos), 25k

a wristchain of delicate pearls strung on gold links, wrist worn, functional, zested (rub, tilt.. perhaps more), 50k SOLD
a set of thin moonstone bracelets, wrist worn, functional, zested (rub, tilt, etc), 50k
an antique vaalin wedding band, 25k
a silver half-moon choker, neckworn non-functional, 25k
a braided-gold friendship ring, finger worn non-functional, 25k
a gold oval locket with empty jewel sockets, made of gold, holds VSA 1 item, neckworn... mystery item otherwise. 25k

an herb-etched faenor flagon, white flask container, 25k

some ora-laced white leather boots, small pocket for 1 item, 50k

a drawstring dark blue silk pouch, can insert a gem to change it's look, medium amount, belt worn, 100k SOLD

a crimson pyrothag hide thigh sheath inlaid with white opals, attaches to legs, functional, small amount/1 item, 100k

Paintings, 50k/ea

You remove an ivy-bordered oak-framed painting from in a deep chest.
>look my paint
A matronly elven woman lies on her stomach, her left elbow propping her up, her right hand extended in the fluttering motion she is in the midst of making with her hand. There, alighting on just the tips of her fingers, a bright bluebird perches, and the elf seems caught in conversation with it. Soft brushstrokes form the grass below her, each blade leaning toward the elf, and forest tree roots jut out of the ground to curl up around her ankles, as if she is a natural part of the outdoor surroundings.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read my paint
In the Common language, it reads:
Sharyth Ardenai, At Home ~ Eilucia

You remove a pearl-framed painting from in a deep chest.
>look my paint
With one foot on the sandy shore, another in a small dinghy, a well-tanned elf stoops in front of the background of open sea, where a dozen ships are anchored, their masses filled with cargo and sailors. The subject is bending over, using one hand to spar with an agitated crab, though his gaze is fixated on the sea, his expression filled with vigorous energy, excitement, and a hint of longing. Water already nearly covers the figure's land-bound foot, as if the sea cannot wait to take him into her bosom.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read my paint
In the Common language, it reads:
Bhoreas Ashrim, Summoned to the Sea ~ Eilucia

08-02-2019, 08:58 PM
I'll take the following:
a filth-stained burlap sack fringed with various talons, Pelt Bag (https://gswiki.play.net/Pelt_Bag), Tier 1, 250k
a lace-trimmed pink gem pouch 250k
an ebon silk drawstring pouch 250k
a wristchain of delicate pearls strung on gold links, wrist worn, functional, zested (rub, tilt.. perhaps more), 50k
a pair of fingerless black leather gloves with suede palm pads, worn over hands, functional, 50k

08-02-2019, 09:36 PM
I'll take the black velvet drawstring gem pouch

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08-02-2019, 10:06 PM
I'll take the gem-encrusted drawstring pouch.

08-03-2019, 09:28 AM
I'll take a drawstring dark blue silk pouch.

08-04-2019, 11:49 AM
Everyone's been services so far and the items marked sold.

08-05-2019, 09:34 PM
Aaaand bump. Feel free to PM me offers if the prices are prohibitive.

08-08-2019, 11:44 AM
Bump, added analyze details for the flasket since people have been asking (sorry I didn't do that sooner!)

Marked some items as pending, as well, so new folks know what's still available or awaiting pickup. If it gets sold, or falls through, I will update promptly.