View Full Version : Garden Cottage (God Auction Landing House)

03-08-2005, 06:51 PM
Decided to throw the Garden Cottage up on the market to see if anyone is interested in possibly one of the best located houses in the lands.

It is located south, east, go path from Frith's Inn.

Comes with a chased-silver key on a long silver chain, which is PIN worn. Used to get into the house.

[Wehnimer's, Courtyard]
A small courtyard is bordered on all sides by a high wooden wall. Ivy covers much of it, the dark green leaves creating a dense cover which blocks out almost all of the noise from Wehnimer's busy streets. Flagstones are set into a path passing under a lattice arch, which offers an avenue out of the picturesque enclosure. You also see a wooden gate framed by a high wall covered with ivy.
Obvious paths: none

>unlock gate with key
You hear a click as it unlocks.

>open gate
You open a wooden gate framed by a high wall covered with ivy.

>go gate
[Flagstone Terrace]
A flagstone terrace is ringed with tall trees and beds of flowers, each competing to outshine the others with an abundance of blooms. The walk meanders, from the tall wall with its inset gate, to a shingle-clad cottage. The dwelling is settled into its array of gardens like a jewel, the trees overhead dappling its curved roofline with shade and keeping the interior cool and comfortable. A green door opens into the cottage. You also see a wooden gate framed by a high wall covered with ivy and a rent box.
Obvious paths: none

>go door
[Garden Cottage]
The walls of the cottage seem to be a welcoming shade of green at first glance. Then, curiously, as if the light streaming into the expansive windows has changed at the whim of a drifting cloud, the walls shift in tone and appear more of a rich shade of blue than green. A hand-painted mural covers the entire back wall. Against a wall sits a credenza, framed by windows which offer a view of the gardens and trees outside. You also see a carved teak credenza with some stuff on it and a hall leading to the back of the cottage.
Obvious exits: none

>l on cred
On the teak credenza you see a hearty roast boar sandwich and a stein of frothy ale.

>go hall
[Garden Cottage, Bedroom]
The bedroom is furnished with a comfortable-sized bed crafted of bleached wood. A thick blanket covers the bed, woven of soft lambs wool. White linen curtains billow gracefully at the open windows in the pleasant breeze, carrying in the clean smell of a stand of pines outside the room. A trunk sits at the bed's foot, placed so that it doesn't obstruct the idyllic woodland scene woven into a wool rug covering the plank floor. You also see a hall leading into the front of the cottage.
Obvious exits: none

>tap trunk
You tap a large teak trunk.
>unlock trunk with key
You hear a soft click as it unlocks.
>open trunk
You open a large teak trunk.
>l in trunk
In the teak trunk you see a stein of dark ale, a stein of dark ale, and a stein of dark ale.

*** Trunk has never been filled to my knowledge, and could very well be unlimited space.

>close trunk
You close a large teak trunk.

>lock trunk with key
You hear a soft click as it locks.

*** There are also a few scripts involved with lying down on the bed.

>go hall
[Garden Cottage]
The walls of the cottage seem to be a welcoming shade of green at first glance. Then, curiously, as if the light streaming into the expansive windows has changed at the whim of a drifting cloud, the walls shift in tone and appear more of a rich shade of blue than green. A hand-painted mural covers the entire back wall. Against a wall sits a credenza, framed by windows which offer a view of the gardens and trees outside. You also see a carved teak credenza with some stuff on it and a hall leading to the back of the cottage.
Obvious exits: none

>go door
[Flagstone Terrace]
A flagstone terrace is ringed with tall trees and beds of flowers, each competing to outshine the others with an abundance of blooms. The walk meanders, from the tall wall with its inset gate, to a shingle-clad cottage. The dwelling is settled into its array of gardens like a jewel, the trees overhead dappling its curved roofline with shade and keeping the interior cool and comfortable. A green door opens into the cottage. You also see a wooden gate framed by a high wall covered with ivy and a rent box.
Obvious paths: none

>go gat
[Wehnimer's, Courtyard]
A small courtyard is bordered on all sides by a high wooden wall. Ivy covers much of it, the dark green leaves creating a dense cover which blocks out almost all of the noise from Wehnimer's busy streets. Flagstones are set into a path passing under a lattice arch, which offers an avenue out of the picturesque enclosure. You also see a wooden gate framed by a high wall covered with ivy.
Obvious paths: none

>close gate
You close a wooden gate framed by a high wall covered with ivy.

>lock gate with key
You hear a click as it locks.

You tap a parchment.
>read parch
/ \
| |
| / - D E E D - |
| *//////{<>==================- |
| \ Let it here be |
| known: |
| |
| This is the official deed to |
| the dwelling known as the |
| 'Garden Cottage'. |
| Find the cottage behind a gate |
| set within a high wall, on |
| Riverwind Street, |
| in the town of Wehnimer's Landing. |
| The chased-silver key |
| will duly open the gate. |
| |


Anyone interested can contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or at bubbauno on AIM.


[Edited on 3-8-2005 by bubbauno]

[Edited on 3-8-2005 by bubbauno]

03-08-2005, 07:14 PM
gambling hall idea go out the window?

03-08-2005, 08:22 PM
Thats cool

[Edited on 3-9-2005 by Mini-Spir]

03-08-2005, 08:49 PM

There were a few pins that were made that look like the cottage, went with it or something along those lines. I always fancied them - is how I even know that they exist/existed. Not sure if they had any powers to them or were just for show. Last one I saw was on Ciston. Something about a cottage pin...

03-08-2005, 08:52 PM
Yes I have the cottage pin also.

03-09-2005, 12:55 AM
Food and drink never runs out either for those asking.

03-09-2005, 09:26 AM
I love it....

Just for giggles what do you think its worth or hope to get for it?


03-11-2005, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by Amaron
I love it....

Just for giggles what do you think its worth or hope to get for it?


I am curious as well... whats the range Tsin? Not that I have the coin.

