View Full Version : Thick-corded sea-green harness

Sean of the Thread
03-08-2005, 04:28 PM
For sale

thick-corded sea-green harness
With a tug of the cord, you unknot the harness and carefully collect the richly engraved

dark lacquered scabbard and gold-inlaid dark lacquered scabbard in your hand.

wear harn
You carefully thread the harness up, taking time to test cord length to ensure just the

right position and lay of the richly engraved dark lacquered scabbard and gold-inlaid dark

lacquered scabbard against your body. With a snug jerk you finish the last knot, holding your sea-green harness firm.

rub harness
You run your fingers along the sea-green harness, enjoying the texture of your richly
engraved dark lacquered scabbard and gold-inlaid dark lacquered scabbard beneath your fingers.

>tap harness
Your fingers drum your richly engraved dark lacquered scabbard idly as you wait for something to happen.

>tilt harness
You pause for a moment to tilt your richly engraved dark lacquered scabbard back and forth, watching the light play off it.

>turn harness
You adjust the sea-green harness, moving your richly engraved dark lacquered scabbard and gold-inlaid dark lacquered scabbard until they sit just right.

>pull harness
You tug a bit on your richly engraved dark lacquered scabbard, pulling it forward until
you're comfortable with its position.

>push harness
You push your gold-inlaid dark lacquered scabbard back a little, adjusting your sea-green harness in the process.

>get wak
With a nearly imperceptible movement, you neatly draw your slender vultite wakizashi from the gold-inlaid dark lacquered scabbard and bring it to a ready position.

>put wak in my harn
With a flick of the wrist, you spin your wakizashi around and smoothly slide it into the smaller gold-inlaid dark lacquered scabbard.

[Edited on 3-8-2005 by Xyelin]

03-09-2005, 12:40 AM
Guess I offer my standard offer when folks won't say what they are looking for...

1 (one) silver

