View Full Version : lead weighted gauntlets - +15 brawl bonus

07-10-2019, 03:38 PM
Selling some lead-weighted gauntlets that add +15 to brawl bonus. As a selling point these once belong to hoy, so that means they're easily worth double fair market value, similar to a Ronan alter. Cash only.

MB: $100.

07-11-2019, 09:36 AM
These are not UAC gloves I take it?

07-11-2019, 10:14 AM
If they're not UAC gloves, one would hope they don't occupy the "hand worn" slot? I have seen pin-worn gloves before...

Though, kick ambushers, brawling weapon users, and defensive brawling training would all benefit from them.

07-11-2019, 10:18 AM
Yeah, I benefit from my rogue boots, as a UAC ambusher, since I just use punch. These gloves would be great for a kicker.

07-11-2019, 12:57 PM
According to the other post about the same item, they're worn in the arm slot like greaves or arm-worn bracers.

07-11-2019, 04:21 PM
Interesting...and they aren't an armor accessory?

07-11-2019, 04:32 PM
I have a similar item that isnt an armor accessory. It's some "ancient vambrace" with AGI bonus and brawling bonus. Worn in the arm greaves location. I think aventails are just neckworn, and can be swapped with torcs and necklace type items too.

07-11-2019, 07:36 PM
I have a similar item that isnt an armor accessory. It's some "ancient vambrace" with AGI bonus and brawling bonus. Worn in the arm greaves location. I think aventails are just neckworn, and can be swapped with torcs and necklace type items too.

That just sounds like it's from the Riverboat shop at the old EG grounds. Ton of those things floating around. I have a neat altered one with spikes and flares added, that i never wear because I'm too lazy to take off my parasite host item and the slot conflicts. I can never catch Retser when he's doing worn location altering for those damn things :|
