View Full Version : Help for returning wannabe Warrior
Hey, I've been away from GS for about 5+ years and now I'm finally being able to come back.I was a ranger but I've always wanted to try a warrior out so I going to make a Half-Elf one but I need a little input from experenced people. I want him to be a 2 hander who can disarm boxes and voln fu. This is what I got so far for training...
2x-Armor (Thinking hauberk)
1xDisarm Traps
Then these when I can fit them in.
MOC-(35 ranks)
Climb-(30 ranks)
Swim-(20 ranks)
Perception-(um dunno)
I don't know if the 2Xs are possible in one training or not. I came up with this in about 10 mins and I don't have my stats together any advice is welcomed and appreciated
03-08-2005, 11:01 AM
Don't think hauberk. Think plate. If you want to disarm boxes perception is required. Disarm skill alone will not a locksmith make.
03-08-2005, 11:20 AM
be a tauren!
Originally posted by crazymage
be a tauren!
um..What's a tauren?
03-08-2005, 11:25 AM
a big cow!
Since you're on do you have any advice for my char?
03-08-2005, 12:26 PM
You can do all the things you want and 1x perception for 53/28, which is definitely doable. I don't have any experience disarming traps, but I'd want at least 2x before I messed around with it.
03-08-2005, 12:38 PM
Screw boxes. Double MO. Swing a katana.
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
You can do all the things you want and 1x perception for 53/28, which is definitely doable. I don't have any experience disarming traps, but I'd want at least 2x before I messed around with it.
ok good, Any advice for begining stats? I know STR and CON will grow fast so I can keep those a little low. Do we still roll for our stats or is there another method?
@WarriorBird- Oh They have Katanas now? Nice! I'll be getting one of those ASAP.
[Edited on 3-8-2005 by Azul]
03-08-2005, 01:13 PM
You don't roll, you start with a bank of points that you can spread over your stats. There is a max number you can have over 70 or 80. Someone will have the specifics. It's good because you can tweak your stats but bad because you can't set and auto-roller and hit that uber 680 or whatever.
03-08-2005, 02:15 PM
One thing I have to stress first: there are no unviable stat placements.
Total points available before profession bonuses are 640 (which makes 660 with profession bonuses). I always like lots of 100s at cap, other people like max TPs. It doesn't make a ton of difference either way. Generally speaking, max stats involves making things slightly more difficult early on, and max TPs involves tanking non-prime stats (in a warrior's case, mentals).
Between these two sites, you can learn everything you want to know about stat growth very quickly:
(make sure you click on GS4 Stat Growth for the second one)
As for restrictions, I'm going offhand, but I think it's only one above 90, only 4 above 70, and three? have to be below 50 (all before profession bonuses).
03-08-2005, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by crazymage
be a tauren!
Hell yea.
And what warrior disarms their own boxes? I always thought they just kept bashing it until it broke open or exploded.
03-08-2005, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by crazymage
be a tauren!
Hell yea.
And what warrior disarms their own boxes? I always thought they just kept bashing it until it broke open or exploded.
I do. Getting blown up gets old really fast. With 1x disarm you cant open everything you come across. Paired with 1x perception you can catch most anything youll find on your own (provided you check 3 or 4 times). Once you know your limit you disarm what you can and take what you cant to the bots.
ok I got my plan down. I should be traveling the lands tomorrow. I'll post my name later (not sure if I can get the one I want)
03-08-2005, 07:51 PM
I would train for metal breastplate and not train in MOC at all
Originally posted by theotherjohn
I would train for metal breastplate and not train in MOC at all
Yea my plan came down to either 1x Disarm Traps or 1x MOC since .5x is too little to be effective. I drop the MOC since Voln Fu, CMAN, and guild skills will keep me busy.
PS- I checked the site and metal breastplate only covers the torso. So I would have to get pieces that cover my limbs. Wouldn't that be a waste of money? What about enchantments? I doubt I can find 4x or 5x arm and leg protection.
[Edited on 3-9-2005 by Azul]
03-08-2005, 08:19 PM
Metal breastplate (and all partial armors) do not have "uncovered" areas. The areas they "do not cover" are in fact covered by the next lower Armor Group. Metal breastplate covers the torso with plate's Crit Divisor, and everything else with chain's Crit Divisor. All is covered with Plate's Damage Factor.
1x MoC is definitely not a waste, as MoC factors not only into mstrike but Force on Force defense. Without MoC, you will rapidly lose DS when being swung at multiple times. This could mean the difference between getting blood loss and minors, and minors are so bothersome.
03-08-2005, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Azul
[PS- I checked the site and metal breastplate only covers the torso. So I would have to get pieces that cover my limbs. Wouldn't that be a waste of money? What about enchantments? I doubt I can find 4x or 5x arm and leg protection.
[Edited on 3-9-2005 by Azul]
The way armor works in GS is the armor covers the area is says it covers and all other areas are one level down covered
example MBP (metal breast plate) covers torso with metal breastplate and the rest of the body is covered with chain hauberk.
only the main armor counts for enchant you can add any enchant addons such as arm and leg greaves. If you do add on items to the basic armor it moves the basic armor up in class
example MBP if you add arm, leg greaves and a helm it would then count as you wearing full plate
the reason I support MBP over full plate is that full plate has manevuer penalties
03-08-2005, 08:26 PM
It doesn't quite count as full plate if you add greaves/helm. I forget exactly, but a couple of things are different, and it's the bad things of full plate that you get, not the good things.
03-08-2005, 08:58 PM
Well, if you don't train MOC, you ought to go for aiming... which is a totally viable notion as well.
03-08-2005, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Well, if you don't train MOC, you ought to go for aiming... which is a totally viable notion as well.
no need for aiming if you swing from the open. CM covers that.
03-08-2005, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
It doesn't quite count as full plate if you add greaves/helm. I forget exactly, but a couple of things are different, and it's the bad things of full plate that you get, not the good things.
Actually, it's not bad things that you get, it's certain bonuses that you don't get that might make it not worth it to you. By adding a helm, you get fullplate coverage and the full plate RT and manuever action penalty that you'll need 140 ranks to train off. The bonuses that you don't get from this is CvA and AvD. On the other hand, there is a penalty that you don't get as well, that's the CMAN penalty as posted above.
I didn't say 1x MOC was a waste I said .5x is not enough to be effective. I didn't mean I wasn't ever going train in MoC just not for my early trainings. Same goes go Ambush I just don't have the points right now to support one of those and disarm traps. Points will free up when I train off the MBP and I'll gain a few too. From what I remember not many warriors disarmed their own boxes and I want to be different. (As much as a two hander Warrior can)
Thanks for explaning the armor thing. I knew about it but I forgot due to me being away for 5+ years.
03-10-2005, 08:55 AM
Depends on your weapon type, TOJ, at least in my experience. I was unsatisfied with my lance aiming with no ambush. Then again, there's that new perception weirdness.
03-10-2005, 12:36 PM
Then again, there's that new perception weirdness.
Perception only counts from hiding.
03-10-2005, 12:40 PM
Why only 35 ranks Moc?, just go for the 50
03-10-2005, 01:07 PM
50 ranks with THW is a bit unwieldly. And for defensive purposes, it isn't that often that a warrior will be able to fight 5 creatures at once without disabling some or being much higher level anyway.
03-10-2005, 01:08 PM
Naaaah, Morelean never had that problem.
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Metal breastplate (and all partial armors) do not have "uncovered" areas. The areas they "do not cover" are in fact covered by the next lower Armor Group. Metal breastplate covers the torso with plate's Crit Divisor, and everything else with chain's Crit Divisor. All is covered with Plate's Damage Factor.
1x MoC is definitely not a waste, as MoC factors not only into mstrike but Force on Force defense. Without MoC, you will rapidly lose DS when being swung at multiple times. This could mean the difference between getting blood loss and minors, and minors are so bothersome.
Really? Dammit now I have rethink my plan. Anyone know if .5x perception will let me be able to atleast halfway disarm boxes my age?
Is there a site with info about what MoC and other skills do? (everything noy just the descrition on the GS site)
03-10-2005, 01:52 PM
I don't know of any sites that are even semi-up-to-date. Nilandia's is a good start, though.
Also, 50 ranks doesn't do anything, offensively speaking, that 35 ranks doesn't. 55 ranks is the next step for focused, 60 for unfocused.
[Edited on 3-10-2005 by Latrinsorm]
03-10-2005, 01:58 PM
50 (55) ranks with THW is a bit unwieldly.
And for defensive purposes, it isn't that often that a warrior will be able to fight 5 creatures at once without disabling some or being much higher level anyway.
(Just gotta display adaptability...scrolls, items, or friends.)
03-11-2005, 08:07 PM
<<MOC-(35 ranks)>>
Lower this.
CON 64
STR 64
DEX 44 - Raise
AGL 44 - Raise
DIS 84
AUR 84
LOG 94 - Lower
INT 54
WIS 84 - Lower slightly
INF 44 - Lower slightly
Instead of worrying about your stats at cap, you should be worrying about how much you're going to suck until you reach cap. You especially need the extra dex/agl for twohanders.
03-13-2005, 10:41 PM
Agreed. Slow two handed swing time is the suck. Good observation.
Just wanted to update the thread. Gonna be in CoL so my Aura is a little high.
Stats at 0
Training Plan
1.5x Perception
1xFirst Aid/Survival (to atleast 20-30 ranks)
MOC-15 ranks
Climb-30 ranks
Swim-30 ranks
Arcane symbols- 10 ranks
03-16-2005, 08:48 PM
Should be quite doable. Once you hit far enough to get some guild skills behind you and some CMs, you'll be scary.
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