View Full Version : Perfects and superiors

06-25-2019, 01:07 PM
The following player-forged weapons have been put up for sale at Sixle's Outfitting in River's Rest. Visit the shop or use the SHOP command in world to purchase them!


a perfect walnut-hafted gornar handaxe (+5, earth flares): 2mil

a perfect walnut-hafted vultite morning-star (+20): 3mil

Superiors/Hefties (hefty and superior are the same quality, hefty is the default desc for weapons made by giantkin):

a hefty walnut-hafted razern handaxe (+10, 2 cer crit weighting): 30k

a superior walnut-hafted zorchar handaxe (+5, lightning flares): 10k

a superior walnut-hafted gornar handaxe (+5, earth flares): 10k

a hefty walnut-hafted kelyn handaxe (+10, 2 available): 10k

a hefty walnut-hafted vultite handaxe (+20): 30k

a hefty walnut-hafted gornar handaxe (+5, earth flares): 10k

a hefty walnut-hafted drakar handaxe (+5, fire flares, 2 available): 10k