View Full Version : I've officially decided that I'm

03-03-2005, 09:41 PM
the hottest man alive.

03-03-2005, 09:46 PM


03-03-2005, 10:10 PM

03-03-2005, 10:15 PM
....a green alien??!!


It makes sense. It EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. The obsessive compulsive need to perfect the human language into a GREEN ALIEN language. He obviously hates humanity. Bob is a traitor. A green one.

Hes trading our behavioral secrets with the aliens for shiny trophy weapons and computer games. He will be pleasantly suprised when we all die by way of HitchhikersGuide type earth-ending.


03-03-2005, 11:38 PM
Who's that Sean Doe toolbag?

03-03-2005, 11:46 PM
If you checked out the link then you'd know, if you did then why you asking me.. if not then how do you know he's a toolbag? :D

03-03-2005, 11:59 PM
He's an internet rapper\thug. I was asking why you're apparently on his "street" team

03-04-2005, 12:16 AM
"street" team.. I don't know about that, I am just trying to help him out where I can. Who is Sean Doe.. he's a friend who I want to see succeed.

03-04-2005, 02:00 AM
i'm hotter than sean doe and bob

03-04-2005, 03:22 AM
Erm.. you are neither hotter than Sean nor hotter than bob.. least bob doesn't beat his woman.

03-04-2005, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
the hottest man alive.

That certainly wasn't the conclusion on HotorNot.com


03-04-2005, 08:13 AM
... Bob got served.

03-04-2005, 11:25 AM
Bob gay Icon

03-04-2005, 01:28 PM
My theory was better/best/pwned the closet green person.

03-04-2005, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
My theory was better/best/pwned the closet green person.

Just to clarify, my post was a response, not a theory.


03-04-2005, 02:45 PM
You want this.


03-04-2005, 02:46 PM
Shit, I think the zit on your chin just fucking winked at me.

03-04-2005, 02:49 PM

03-04-2005, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol

Cut my ass.

03-04-2005, 04:44 PM
Shit ..... /pwnd.

03-04-2005, 04:45 PM
Lemme guess, you got it shaving?

HAHAHA. I crack myself up.

03-04-2005, 05:03 PM
Bob, I'm sure there's plenty of women who play Gemstone that would still sleep with you, even with the eye of Sauron on your chin.

03-04-2005, 05:15 PM
<<Lemme guess, you got it shaving?

HAHAHA. I crack myself up.>>


<<Bob, I'm sure there's plenty of women who play Gemstone that would still sleep with you, even with the eye of Sauron on your chin.>>

More like the cut of Sauron.

03-04-2005, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol

More like the cut of Sauron.

Cause you shaved the eye off.

03-04-2005, 05:20 PM
This picture shouldn't have to exist you heartless bastards.

03-04-2005, 05:26 PM
Told you retin-A works.

03-04-2005, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by longshot
Bob, I'm sure there's plenty of women who play Gemstone that would still sleep with you, even with the eye of Sauron on your chin.



03-04-2005, 07:58 PM
Proof 1 (http://www.freewebs.com/bobmuhthol/sex0r.htm)
Proof 2 (http://www.freewebs.com/bobmuhthol/pinkberries.htm)
Proof 3 (http://www.freewebs.com/bobmuhthol/hotmuch.htm)

03-04-2005, 10:20 PM
Hahaha, Jolena, that was just mean. :heart:

03-04-2005, 10:53 PM
Wow, I laughed so hard reading these posts I almost cried. What the hell were you thinking Bob?

03-04-2005, 11:52 PM

Bob is really funny.

Got another gf yet bob?

03-05-2005, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by Jolena

Originally posted by longshot
Bob, I'm sure there's plenty of women who play Gemstone that would still sleep with you, even with the eye of Sauron on your chin.




That thread makes me laugh EVERY FUCKING TIME.

God, I miss that day.

03-05-2005, 03:36 AM
I pointed it out to her, and it still makes me laugh, too. I wish I still had the AIM log of you and Artha originally finding out. Hilarious stuff.

03-05-2005, 03:39 AM
I never did see that picture.

03-05-2005, 03:47 AM
Just for kicks. The original conversation between Artha and I.

drew cantu (10:17:37 PM): BOB'S GIRLFRIEND : http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/3f87e839_fc32/bc/Yahoo!+Photo+Album/ab00.jpg?pf5ElZABmmD4CYEp
drew cantu (10:17:40 PM): HAHAHAHA
drew cantu (10:17:42 PM): NO JOKE
WTFL0LSTFU (10:18:01 PM): pfvrf.yahoo.com could not be found.
drew cantu (10:18:11 PM): no it's there
drew cantu (10:18:13 PM): i just clicked again
WTFL0LSTFU (10:18:57 PM): Not working.
drew cantu wants to directly connect (10:19:09 PM).
WTFL0LSTFU declines request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.) (10:19:10 PM).
drew cantu wants to directly connect (10:19:13 PM).
WTFL0LSTFU is now directly connected (10:19:15 PM).
drew cantu (10:19:25 PM):

(insert the picture)

drew cantu (10:19:27 PM): LOLOLOLOLZ
WTFL0LSTFU (10:19:57 PM): is that male or female?
drew cantu (10:20:02 PM): NOT SURE
drew cantu (10:20:04 PM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA
WTFL0LSTFU (10:20:18 PM): Rachel Pwnz (11:19:34 PM): WHATEVER TAYRE TELLS YOU IS A LIE.
drew cantu (10:20:24 PM): I SWEAR TO GOD
drew cantu (10:20:39 PM): Rachel Pwnz (10:12:07 PM): That picture better be SO FUCKING FAKE.
drew cantu (10:12:15 PM): who what?
Rachel Pwnz (10:12:22 PM): [OOC]-Lyia: "just gave Bob my yahoo site,. has a picture of me in it "
[OOC]-Lyia: "hehe"
Rachel Pwnz (10:12:26 PM): http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/3f87e839_fc32/bc/Yahoo!+Photo+Album/ab00.jpg?pf5ElZABmmD4CYEp
Rachel Pwnz (10:12:28 PM): sdlfhdjkhgjklcdgb
Rachel Pwnz (10:12:28 PM): fh
Rachel Pwnz (10:12:28 PM): bgf
Rachel Pwnz (10:12:28 PM): nj
Rachel Pwnz (10:12:29 PM): dghn
drew cantu (10:12:36 PM): LOL
drew cantu (10:12:37 PM): HAHAHAHAHA
drew cantu (10:13:13 PM): MMMMMMM
drew cantu (10:13:17 PM): YAY 4 BOB
Rachel Pwnz (10:13:20 PM): FUCK YOU
Rachel Pwnz (10:14:22 PM): [Private]-Emislity: "smooch, lyia is my old daughter... ."
[OOC]-Lyia: " ok, we will spend more time to get to know each other,. no dating. just friends "
[Private]-Emislity: "you should ask her for a pic...::smooch::"
drew cantu (10:14:58 PM): LOLOLOL
Rachel Pwnz (10:15:45 PM): I desperately need a kill self button.
Rachel Pwnz (10:15:57 PM): Or force-squelch so she never has to know I'm there.
drew cantu (10:16:24 PM): congratulations on making the profile
Rachel Pwnz (10:16:36 PM): Yay 4 Bob
drew cantu (10:16:44 PM): YOU GOT YOURSELF A LOOKER THERE
Rachel Pwnz (10:16:52 PM): Fuck.
Rachel Pwnz (10:16:52 PM): You.
Rachel Pwnz (10:16:53 PM): So.
Rachel Pwnz (10:16:54 PM): Much.
Rachel Pwnz (10:19:28 PM): Thank God for porn.
WTFL0LSTFU (10:21:11 PM): My stomach hurts from laughing.
drew cantu (10:21:15 PM): mine too
drew cantu (10:21:16 PM): holy shit
WTFL0LSTFU (10:22:30 PM): God, I can't stop!
drew cantu (10:22:35 PM): ROFL
drew cantu (10:22:40 PM): BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING HILARIOUS
WTFL0LSTFU (10:22:45 PM): IT IS
WTFL0LSTFU (10:22:50 PM): Poor kid.
WTFL0LSTFU (10:24:30 PM): Rachel Pwnz (11:23:09 PM): She was all, "WHAT J00 THINK?"
drew cantu (10:24:41 PM): HAHAHA
drew cantu (10:34:09 PM): Rachel Pwnz (10:33:46 PM): Dude she's older than my mom.
Rachel Pwnz (10:33:56 PM): Hell, she's older than HarmNone.
drew cantu (10:34:12 PM): HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA
drew cantu (10:34:15 PM): OOOOHHHH MYYYY GOOODDDD
drew cantu (10:35:38 PM): me too
drew cantu (10:35:40 PM): Rachel Pwnz (10:33:46 PM): Dude she's older than my mom.
Rachel Pwnz (10:33:56 PM): Hell, she's older than HarmNone.
drew cantu (10:35:43 PM): THATY'S WHY
drew cantu (10:35:45 PM): HAHAHAHA
WTFL0LSTFU (10:35:55 PM): I haven't laughed this hard since I sent this chick in my tech class to stormfront.org
drew cantu (10:36:16 PM): ROF
drew cantu (10:36:20 PM): L
WTFL0LSTFU (10:37:41 PM): My dog came in and she was all like "WTF j00 doing" and I was all like *ROFLMFAOLOLOLZ*
drew cantu (10:37:49 PM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
WTFL0LSTFU (10:57:20 PM): Finally stopped. Think I ruptured intestines.
drew cantu (10:57:27 PM): lord anticor (10:57:04 PM): Is that a fanny pack or a hip satchel for her oxygen?
WTFL0LSTFU (10:57:34 PM): hahaha
WTFL0LSTFU (10:57:44 PM): damn you, now I'm started again.
drew cantu (10:58:07 PM): lord anticor (10:57:24 PM): Could you put sound to that pic? It would be like this
lord anticor (10:57:35 PM): "Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?"
WTFL0LSTFU (10:58:23 PM): hahaha
WTFL0LSTFU (10:59:02 PM): There is nothing more heart breaking or hilarious than watching someone's reaction when they see their internet girlfriend's picture and can't figure out the gender of said girlfriend.
drew cantu (10:59:11 PM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
WTFL0LSTFU signed off at 11:05:28 PM.

03-05-2005, 03:51 AM
Oh man thanks for the reminder about bob and the old lady.... still brings laugher.

Although I have to wonder what happened to this mentality.

Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I'd rather not be an absolute jerk to someone's face. Behind their back is much more efficient.

03-05-2005, 03:52 AM
LadyLeloo (10:47:29 PM): LOL
LadyLeloo (10:47:33 PM): That looks like a man
empathtayre (10:47:36 PM): HAHAHA I KNOW
LadyLeloo (10:47:57 PM): That's horrible
LadyLeloo (10:48:57 PM): Actually that looks like half the people that go to that whole Gemstone convention
empathtayre (10:49:31 PM): LOL Yeah I know

Leloo the kind.

03-05-2005, 03:56 AM
HAHAHAHA I totally forgot about this convo. Anticor pwnz.

drew cantu (10:51:27 PM): Artha tell you?
lord anticor (10:51:48 PM): I see I've got a u2u I gotta read it real fast
lord anticor (10:52:47 PM): I got him on IM right now
drew cantu (10:52:54 PM): http://home.satx.rr.com/mycollegestuff/images/OMG.jpg
lord anticor (10:52:54 PM): So I'm getting a clue as we speak
drew cantu (10:52:55 PM): just click
drew cantu (10:52:58 PM): JUST CLIC
drew cantu (10:52:59 PM): k
drew cantu (10:53:01 PM): LOL
drew cantu (10:53:07 PM): it's bob's IG girlfriend
lord anticor (10:53:14 PM): ohh
lord anticor (10:53:15 PM): my
lord anticor (10:53:16 PM): GOD
drew cantu (10:53:20 PM): HAHAHAHA
lord anticor (10:53:22 PM): shut the hell up!
lord anticor (10:53:26 PM): Are you serious?
drew cantu (10:53:28 PM): DEAD SERIOUS
drew cantu (10:53:31 PM): That's why he's SO MAD
drew cantu (10:53:37 PM): Because he got JUKED
lord anticor (10:53:48 PM): I'd take a bite out of that and chew on it for days, she's that damn hot!
lord anticor (10:53:50 PM): hahahaha
lord anticor (10:55:30 PM): you sent that shit to BOB
lord anticor (10:55:34 PM): dying here
lord anticor (10:55:36 PM): funny as hell
drew cantu (10:55:38 PM): HAHAHA
drew cantu (10:55:41 PM): we fucking died
drew cantu (10:55:43 PM): for like 30 minutes
lord anticor (10:55:48 PM): She is my new background picture
lord anticor (10:55:54 PM): MMMMMMMMhmmmmmmm
lord anticor (10:55:56 PM): sexy
lord anticor (10:56:04 PM): I can see why bob feel asleep masturbating now
lord anticor (10:56:11 PM): I mean if that's what he's picturing....
drew cantu (10:56:12 PM): GAGAGAJS;DFLJKA;LSKJDF
drew cantu (10:56:13 PM): holy shit
drew cantu (10:56:15 PM): stop
drew cantu (10:56:16 PM): you're killin gme
lord anticor (10:56:17 PM): Viagra only does so much
lord anticor (10:56:21 PM): lol
lord anticor (10:56:47 PM): Dude she totaly looks like that dude from Citizens on Patrol in drag
drew cantu (10:56:56 PM): HAHAHAHA
drew cantu (10:57:01 PM): OOHH MY GOD
lord anticor (10:57:04 PM): Is that a fanny pack or a hip satchel for her oxygen?
lord anticor (10:57:24 PM): Could you put sound to that pic? It would be like this
lord anticor (10:57:35 PM): "Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?"
drew cantu (10:58:14 PM): holy shit man i'm fucking crying
drew cantu (10:58:22 PM): it hurts
lord anticor (10:58:23 PM): haha
lord anticor (10:58:26 PM): Priceless
lord anticor (10:58:37 PM): You couldn't wish this on someone if you wanted to
lord anticor (10:58:50 PM): It's like the GSIV version of the crying game
drew cantu (10:58:54 PM): ahahahaahahahaah
lord anticor (10:59:30 PM): She's like that guy from office space and she wants Bob to return her stapler
lord anticor (10:59:35 PM): :-D
lord anticor (11:01:10 PM): I need to send bob a .wave file of "If you want my body and you think I'm sexy come on baby let me know!"
drew cantu (11:02:41 PM): HAHAHAHAAH
drew cantu (11:02:42 PM): CRUEL
drew cantu (11:02:45 PM): AND UNUSUAL
lord anticor (11:04:16 PM): lord anticor (12:02:35 AM): All kinds of 80's music comes to mind with this love in bloom
lord anticor (12:02:56 AM): Running just as fast as we can (well in her case as fast as the walker will allow) holding on to one another's hand
WTFL0LSTFU (12:02:57 AM): Dude looks like a lady.
WTFL0LSTFU (12:03:11 AM): Or lady looks like a dude. It's hard to tell.
lord anticor (12:03:15 AM): Trying to get away into the night (but bob has a curfew of 7:30)
lord anticor (12:03:25 AM): I think we're alone now
drew cantu (11:04:39 PM): LOL OH GOD
lord anticor (11:05:32 PM): Good stuff
drew cantu (11:05:49 PM): [OOC]-You: "bob"
[OOC]-You: "you've been PWND enough to last 4 years"
[OOC]-You: "Any pwnage for the next week is just automatically negated if it comes from you"
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "Fuck you. In the ass. With the force of a fucking bullet."
[OOC]-Stunseed: "It's funny, because it's TRUE."
[OOC]-You: "LOL"
lord anticor (11:06:08 PM): haha
lord anticor (11:06:19 PM): Tell him that there is good news and bad news
lord anticor (11:06:34 PM): The good news is he can score prescription drugs off his woman any time he wants
lord anticor (11:06:46 PM): Bad news is his woman is an 50yr man
lord anticor (11:06:49 PM): hahahaha
drew cantu (11:08:16 PM): [OOC]-You: "Well there's good news and there's bad news, Bob."
[OOC]-You: "The good news is you can score perscription drugs off your woman anytime you want"
[OOC]-You: "The bad news is your woman is a 50 year old man"
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "..."
[OOC]-Bobmuhthol: "So, who wants to hunt with me?"
[OOC]-Stunseed: "....Still....can't breathe..."
lord anticor (11:08:34 PM): hahaha
lord anticor (11:08:36 PM): Classic
lord anticor (11:08:42 PM): I so need to get psinet
lord anticor (11:09:19 PM): I don't know which is better
lord anticor (11:09:31 PM): that comment or the hip satchel for oxygen one
lord anticor (11:12:50 PM): Keep me informed u2u or IM here it's always on and I read it when I get back. Gotta crash for the night. And the potential for new sigs on the board is huge from all of this.
drew cantu (11:13:03 PM): LOL Absolutely
lord anticor is away at 11:13:16 PM.