View Full Version : Official: Spring Spectacular: Player Shop Catalog and Urchin Runners

04-22-2019, 10:23 AM
The Player Shop system has been updated to include some new features now available through the SHOP verb!

You may have used urchin runners in the past to perform tasks on your behalf, such as visiting your town locker to fetch an item or perhaps in dealing with the local bank. Now you may find these same urchin runners eager to visit some locally (player) run businesses on your behalf!

There is no additional cost outside of contracting with the urchin runners for performing this service locally, though a service fee of 5000 silvers will be required for any request to do business in another town for the day (this covers contracting costs with the Chronomages to ensure swift delivery.)


The SHOP verb has been updated to add some new options to allow players to browse through and (with the help of an urchin runner) purchase items from Player Shops from areas near and in town!

The SHOP DIRECTORY command allows players to display which player shops are open for business in a given town.

The SHOP BROWSE command allows players to display the inventory and other information about a specific shop.

The SHOP INSPECT command allows players to get information about an inventory item as if they were in the shop and were to GET, LOOK, READ, INSPECT, and ANALYZE that item.

The SHOP PURCHASE command allows player to purchase a specified item from a player shop if they have an active urchin runner available.

When using SHOP PURCHASE the necessary funds will first be drawn from silver in the player's pocket, then using a local bank note in hand (first right, then left), and finally using the player's local bank account if the player is willing to consume another use of their urchin runner contract.

Note: Items for sale in player shops will not be eligible for purchase via SHOP PURCHASE for one (1) hour after being listed for sale. These new items are indicated as being new in SHOP BROWSE inventory listings.

Finally, a reminder that you may gain access to an urchin runner by redeeming a login reward (by typing BOOST RUNNERS in-game) or by purchasing contracts in the SimuCoin Store for 30 days (http://store.play.net/store/purchaseitem/143?gameCode=GS) or 60 uses (http://store.play.net/store/purchaseitem/144?gameCode=GS).


This message was originally posted in General GemStone IV Discussion, Game Systems. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
