View Full Version : What's next for TPs at Level 100

04-22-2019, 02:20 AM
I have now capped and reached my initial post cap goals (3x PF, MIU and AS for spell burst), but am kind of stuck as to where to go next and would love some suggestions. I master of voln and warrior's guild. I typically hunt solo berserking Nelemar or REIM and have a ton of stamina recovery enhancives so stamina is never an issue (155 gained per pulse).

After digging through the forums, options I am considering are (in no particular order), but also open to other suggestions:
-Doing something to improve maneuver/warding defense (Don't die a lot but when i due it typically comes from whatever weird stuff greater water elementals or sentries do. Not sure if that is maneuvers or warding attacks?)
----Overtraining armor use to improve action penalties -- while this help avoid maneuvers?
----3x dodge -- is it worth it?
----increase perception? Not sure how this will effect things
-Start training FA and survival (although I don't really skin as it is, and not really excited to but might start, as well as wound tending and not slipping on the glacier)
-Ambush -- any benefit out of this? I mostly berserk, but would be nice if this helps aim a shot if I hunt non-berserk (either solo or in groups)
-Spells - i tried this with 101 and 401, but seemed kind of pointless with horrible spell hindrance on full plate. I have some pocket alts that can spell me up if necessary
-Any other suggestions?

Lexbubba (at level 100), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 250 150
Combat Maneuvers...................| 302 202
Two-Handed Weapons.................| 302 202
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 235 135
Physical Fitness...................| 403 303
Dodging............................| 302 202
Arcane Symbols.....................| 160 60
Magic Item Use.....................| 160 60
Perception.........................| 201 101
Climbing...........................| 140 40
Swimming...........................| 175 75
Trading............................| 102 24
Training Points: 0 Phy 54 Mnt (1,144 Mnt converted to Phy)

Thank you in advance for your expertise!

04-22-2019, 08:12 AM
-Overtraining in armor will also give you a small boost to DS every reduction, and warrior resists are pretty awesome, though soon most armor wont be able to get much use out if due to padding level.
-3x dodge was a hard slog but totally worth it as it made a noticeable difference, just stacking up that DS.
-Perception is cheap and has a lot of uses, including old and new style SMR https://gswiki.play.net/Standard_maneuver_roll#SMR_v2
-FA at 40 gives you the most bang for your buck for herb RT reduction, past that it's 20 ranks per second.
-Survival is rad, but even maxed there is always slip chance :(
-Because of how ambush does math off you CMAN as well, 30 ranks of ambush plus capped CMAN is enough to pretty reasonably aim your shots, so thats a cheap investment for a new tactic. Head shots are great, but cut off the right arm and things become worthless. at 30 ranks I didn't always hit my aim, but it was seldom that I "didn't find an opening" and wasted a swing, usually due to factors I could have realized sooner.
-Spells are dumb, thats what the supporting classes are for. At least it should be down the list a ways, gonna take a LOT of TP to make that worthwhile.

Personally my first postcap goal was MOC to 190. that 6th swing for MSTRIKE and berserk is rad, especially since its no additional RT.

04-22-2019, 12:56 PM
For me...

At the point you are, I used PTP's to get to 290 ranks of Armor Use and the MTP's to fully single in MIU/AS for an even hour duration on things.

Then once fully singled in MIU/AS, I went ahead and used MTP's to get to 2x perception, and when my PTP's were free, I got 50 ranks of shield use to learn SBASH and SCHARGE for defensive purposes.

My warrior is GoS, so I also singled in Harness Power and got SMC to mana battery for his partners, and began the slog of 3x dodge. With the extra MTP's each rank of dodge, I got up to a perfect 18% selling bonus in Trading.

I'm about a million post-cap shy of finishing dodge, then it'll be another 2 million to double in MoC.

(at level 100), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 300 200
Armor Use..........................| 390 290
Shield Use.........................| 150 50
Combat Maneuvers...................| 300 200
Blunt Weapons......................| 300 200
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 200 100
Physical Fitness...................| 400 300
Dodging............................| 374 274
Arcane Symbols.....................| 200 100
Magic Item Use.....................| 200 100
Harness Power......................| 200 100
Elemental Mana Control.............| 20 4
Spirit Mana Control................| 105 25
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 5 1
Perception.........................| 300 200
Climbing...........................| 120 30
Swimming...........................| 190 90
Trading............................| 200 100

04-22-2019, 01:32 PM
get 20 ranks in 100 circle. You'll compensate all your weakness (TD). The DS gained will compensate the little lost in redux you'd have.

Get 30 ranks in 400 circle. Same thinking as said. But focused on 100 before

04-22-2019, 02:03 PM
get 20 ranks in 100 circle. You'll compensate all your weakness (TD). The DS gained will compensate the little lost in redux you'd have.

Get 30 ranks in 400 circle. Same thinking as said. But focused on 100 before

What the hell? No. don't do this. Thats 10M XP.

MacGuyver! STOP! TALKING! MECHANICS! god damn.

04-22-2019, 05:28 PM
I would max out 5he armor first, then do the MOC. As a THW user who berserk a lot, this makes the most sense. You can add spells later if you want. Meanwhile, the TD side of things can be solved with equipment, so go ahead and get T5 ensorcelled armor, or work towards a new set of armor that's geared toward TD, or just continue to get spelled up by other people.

04-23-2019, 04:14 PM
Thanks all for the insights. These are really good suggestions.

Do I need to worry at all that I have overconverted MTP to PTP? Should I try to get back to 0 first by training MTP related items (MIU/AS, perception, FA, survival, etc.) or should I just not care about this part and train in whatever i think should come next? Am I losing out here? If it doesn't make a difference, I may hit 30 ambush, 40 first aid, then move on to either dodge, moc, or armor use.

Seperately, how valuable is perception at 2x or more? I was 2x a long time ago (in my 70s), and not sure I noticed a significant difference.

04-23-2019, 04:19 PM
What the hell? No. don't do this. Thats 10M XP.

MacGuyver! STOP! TALKING! MECHANICS! god damn.

Sup Macguyver

I hunt Nelemar. I see the warriors that are good vs the warriors that have an hard time.

Good warriors self cast 100 circle

Bad warriors doesn't.

Eventually, you need to priorise. Having better redux won't help you against TD issues. Getting ganked and RT lock won't be solved with your redux too.

With my rogue, I simply stop dying when I learned 120. Simply. No death whatsoever.

04-23-2019, 04:45 PM
Sup Macguyver

I hunt Nelemar. I see the warriors that are good vs the warriors that have an hard time.

Good warriors self cast 100 circle

Bad warriors doesn't.

Eventually, you need to priorise. Having better redux won't help you against TD issues. Getting ganked and RT lock won't be solved with your redux too.

With my rogue, I simply stop dying when I learned 120. Simply. No death whatsoever.

So you think that upon capping at 7.2M xp, he should dedicate 10M xp to learn 30 and 20 ranks? For that same amount he could
max dodge
max perception
max survival
Max armor use
190 MOC
50 ambush
All of those things together for being able to cast what he has already said he has access to.

You know why you see "good warriors" casting spells? Cause they are closer to 3x capped you imbecile. This kind of stupid misleading information on mechanics is a big reason I consider you dangerous to everyone.

04-23-2019, 05:30 PM
The longer you wait for starting your spells, the longer it'll take

In the same result, you'll die more while getting skills like max perception. You don't need max perception, 1x is fine. You don't need max survival, et cetera.

So the more you wait, the more you'll die. What kills you is bad combinaison as I said.

Now, we'll debate over opinions. You gave yours, I gave mine.

Lexbubba, also, what's the most challenge issues you have in nelemar? you want another income too?

04-23-2019, 08:26 PM
The longer you wait for starting your spells, the longer it'll take

In the same result, you'll die more while getting skills like max perception. You don't need max perception, 1x is fine. You don't need max survival, et cetera.

So the more you wait, the more you'll die. What kills you is bad combinaison as I said.

Now, we'll debate over opinions. You gave yours, I gave mine.

Lexbubba, also, what's the most challenge issues you have in nelemar? you want another income too?

This is all a bunch of bs. First of all, if you are challenged by Nelemar, it's not because of spells.. That place is redonkulously easy.

To the other points, up until you go past 107 and 414, you can get all those spells easily without learning them. Meanwhile work on your other stuff. Fill in all those other holes, and then when you're ready for spells, if ever, boom, fix skill, and the whole process didn't take a minute longer.