View Full Version : The Dwarven Runeblades

04-12-2019, 10:06 AM
I'm attempting to track down the four dwarven runeblades that were released years ago. Bit of a longshot, really. I imagine they're all on inactive accounts at this point, but it doesn't hurt to ask around. Anywho, they're pretty easy to recognize, as they all have names in their base description.

To that effect, I'm looking for
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Manser'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Ottar'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Farouk'
a gold-hilted warblade inscribed with dwarven runic letters 'Iubdan'

If you happen to have one of these hidden away somewhere, or know the current owners (and preferably a way to contact them if they no longer play) please get in touch.

I should also mention that I already have Orin, so no need to point me in that direction.

04-12-2019, 10:39 AM
Does anything cool happen if they're all in the same room together?

04-12-2019, 10:54 AM
The enchant bumps up for each sibling blade present in the room, and so does the flare. Apparently, the flares can also change damage type under the same conditions. There's only 5 currently in game, with Orin being the last one released. IF you managed to get all 7 together, I think they'd all bump up to 10x. I've no idea if the script is able to go beyond that though, but somehow I doubt it

04-12-2019, 10:54 AM

Adapted from original post by ILLRIGGER 2 June 1999
This is one of the 7 OHE's Stovel presented for the auction two or so summers ago. To my knowledge only 3 exist currently in the lands, but the rest might be sold at the auction some time in the future. Its 3x enchanted with crimson light crits on every swing. When more of its brothers are in the room the enchant increases based on the number of blades and the age of the wielder. Also, the flairs get more powerful when more than one is present.

Giantshield was the original owner of 'Farouk',I beleive, which was also sold at the auction. He sold that about a year ago to Apaanda, not sure if she still has it. Entrei, high level ranger, was an original owner of one too..'Ottar' I believe. Not sure if he still has his. and I believe Jenna was the another owner. I have been told that Nicodemus first bought Manser. 4 were actually sold. Other 3 are still out there.

That is the extent of my knowledge on the Warblade at this time, I tried for sometime to acquire one of the others, but was never able to do so.



04-12-2019, 10:56 AM

04-12-2019, 10:56 AM
If you get them all and string them all together hilt to hilt, they become a giant glaive like in Krull, but only usable by Giantkin. It's the best throwing weapon in the game.

04-12-2019, 11:12 AM
They should make more item "sets" like this. Like any other loot grinder sets. Have pieces give enhancives etc as you add pieces.

04-12-2019, 11:45 AM
Legend has it that there is an eighth blade out there, the one blade that will rule them all. It’s name is Goatse.

04-12-2019, 12:00 PM
When all of them are in the same room you can summon...


04-12-2019, 01:34 PM
The enchant bumps up for each sibling blade present in the room, and so does the flare. Apparently, the flares can also change damage type under the same conditions. There's only 5 currently in game, with Orin being the last one released. IF you managed to get all 7 together, I think they'd all bump up to 10x. I've no idea if the script is able to go beyond that though, but somehow I doubt it


04-12-2019, 01:36 PM
They should make more item "sets" like this. Like any other loot grinder sets. Have pieces give enhancives etc as you add pieces.

I'm surprised they haven't done more with set bonuses. It's not exactly a new feature in these types of games.

I'm sure they'll figure out some way to add it to the P2Grind2Win treadmill at some point.

04-12-2019, 01:43 PM
I'm surprised they haven't done more with set bonuses. It's not exactly a new feature in these types of games.

I'm sure they'll figure out some way to add it to the P2Grind2Win treadmill at some point.

'one item with multiple unlock steps' is probably an easier sell than 'multiple items from different sources'.

04-12-2019, 01:57 PM
Because what happened with these happened. "oh fucking shit this is awesome let's use these" <3 of 4 people locker item and quit game>

04-12-2019, 01:59 PM
Because what happened with these happened. "oh fucking shit this is awesome let's use these" <3 of 4 people locker item and quit game>

I don't mean "Three different people with a part of the set" i mean "you are wearing 3/4 parts of the set, your bonus is XXX"

Think Diablo sets. They did something like this with the last silver auction with the thieves set. They sold the pieces to different people though.

04-12-2019, 02:03 PM
I don't mean "Three different people with a part of the set" i mean "you are wearing 3/4 parts of the set, your bonus is XXX"

Think Diablo sets. They did something like this with the last silver auction with the thieves set. They sold the pieces to different people though.

Diablo sets?! What is this, Eve Online? This is serious game. This isn't a democracy, Gallente scum. This is a cheer-ocracy.

(No, I have nothing useful to add).

04-12-2019, 03:08 PM
'one item with multiple unlock steps' is probably an easier sell than 'multiple items from different sources'.

Multiple P2W items with multiple P2W unlock steps + set bonus for having the whole P2W set...


04-12-2019, 05:08 PM
The one real shortfall with these blades was that they did not work as offhand weapons as a counting weapon toward using the set in the room, you actually do need 7 wielders of them to get the full tally. Snow White is good for this idea, the rest of us not so much.

04-13-2019, 03:53 PM
The one real shortfall with these blades was that they did not work as offhand weapons as a counting weapon toward using the set in the room, you actually do need 7 wielders of them to get the full tally. Snow White is good for this idea, the rest of us not so much.

Simu logic.

04-13-2019, 08:57 PM
Other than Clunk - Durgrimst was the last one I recall who had seen them. He may know who has them now.

As for the power, Clunk helped do a test of their power about six years back.
Four together (Farouk, Iubdan, Manser, and Ottar) acted as 9x with lightning flares. They weigh fifteen pounds (one pound less than Clunk's hand-axe).

04-13-2019, 08:59 PM
Oh … and its good to know that Orin is still around.

04-13-2019, 09:36 PM
can we get 7 dwarves, all these blades, and some human female together and recreate snow white and the 7 dwarves...battlerager style

04-14-2019, 01:43 AM
Oh … and its good to know that Orin is still around.

It was re-released 6 weeks ago at a Duskruin auction for 50k bloodscrip. The original is likely gone on a closed account.

03-27-2020, 07:51 PM
For posterity sake, I still own 4 of these: Manser, Iubdan, Ottar and Farouk. Never could track down the others.

03-28-2020, 12:43 PM
can we get 7 dwarves, all these blades, and some human female together and recreate snow white and the 7 dwarves...Silvergate style


03-28-2020, 08:06 PM

I own Orin, and yes it's still around. I did not buy it at DR, it's not similar, named the same, etc. My "Orin" is an actual Runeblade, just like the other 6. It's not up for sale,or trade, especially to Methais, as the other six blades are not going to spend every awake hour fumbling around the Confluence looking for undiscovered Plinite. Orin has a brighter future than that. Of course, if he wants to part with a lot of his hard earned gold, then I would consider, but I would emphasize "a lot" and I mean a Methais "a lot". After all what would a ore hunter want with a legendary blade to begin with? For the rest of you, its still Methais expensive if you are interested, except Clunk, I'll consider an offer from him with a racial and friend bonus, because he's Dwarven, and I like him. Currently, I'm having the blade enchanted, still no resolution yet, but so far we have a good reading from Pcalc, and am waiting on feedback from the gods. Yes, its expensive, but looks like maybe its possible, ~3800 PP to go from 3x to 4x. So there is your local update on Orin.

03-28-2020, 08:17 PM
We still need Aelthed and Karo to make it a party.

03-30-2020, 09:31 AM
I own Orin, and yes it's still around. I did not buy it at DR, it's not similar, named the same, etc. My "Orin" is an actual Runeblade, just like the other 6. It's not up for sale,or trade, especially to Methais, as the other six blades are not going to spend every awake hour fumbling around the Confluence looking for undiscovered Plinite. Orin has a brighter future than that. Of course, if he wants to part with a lot of his hard earned gold, then I would consider, but I would emphasize "a lot" and I mean a Methais "a lot". After all what would a ore hunter want with a legendary blade to begin with? For the rest of you, its still Methais expensive if you are interested, except Clunk, I'll consider an offer from him with a racial and friend bonus, because he's Dwarven, and I like him. Currently, I'm having the blade enchanted, still no resolution yet, but so far we have a good reading from Pcalc, and am waiting on feedback from the gods. Yes, its expensive, but looks like maybe its possible, ~3800 PP to go from 3x to 4x. So there is your local update on Orin.

What the hell are you talking about and why do you think I want your shitty runeblade? :lol:

03-30-2020, 09:49 AM
What the hell are you talking about and why do you think I want your shitty runeblade? :lol:

You fixed my quote, from years ago...obviously that means you must have the item

03-30-2020, 11:07 AM
Well, for starters, you replied under the "WANTED" section on a string about the Runeblades. So you either wanted the Blades or you wanted attention, I've not known Methais to be an attention seeker, so I deduced you wanted the blades... Not! I was simply sharing about the location of Orin, and making sure folks understood it wasn't for sale, I was just updating people, because Orin was mentioned in the string. And...well, I always see you on the perished list "Methais obliterated in the confluence", so I thought to poke fun in yer direction, even at the expense of my shitty-blade.

03-30-2020, 04:25 PM
Well, for starters, you replied under the "WANTED" section on a string about the Runeblades. So you either wanted the Blades or you wanted attention, I've not known Methais to be an attention seeker, so I deduced you wanted the blades... Not! I was simply sharing about the location of Orin, and making sure folks understood it wasn't for sale, I was just updating people, because Orin was mentioned in the string. And...well, I always see you on the perished list "Methais obliterated in the confluence", so I thought to poke fun in yer direction, even at the expense of my shitty-blade.

Hey now I've been getting randomly one shotted by a lot fewer major ewaves lately. Now I get randomly one shotted by voids instead. Usually from the next room over because people are stupid. :(

Aside from that, if you read my actual post and the post I was quoting, the rest should make sense.

And for the record, I don't know if your blade is shitty or not. Is your blade shitty? Asking for a friend who isn't interested in buying it.

03-30-2020, 04:26 PM
You fixed my quote, from years ago...obviously that means you must have the item

I think you explained it a long time ago, but wtf does your username say?

And why does it say 2017 join date? I was 99% sure you'd been on here for way longer than that.

03-30-2020, 04:58 PM
The Runeblades were developed to work in conjunction with each other, so each starts at 3x, and for each blade in the same space, each blade receives a additional 1x, so with all the blades in the same space you would have 10x blades depending on the age of the wielders. Then there is the flares, each blade will flare on each successful attack, regardless if it's additional attacks from MOC or CMAN etc. so each hit is also an additional flare. The flares are "Crimson Light Crits" and each flare will also get more powerful depending on the age of the wielder and number of blades in the space. They each have a runesong, and each is a named weapon. They also are deemed Legendary by the powers that be.

03-30-2020, 06:05 PM
I think you explained it a long time ago, but wtf does your username say?

And why does it say 2017 join date? I was 99% sure you'd been on here for way longer than that.

17 is correct. I've been around before on another user but I sold the character that shared the account name so...new account yay! Also Nos sine nomine. Latin for one without name, or anonymous, hence the pic and quote