View Full Version : Scroll Infusion v1.0

04-06-2019, 08:07 PM
I have a new script whipped together because apparently unlocking and infusing scrolls is a big chore for the sorcerer community.

Introducing: infuse_scroll.lic (find it on the Lich repo).

Please let me know if you discover any bugs!

This script will do one of two things.

1. Unlocking Scrolls:

When activated holding a scroll in your right hand with the 'unlock' command, the script will perform the following actions:
- Attempt to locate the appropriate runestone in your infusesack based on your infuse_level setting.
(max will always use quiss'fyn and level will use a rune matching with the highest level spell in your spell list to avoid unlocking unnecessary and difficult spells)
- If the appropriate runestone is not available, it will purchase a pre-made runestone from the local alchemist, and write the appropriate rune on the runestone.
- After creating the runestone, it will attempt to unlock the specified spell(s) (you can specify more than one spell) checking with odeir'cos after every use of the unlocking runestone.
- As soon as the spells are unlocked (or in a major failure, and the scroll gets permanently locked), the script will end with the target spell(s) unlocked assuming no major failure.

2. Infusing Scrolls:

When activated holding a scroll in your right hand with the 'infuse' command, the script will perform the following actions:
- Attempt to locate the ag'loenar rune in your infusesack.
- If it cannot find an ag'loenar runestone in your infusesack, it will attempt to create one by buying the ingredients from the alchemist.
- Once the appropriate runestone is available, it will attempt to infuse the scroll with mana.
- At this time it will wait once you are at 20 or less mana to attempt to continue. You can manually use mana abilities or just wait for the script to complete on it's own.

This is a very early version of the script. I hope to eventually publish my scroll spellup script, which will loop through your infused scroll catalog and spell you up for a specified duration and re-infusing each scroll as it goes. If anyone would like to work on a GUI for the current script that we can expand on later when the additional functionality is available, that could be handy. Right now the GUI would only be for the infusesack and infuse_level settings, as all the other settings are done from the command prompt.

Example commands to start the script (always have a scroll in your right hand):

;infuse_scroll unlock 503 508 509 -- if infuse_level is set to "level", this will unlock using the erikar'fyn rune for 10 charges per spell, and will attempt to unlock the scroll until all 3 spells are unlocked.
;infuse_scroll unlock 202 -- if infuse_level is set to "max", this command unlocks using the quiss'fyn rune for 20 charges per spell, and will attempt to unlock the scroll until 202 is unlocked.

;infuse_scroll infuse -- all you need to enter for it to charge your scroll up to it's maximum charges

04-06-2019, 08:16 PM
Good on you putting this script together.

04-06-2019, 10:24 PM
Thank you greatly