04-03-2019, 08:44 PM
I'm selling an Ethereal Armor Deed/500k Reim scrip
You can throw it on pretty much any non-scripted armor (except kroderine) to allow for the ethereal script. It still requires unlocks. For those familiar, the cert is 500k Reim scrip.
It takes up slot D and player enchantable armor remains player enchantable.
In the Common language, it reads:
The bearer of this deed is entitled to have the ethereal armor script added to their armor of choice. Some restrictions and limitations may apply due to the applicable armor's existing properties. In order to redeem this certificate, you must send a message (email) to with a workable time table to meet you. You have 30 days from purchasing to redeem or the deed is forfeit!
(The above time wouldn't start until I buy the deed, which would in turn be right before I hand it to you.)
More info on ethereal armor here:
I actually have the 500k scrip, so you can buy it and use it how you please. However, it should be noted, I am also offering a *BO incentive. That is, I will throw in a T2 and a T4 unlock IF and ONLY IF the BO is met. Honestly, the scrip is best used for the cert to put on an already nice set of armor. A t2 and t4 may seem an odd pairing, but it still saves 300k scrip to have them. Do not ask me about the certs individually. Their fate will be determined based on this auction if/when it concludes. To buy 500 runs alone is 350$ in simucoins OR 500 days of premium or some combination - at best.
MB 375 paypal, BO 750 *(will also then include a T2 ethereal unlock and a t4 ethereal unlock)
pm here or Arshwikk/Kinjaro IG
You can throw it on pretty much any non-scripted armor (except kroderine) to allow for the ethereal script. It still requires unlocks. For those familiar, the cert is 500k Reim scrip.
It takes up slot D and player enchantable armor remains player enchantable.
In the Common language, it reads:
The bearer of this deed is entitled to have the ethereal armor script added to their armor of choice. Some restrictions and limitations may apply due to the applicable armor's existing properties. In order to redeem this certificate, you must send a message (email) to with a workable time table to meet you. You have 30 days from purchasing to redeem or the deed is forfeit!
(The above time wouldn't start until I buy the deed, which would in turn be right before I hand it to you.)
More info on ethereal armor here:
I actually have the 500k scrip, so you can buy it and use it how you please. However, it should be noted, I am also offering a *BO incentive. That is, I will throw in a T2 and a T4 unlock IF and ONLY IF the BO is met. Honestly, the scrip is best used for the cert to put on an already nice set of armor. A t2 and t4 may seem an odd pairing, but it still saves 300k scrip to have them. Do not ask me about the certs individually. Their fate will be determined based on this auction if/when it concludes. To buy 500 runs alone is 350$ in simucoins OR 500 days of premium or some combination - at best.
MB 375 paypal, BO 750 *(will also then include a T2 ethereal unlock and a t4 ethereal unlock)
pm here or Arshwikk/Kinjaro IG