View Full Version : Some love for ZL (capped / near cap)
04-02-2019, 04:08 AM
Would love to see a high end hunting area in ZL to bring some love to the desolate Dwarven town. I could see an area, deep in some found tunnels hosting some demonlike critter. I'm thinking an homage to FOTR, balrog and some big old orc types.
04-02-2019, 05:30 AM
04-02-2019, 06:40 AM
Would love to see a high end hunting area in ZL to bring some love to the desolate Dwarven town. I could see an area, deep in some found tunnels hosting some demonlike critter. I'm thinking an homage to FOTR, balrog and some big old orc types.
Development no longer happens in gs. It exists solely to fund development of other games. A person can dream, though, I guess.
04-02-2019, 08:24 AM
Development no longer happens in gs. It exists solely to fund development of other games. A person can dream, though, I guess.
04-02-2019, 10:13 AM
The only thing that Simu greedily and deeply delves these days is our wallets.
04-02-2019, 10:34 AM
Development no longer happens in gs. It exists solely to make P2W items to fund development of other games by exploiting GS players with severe mental illness and a massive lack of self control. A person can dream, though, I guess.
Fixed, and correct.
It's funny because all the other projects they use GS money to fund end up sucking fat ball grease and being massive failures 99% of the time.
04-02-2019, 12:15 PM
Would be cool. Kalaza would make a ready-to-go area background for all sorts of powerful critters. Clunk used to lobby for it fairly often in the years following the Red Rot storyline.
Has shit-all chance of happening, though.
04-02-2019, 12:31 PM
I lobbied for ZL citizens getting verbs like every other town does for a while. Got the same cricket noises I got when asking for the low level monk spells to be finished.
04-02-2019, 12:58 PM
I lobbied for ZL citizens getting verbs like every other town does for a while. Got the same cricket noises I got when asking for the low level monk spells to be finished.
I mean they DID finish one low level sorry minor mental spell.
04-02-2019, 01:07 PM
I lobbied for ZL citizens getting verbs like every other town does for a while. Got the same cricket noises I got when asking for the low level monk spells to be finished.
Hey, they coded 1212! And then released it as Shimmer Trinkets.
04-02-2019, 02:04 PM
This is not a new conversation. It's been on and off for years. Zul Logoth, River's Rest, Solhaven - all of them have major level gaps that prevent you from being able to make that your home.
Teras recently had their level gap addressed with an incredibly half-hearted attempt to give the island a level 80-90 hunting ground. Two creatures are introduced, one of them is actually a new creature (Steam Dervish) with some interesting elements. Hamstring, steam flaring equipment that vanishes if you touch it, but it has the stupid fire mage retribution ability - except in steam damage instead of fire damage (probably the only place steam resistance via 620 is useful). The other creature is just a higher level skayl, which is still super annoying and spams earthen fury.
Zul Logoth has levels 46+ missing. It would take a massive amount of development to fill the gaps, so total pipe dream. Putting in a high level area would be enjoyable, and I'd vote it be a capped grimswarm hunting area since you cannot open a warcamp within the zone (there are no warcamps in between the carts in Zul's hunting grounds).
My suggestion would be a new area accessed at the center of the Czeroth Caverns. You'd be cave splunking, need 60+ climbing skill, with lots of falling options. No teleporting into the area, of course, but you can gold ring - return - 130 - 740 - 930 (etc) out. Climbing skill checks similar to the swim into Nelemar. Yes, it's still a PITA to get into the hunting area, but there's some undead so you can symbol seek if you're in Voln. Within the hunting ground you have to avoid rockslides and debris falling from the caverns via survival checks (usually just minor injuries, but zero training can lead to death).
Creatures inside:
- High level undead Grutik. Warriors, Priests, and Wizards.
- Bats with warcries (and skins).
- Roa'ter-like creatures that burrow and can swallow you like a roa'ter.
- Greater Krynch with all it's boulder-like behavior, and skins for an opal with a blunt weapon.
- Veaba which is basically a giant centipede?
The creatures aren't all that difficult to develop. They're just reskins of existing creatures with higher levels and skills. It's making the rooms, adding in the entrance mechanics, and making the area challenging that prevents anyone from starting the effort...
At the end of the day, Simu's official response will be that "Every area has access to the Elemental Confluence, thus all cities are capable of capped hunting".
04-02-2019, 02:28 PM
"As a result of player demand, we have introduced a new Simucoin only accessible area that has a variety of critters for all level ranges from 0-100. We are confident that this addition should be sufficient to address all hunting needs in the game forever." -Simu, probably
04-02-2019, 02:30 PM
"As a result of player demand, we have introduced a new Simucoin only accessible area that has a variety of critters for all level ranges from 0-100. We are confident that this addition should be sufficient to address all hunting needs in the game forever." -Simu, probably
You're describing Reim. Accessible from all towns. Go whenever you want. Just use an orb from the simucoin store. Creatures scale from 0-100. And they pay out in alternate currency.
04-02-2019, 02:46 PM
You're describing Reim. Accessible from all towns. Go whenever you want. Just use an orb from the simucoin store. Creatures scale from 0-100. And they pay out in alternate currency.
04-02-2019, 05:19 PM
You're describing Reim. Accessible from all towns. Go whenever you want. Just use an orb from the simucoin store. Creatures scale from 0-100. And they pay out in alternate currency.
Reim also "fixes" the undead level gap.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-02-2019, 10:13 PM
ZL always felt unfinished to me. I honestly have always felt someone started it, then got fired/quit/fucked the wrong person/fell out of favor with the current clique and it was never finished. Cool area though.
04-02-2019, 10:29 PM
Yeah ZL is a nice town. I think the idea at the time was to expand it and the surrounding areas, but after the game population plummeted it never got attention again.
04-02-2019, 10:48 PM
My biggest gripe with ZL was that you could get bounties for creatures on the other side of the carts (i.e. Centaurs) if you're trying to level there. Which is dumb...
04-03-2019, 03:50 AM
My biggest gripe with ZL was that you could get bounties for creatures on the other side of the carts (i.e. Centaurs) if you're trying to level there. Which is dumb...
I agree, but when you do get bounties on the inside, it's like teras because it's so close.. you can get that shit done in 5 minutes once you get the stuff spawning as far as area to cover.. with the added bonus of you don't have anyone to fight with.. I love it for 20-35 ish.
04-03-2019, 09:22 AM
I agree, but when you do get bounties on the inside, it's like teras because it's so close.. you can get that shit done in 5 minutes once you get the stuff spawning as far as area to cover.. with the added bonus of you don't have anyone to fight with.. I love it for 20-35 ish.
Also, you can avoid getting the centaur bounties (the only ones that go outside), by upping the level of your adventurer's guild quests to 30. You can go up to 5 levels over your head, so by the time you're 25, no more outside the walls quests. You won't get them to the southwest portion anymore, but the bats and undead in the southeast are good from 25-35 with basically no BS quests to slow you down.
04-03-2019, 11:28 AM
Also, you can avoid getting the centaur bounties (the only ones that go outside), by upping the level of your adventurer's guild quests to 30. You can go up to 5 levels over your head, so by the time you're 25, no more outside the walls quests. You won't get them to the southwest portion anymore, but the bats and undead in the southeast are good from 25-35 with basically no BS quests to slow you down.
Except that you cannot eliminate the "5 levels less" options. Even if you boost your bounty level up to +10 above your current level, the AG can still assign bounties for creatures -5 levels from your current level all the time. Centaurs are level 23, so you will be getting random bounties for them until you're level 29. I've taken probably 4 characters to hunt in the quiet caverns in the past couple years, and always get those pesky bounties... The grutik and undead trolls are rich though, so it ends up being a minor inconvenience to just abandon the centaur bounties.
04-03-2019, 11:43 AM
Except that you cannot eliminate the "5 levels less" options. Even if you boost your bounty level up to +10 above your current level, the AG can still assign bounties for creatures -5 levels from your current level all the time. Centaurs are level 23, so you will be getting random bounties for them until you're level 29. I've taken probably 4 characters to hunt in the quiet caverns in the past couple years, and always get those pesky bounties... The grutik and undead trolls are rich though, so it ends up being a minor inconvenience to just abandon the centaur bounties.
Aha. Maybe I've just gotten lucky then. I tend to take characters there around 24 or 25 and just hunt up in the undead area anyway. Grutik/Krynches can be annoying. Either way, it's rich, it's fun, and the RP potential is high. There just isn't anyone to interact with except Clunk and Speedy. Not that there's anything wrong with either of those.
04-03-2019, 07:39 PM
Putting a capped hunting ground in ZL is dumb unless you remove the stupid cart RT.
04-03-2019, 07:44 PM
Putting a capped hunting ground in ZL is dumb unless you remove the stupid cart RT.
Mine carts are the worst thing in the entire game. That's really saying something.
04-03-2019, 09:20 PM
Mine carts are the worst thing in the entire game. That's really saying something.
My chars always rp taking a dump in the carts for the next person before leaving them.
04-03-2019, 09:57 PM
Open up the grimswarm arena, have it available to the public for simucoins. Spawns similar level grimswarm in waves, starting with 1, then 2, then 3, then random 2-5 with higher chance of 1-2 grizzled. Reward one chest per wave, higher wave counts generate higher tier boxes in loot. Also make loot susceptable to hunting pressure depending on level. Reward a free token to reenter if you make it past 15 waves, and grant something neat for 25 waves.
04-04-2019, 10:15 AM
My chars always rp taking a dump in the carts for the next person before leaving them.
This is the correct way to ride mine carts.
>roleplay nominate (Wrathbringer takes a dump in the carts for the next person.)
04-04-2019, 10:16 AM
This is the correct way to ride mine carts.
>roleplay nominate (Wrathbringer takes a dump in the carts for the next person.)
Somebody add that to go2. Also take out the code that checks if anyone's on the rope bridge before crossing.
04-04-2019, 10:32 AM
Somebody add that to go2. Also take out the code that checks if anyone's on the rope bridge before crossing.
I think it just doesn't let you cross now until they're done instead of knocking them off the rope and pwning their stupid face.
04-04-2019, 10:39 AM
I think it just doesn't let you cross now until they're done instead of knocking them off the rope and pwning their stupid face.
04-04-2019, 10:45 AM
If they time it just right, two scripters will wind up knocking each other off the bridge, forever.
04-04-2019, 10:58 AM
Putting a capped hunting ground in ZL is dumb unless you remove the stupid cart RT.
They used to be great for cyber until they cut the RT time in half. Worst change ever.
Also, my cart broke once and I was stuck on it permanently until I assisted.
Way back when AlAE first opened I was in the inaugural group, of course I stopped using that stupid ass shit when you have 120 seconds of RT to fix a typo in a room... wtaf simu.
But as I recall I had a proposal for a capped Zul hunting ground back then. It wanted it to feel more like the rift though.
Thesis was you'd ride an elevator down to a mine (time taking) that had delved too deeply and at the base of the elevator would be a outpost, pinefar-esque. Walled compound in a big ass cavern. Inside this big ass cavern would be high level hunting (then, post cap now) that was insanely rich. Earth elementals and shit. But the catch is the greedy dwarves running the elevator who owned the mine would exact a toll, like they like you hunt for 50% of your gems or something. Some sort of mechanic like that to have it all make sense (why else maintain the elevator and town unless revenue was coming in?)
I still like the idea, and back then comparing it to the rift it felt like geographic isolation was a feature. Now I fucking hate geographic isolation. So....
09-12-2019, 02:11 PM
Dwarven Miner's ghosts are level 104 in Zul, if you can find the sealed portal and phase through. Sorcs only right now.
A dwarven miner's ghost says something anxiously in dwarven.
Opening a fold in his muddy coat, a dwarven miner's ghost pulls out a rust-encrusted timepiece. He opens it and scrutinizes it attentively, his thick spectral brows bunching up from under his steel miner's helmet.
Suddenly, the miner's ghost snaps the timepiece shut, glancing up at you with a serious expression that burns with despair!
The miner's ghost grunts in exertion as he heaves a thick invar sledgehammer into the air, bringing it down solidly on a thick chunk of earth! The area is spattered with mud and debris!
Jaeden ducks to the side, narrowly avoiding a small rock as it whizzes past his head!
Jaeden stumbles to his knees as he ducks out of the way of a thick glob of mud!
You are struck in the face by a glob of mud!
... and hits for 10 points of damage!
Slight blow gives you whiplash!
You stumble to your knees as you duck out of the way of a thick glob of mud!
You dive to the ground in an attempt to avoid a thick glob of mud!
You stand back up.
Jaeden stands back up.
A dwarven miner's ghost inspects the remains of a pulverized rock. He sifts through the rocks with a spectral hand, grunting in ghastly delight as he spies an uncut ruby. He snatches it from the ground and stows it quickly in his threadbare satchel.
A dwarven miner's ghost grunts the tune of a dwarven ballad merrily, his baritone voice echoing eerily across the swamp.
Jaeden asks, "Permission to engage sir?"
>'permission granted
You say, "Permission granted."
Jaeden leaps from a hiding attack!
Jaeden swings a serrated golvern claidhmore at a dwarven miner's ghost!
AS: +534 vs DS: +463 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +36 = +106
... and hits for 8 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on the miner's ghost's right arm.
A dwarven miner's ghost's eyes widen and well with a fiery glow! He emits an ear-splitting spectral grunt, rallying his comrades to his aid!
A dwarven miner's ghost stomps in!
A dwarven miner's ghost's eyes glow with an eerie red light!
A dwarven miner's ghost hurls a thick invar sledgehammer at Jaeden!
AS: +482 vs DS: +306 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +23 = +216
... and hit for 37 points of damage!
Solid strike caves Jaeden's skull in, resulting in instant death!
* Jaeden drops dead at your feet!
A dwarven miner's ghost scoffs and grunts suspiciously, retrieving a thick invar sledgehammer and scrutinizing it intensely.
The ghostly voice of Jaeden exclaims, "Good luck with that!"
A dwarven miner's ghost swings a thick invar sledgehammer at you!
AS: +480 vs DS: +448 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +69 = +127
... and hit for 6 points of damage!
Hit glances off your hip.
Jaeden's body decays into compost.
A dwarven miner's ghost says something anxiously in dwarven.
09-12-2019, 03:12 PM
If it's sorcs only, how come that log shows a guy ambushing from hiding with a claidh? Is that guy a sorc or am I just going nuts?
09-12-2019, 03:30 PM
If it's sorcs only, how come that log shows a guy ambushing from hiding with a claidh? Is that guy a sorc or am I just going nuts?
Because he is a lying retard.
09-12-2019, 03:51 PM
Because he is a lying retard.
Jaeden asks, "Permission to engage sir?"
>'permission granted
You say, "Permission granted."
09-12-2019, 04:04 PM
If it's sorcs only, how come that log shows a guy ambushing from hiding with a claidh? Is that guy a sorc or am I just going nuts?
Clearly 704 scroll or imbed! Or lying... you know...
09-12-2019, 04:34 PM
I was pretty excited..... the damage and the math in that part looks messed up too. :clap:
09-12-2019, 04:43 PM
Anyway clearly if there was a sealed entrance to dwarf tunnels filled with ghosts you could just speak friend and enter, no phasing needed.
01-23-2020, 07:14 PM
Zul Logoth, River's Rest, Solhaven - all of them have major level gaps that prevent you from being able to make that your home.
I wouldn't say it prevents you. With a gold ring trick, the boot, or unnavable, the town barriers are easily overcome.
07-10-2020, 09:10 AM
I've never really hung around ZL. I usually just fly through there on the carts. Perhaps I should look around...but then most of my characters are 43 and below. Mostly below. Saraphenia is 43, Ciyuka is 35 and the rest fall well below that...
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