View Full Version : Mist Manor Arrives (with Spoilers)

04-01-2019, 11:29 AM
From the officials:

During the Day of Zelia's Arrival, the 1st of Olaesta (April 1st), between the midnight hours, Mist Manor will arrive.

You may find these entrances to Mist Manor in the areas you normally find the portals to Ebon Gate or the wagons to Duskruin. If you find yourself stuck and unable to progress, pay close attention to the laundry chutes for a way out. You can re-enter as many times as you like until the end of the holiday.


This message was originally posted in World Events: Festivals, Sagas, and Storylines, Current and Upcoming Events. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


Spoilers (highlight the below area):

In the first room, lay down and "whisper visible door out loud"; in the second room, make a fire (get two sticks and rub them together, then get two more and do the same thing) and then go back through the door and kneel and "whisper visible m door freedom gift solitude"; in the third room, get a sapphire wand and go up the stairs and wave the wand at the door; in the fourth room, pull the crown volume;in the fifth room, go back to the fourth room and pull the silver tome. Take your chosen prize from the pedestal.

Prizes: There are three prizes, all Zelia-themed naturally: a pendant, a pin, and a ring. They all seem to have the same EZ-scripts

This is an EzScripted item. Some alteration restrictions may apply. It has the following messaging:

1st Person: You brush your fingers across the surface of your crescent moon pendant and feel the presence of Zelia. A pitched giggle overtakes you and your eyes dart wildly about. The presence fades and you glance about curiously.
3rd Person: XXXXX brushes his fingers across the surface of his crescent moon pendant. Suddenly, his eyes dart about wildly and he is overcome by a high-pitched fit of giggling. As quickly as it began, the fit seems over and XXXXX glances about curiously.
Hidden: A fit of high-pitched giggling echoes from the shadows.

1st Person: As you turn your a silver crescent moon pendant, you feel a restless presence batter against your back and shoulders. Soft giggling echoes in your ear, before all grows still again.
3rd Person: As XXXXXX turns his crescent moon pendant, his eyes turn a glossy black color accented by a silver crescent. Almost as quickly, his eyes change back to normal.

04-01-2019, 06:47 PM
This is a 1-day event and ends at midnight btw. Heads up if you’re thinking about it.

04-01-2019, 09:14 PM
silver volume
This is a *tome*, not a volume.

04-01-2019, 09:20 PM
This is a *tome*, not a volume.

Edited. Thanks. Couldn't go back and repeat the quest to check.

04-01-2019, 10:02 PM
I heard that at this 1 day event you could exchange any currency for Rachi to get ready for the upcoming May event.

04-01-2020, 10:41 AM
This is active again, also take note that the sapphire wand requires MIU to activate, so be prepared...a level 20 warrior needed 5 ranks MIU and a few trys before the wand worked.

04-01-2020, 10:51 AM
oh and there is a way to do it without miu or spells but i don't know it and it's a secret

04-02-2020, 01:14 AM
Free roll of toilet paper will be mailed to your house as a "thank you" for attending this event