View Full Version : If you could......

09-15-2003, 09:10 PM
Take over Simu, (gemstone3 part) what changes would you do, what things would you bring back in the fold?
or would you leave it how it is?

09-15-2003, 09:39 PM
For one thing, I would either ENFORCE policy or change policy and THEN enforce it. I can't tell you how much I hate the INCREDIBLE inconsistancy of the Gamemasters and other admins.

09-15-2003, 09:47 PM
First of all there wouldnt be a WarriorStone IV. Secondly I would focus on the things that need fixing. Then, I would ask customers for their input on new improvements. I would change the treasure system for the better. I would put more interesting items in the boxes and I would give critters nice armor to drop. To me it just seems like a waste of time to supply critters with useless crap. Have them drop 3x and 4x things more often. To at least, help the beginner player get started.

Thirdly, OOCness would not be allowed at all. However, on the other hand I would allow free speech. You can cuss someone out a blue streak just as long as it was IG. hehe. PvP would be allowed. Someone disrespects you then you have every right to run your sword through their spleen. Back then, that type of thing was acceptable if not expected. My version of GS would definately NOT be Disneyfied.

[Edited on 9-16-2003 by GS4Gurl]

09-15-2003, 09:48 PM
I'd say, I would probably follow through with my promises and not fix my fuck-ups by turning the tables upside down.

09-15-2003, 10:05 PM
I would enforce roleplay. All the time. That's the one thing about GS that I feel could really improve. I dont expect everyone to be stellar all-star uber-roleplayers (because I'm not), but the blatant OOC people would get a swift and heavy axe.


09-15-2003, 10:15 PM
I concur on the OOC stuff and finishing all the uncompleted crap. Only after that would I move on to new stuff.

09-15-2003, 10:18 PM
Stop making professions the same. Call Familar (920) was the spell that defined the wizard profession. Now everyone has one. Sorcerer's, Clerics, Empaths (for now), and rangers.

Sorcerer's had Maelstrom. *GASP* Wizards get sand storm.

Wizards have enchant, now sorcerer's and sort of rangers have it.

Seriously, stop making the game like Warcraft II where every human spell is counter balanced by a orc spell..... Blizzard/Death and decay. I'm sick of professions becoming more and more like eachother.

09-15-2003, 10:50 PM
First thing I'd do. Is enforce, rping, enforce TOS, get players advice on changes, fix/finish what still has yet to be done, remove level cap, expand to have an area for 160-200
Redo, critter drops, Have area bosses for doungeons and sorts, Redo spells as sintik mentioned int he above post, Add diversity, have each profession known for something.

09-16-2003, 01:37 AM
You all have the same ideas I have. Enforce policy equally. Require, if not RP, at the very least, no OOC, and stick to it.

Fix what's wrong before wandering off aimlessly to start something else.

As Sintik said, let the Professions be unique. You want a Familiar, BECOME A WIZARD! Same with other Profession-defining spells or perks. And when the Clerics (for example only) shriek that they want Familiars, tell em to roll a Wizard and have one!

Oh, and that "Letter to Parents" would GO! Sooo fast. To be replaced by a letter to parents telling them that there is violence, both against critters and sometimes characters, and there is possibility of sexual innuendo and activity, so all in all, it's not a good game for little Johnny and Jane. Make it 18+. Even though we know minors would still be here, it would remove the reason to 'watch what we say and do because of the kids' if they werent supposed to be here at all.

Ahh, nice dreams, I fear.

Acolyte Kurili

[Edited on 9-16-2003 by Kurili]

09-16-2003, 03:18 AM
I would make MA illegal. There is no need. It's mechanics abuse.

I would add an OOC area. An actual chat function could be abused. An area that you could leave the lands and discuss mechanics till blue in the face.

After that, I would have documentation official describing how certain things are said. Levels are called trains. Directions are to be written out. There would be set phrases to describe trap difficulties that everyone would know what they meant. The shitty euphamisms have got to go!

I would add more creatures to hunt. There should be more variety in the later levels.

I would fix the symbol of dreams to make it more RP friendly. It's crap as it is now.

I would allow permadeath. Buy deeds... not so difficult. I would increase the cost of deeds though. Deeds should become more expensive, and should be a major deterrent in death. Forget stupid time sinks like Death Recovery Points.

I would add more ways to gamble. I love gambling. There should be blackjack and craps tables. Also, more things to do while resting. I pool or darts game with some decent mechanics would go a long way...

I would put in a CvC arena. There would be a flat fee to use it. If you lost all your health, you would be KOed, not die and lose a deed. You could set options before the duel begins... for instance, looser pays the 3000 coin fee. If you log, you automatically lose. No to certain spells. You could also bet coins against your opponent by depositing them... the winner would automatically be paid.

This type of escrow thing would be good. Something to get rid of snerts who just won't pay up at the end.

Rant over...

09-16-2003, 03:57 AM
Fire Melissa!

09-16-2003, 04:31 AM
What I suggest is that you folks run your own game.. it isnt as easy as one would think.

Between the constant complaining about everything and the walls of troublemakers, it is impossible for a staff to get much accomplished.

Hell my MUD was just like 20-30 people and I couldnt keep up with the needs of the player base... would hate to imagine the amount of heartache and misery several thousand give.

But anyways Just a side comment of something to think about.


[Edited on 9-16-2003 by Nichan]

09-16-2003, 04:37 AM
It's not like the GMs are forced into this. You CHOSE to GM. I've DMed a few D&D games and I've aided in NERO events, although I was never a master coordinator of the modules.

It's not that hard to put your foot down and make up your mind. But maybe it's different for me.. maybe I have a spine... hm.

09-16-2003, 05:44 AM
You're also not considered with bottom line, Dextra...there's a difference.

09-16-2003, 10:31 AM
I wholeheartedly agree on three things:

1: Enforce rp rules. No chatting openly of mechanics (that's for messaging). No discussion of things non game related. Period. Three strikes and you get axed. Done and done.

2: Every profession should be entirely unique.

3: Stop kidding myself and slap some disclaimers on the game. This IS an adult game. Blood, gore and sex get ratings in the movies, so should they here.

09-16-2003, 11:32 AM
I would enforce policy and try to abolish inconsistencies.

I would always ask for player opinion via survey and boards about ideas before major changes. Realistic or not, what players care about is fun. If it's not fun, players leave and that oh so very realisitic game goes down the drain.

If a change was not welcome by the vast majority of players, I would get rid of it or try to come up with a better solution.

I would focus on fixing things before creating new ones. I would listen to the loyal players who have been playing for years instead of just focusing on bringing in new players. New players are a gamble, if they don't like the game they will leave while the happy old player will stay many more years.

I would have customer experience GMs spend more time as NPCs with the players. Not necessarily long winded quests. Just a random carpenter or citizen showing up.

Speaking of quests, I wouldn't let them drag on for months and years. A few weeks tops.

I wouldn't let a single GM work on a major project like artisan skills. If they get sick or leave, the project is dropped. If you had 2 GMs working together maybe the other one could salvage the project.

Gah I'm sure there's a lot more stuff... but really, if I had to limit myself to a couple words, I will restate that my most important concern would be to LISTEN to customer input, something I consider Simu to be very very bad at.

[Edited on 9-16-2003 by Adhara]