View Full Version : Spell Preps: v03.30.19

03-30-2019, 12:55 PM
These items can be purchased directly at:

[Ta'Illistim, Mzaarine Bazaar - 733]
You notice a majestic silvery elven keep.

I will also deliver to FWI.

Minor Spiritual

an ocean blue token -- 3m -- Not from EG
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a softly cascading spray of luminous ocean blue motes.

a blossom token -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a dazzling tri-colored blossom that explodes in flashing points of blue, white, and red lights.

a colorful starburst token -- 1m
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a brilliant array of tiny starburst patterns.

a lotus token -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a trio of exploding lotus blossoms that decends in spiraling crimson corkscrews.

a passionflower token -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a rich plum passionflower with lilac and pink explosions brightening its center.

an indigo sphere token -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a wildly spinning sphere of indigo lights.

a silver and indigo token -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a shower of silver and indigo sparks.

a simple flower-crested token -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: an open flower that slowly dissolves into silver sparks.

a stormcloud token -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a cloud of wispy smoke filled with flashing points of silvery light.

a three-masted galleon token -- 500k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a three-masted galleon with sails that billow and fall as their tiny points of light brighten and dim.

an amethyst skull token -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a skull comprised of languidly glimmering motes of amethyst light.

an indigo eel token -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: the image of an indigo eel biting its own tail.

a silvery sphere token -- 500k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to cast a customized Fire Spirit (111) Firework of: a wildly spinning sphere of silvery lights.

Major Spiritual

a petrified golden doughnut -- 2.5m
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "This golden doughnut will grant you the ability to summon: a sugar-dusted golden doughnut (manna bread).

a petrified pickle -- 2.5m
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "This petrified pickle will grant you the ability to summon: a plump pickle (manna bread).

a pale-moon trinket -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Major Sanct.(220):Lornon Shrine
Grey, lush grass fills the ground beneath your feet. The walls of this shrine are covered with atramentous silk drapery that pools into the grass. Against one wall stands a broken niveous altar, surrounded with comfortable vinaceous pillows. This place is both a momentary place of worship as well as a place of needed rest."

a swirling aetherstone trinket -- 500k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Major Sanct.(220):Reprieve
Wherever this place is seems different at any given moment. Just as one sensation settles firmly, a change of perspective completely rearranges perception and nothing is as it was just before. Despite this relentless shifting, a foundation of serenity soothes the process of transition, and that tranquil constant anchors you in this place."


an inky black token -- SOLD
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Holy Bolt (306) spell as such:
You concentrate upon the darkness of life and carefully draw shadows into the palm of your hand. Slowly, it pools into a tenebrous mass and you fling a writhing accretion of dark energy at a giant rat!
{Character} draws darkness into the palm of her hand. After a brief moment, she flings a writhing accretion of dark energy at a giant rat!


a fossilized black kraken tentacle -- 2m
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Grasp of the Grave (709) of black kraken tentacle.

Major Elemental

an air symbol-embossed token -- 1m
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Hand of Tonis (505) spell as such:
You cup your hands over your mouth and forcefully blow a gusting breath at a giant rat!
{Character} cups his hands over his mouth and forcefully blows a gusting breath at a giant rat!

a miniature bucket-shaped disk -- SOLD
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511) of: a bucket-shaped (player's name) disk.

a miniature cauldron-shaped disk -- 1m
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511) of: a cauldron-shaped (player's name) disk.

a miniature clam-shaped disk -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511) of: a clam-shaped (player's name) disk.

a small palm frond-shaped disk -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511) of: a palm frond-shaped (player's name) disk.

a tiny seaweed-covered disk -- 250k
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511) of: a seaweed-covered (player's name) disk.


a spark-embossed vellum -- 1m
First Person: Your fingertips crackle with tiny arcs of lightning as you utter the phrase for [Spell Name]...
Third Person: {Character} utters a phrase of magic as his fingertips crackle with tiny arcs of lightning.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear the light crackle of electricity along with an uttered magical phrase.
Specific Spell Restriction: 901

a dark stream token -- 1m
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:
You spray a dark stream of brackish water at a giant rat!
{Character} sprays a dark stream of brackish water at a giant rat!

a water-filled glass globe token -- 2m
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:
You gather a swirl of mists at your palm before hurling an undulating globe of water at a giant rat!
{Character} gathers a swirl of mists in his palm before hurling an undulating globe of water at a giant rat!

a wave-embossed vellum -- 1m
First Person: Your fingertips drip with condensation as you utter the phrase for [Spell Name]...
Third Person: {Character} utters a phrase of magic as his fingertips drip with condensation.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear the quiet drip of water along with an uttered magical phrase.
Specific Spell Restriction: 903

a wave-incised token -- 1m
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:
You howl as you surge forth a rushing wave of water at a giant rat!
{Character} howls as his surges forth a rushing wave of water at a giant rat!

a flame-embossed vellum -- 1m
First Person: You utter the phrase for [Spell Name] as a small flame dances across your fingertips...
Third Person: {Character} utters a phrase of magic as a small flame dances across his fingertips.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear a flame ignite as a magical phrase is uttered nearby.
Specific Spell Restriction: 906

a grey-swirled faded note -- 250k
First Person: You wave a hand through the air and cup it, gathering a swirl of wind as you chant the incantation for [Spell Name]...
Third Person: {Character} waves a hand through the air and cups it to gather a swirl of wind as he chants an incantation.
Hidden or Invisible: You hear the brief chant of an incantation as a light breeze flutters by.
Specific Spell Restriction: 912

a dusty sheet of vellum -- 500k
First Person: You gesture slowly as you gather a well of elemental energy deep within yourself, the ground trembling slightly in response to your incantation for [Spell Name]....
Third Person: {Character} gestures slowly as the ground begins to tremble in response to his incantation...
Hidden or Invisible: You feel a faint trembling beneath you in time with a quiet incantation nearby.
Specific Spell Restriction: 917

03-30-2019, 05:24 PM
a miniature bucket-shaped disk -- 1m
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant a custom Animated Disk (511) of: a bucket-shaped (player's name) disk.

This is gone, now. (And thank you!)

03-30-2019, 10:29 PM
an inky black token -- 250k
I'll take this if you still have it.

04-05-2019, 08:24 PM