03-29-2019, 05:23 AM
A lot of information was discovered by the folks over in this thread, https://bit.ly/2OxO1bU, and has been reconfirmed through my own testing so I figured I would bring it all together in one place as I added to it.
How much you can upgrade your badge is determined by your lifetime BP and does NOT drain from your pool of unspent BP
Adjusting the boosts on your badge does NOT cost BP but will drain any remaining charges from the badge. BP is only truly spent when paying the Treasure Master to add charges
There are 5 aspects each with 10 upgrades (0-9) The common denotation is #/#/#/#/# for BINDING, MATERIAL, DEVICE, MOTIF, and GEM in order.
Badge aspects all begin at 0, so 4 upgrades to the binding and 2 to the rest would be 3/1/1/1/1
Each upgrade unlocks 3 additional looks for that aspect but they are just for show and have no affect on your badge's capabilities.
Determining how many upgrades you have can be difficult, and my preferred way is to ask the treasure master about CHANGE and counting the available options and dividing those by 3 to get the rank.
Each upgrade costs 10k BP per tier, so getting an aspect to rank 3 would require you have at least 60k lifetime BP (10k+20k+30k)
Upgrades to the first 3 aspects will eventually unlock a 2nd and 3rd available enhance for your badge, but once the 3rd enhancive is unlocked, its best to always upgrade the cheapest available aspect.
You can't enhance the same boost twice. You can have a +CON stat OR a +CON bonus but not both
No boost can exceed you level limit. For every 10 trainings you attain (rounded down) that limit is increased by +2 MAX HP/MP/ST, +1 STAT boost, +1 H/S/M recover, and 0.5 RANKS/BONUS.
At level 45 for example you could get +4 CON STAT, or +8 MAX MANA, or +2 DEX BONUS (or all 3 at once if your badge could handle it, the limit is per individual boost)
This also translates into the maximum limit at cap
+Max Health/Mana/Stamina
Skill Ranks Stat Bonus
MOC ranks
Spirit recovery
The most efficient ways that have been found to unlock 2nd and 3rd enhancives are
2nd=5/5/0/0/0 (300k lifetime BP)
3rd=7/7/6/0/0 (770k lifetime BP)
Every badge upgrade increases the maximum BP capacity of your badge by 1,200 regardless
A badge with full upgrades can hold up to 60,000 BP worth of enhancives.
The minimum badge recharge price is 1000 BP.
Total value for multiple enhances is the sum total of their individual values.
Cost to recharge a badge is cheaper than a matching permanent enhancive, but still more expensive than a crumbly (more research needed when I am less burnt out)
The 119 different enhancive options break down into 18 pricing tracks
Here is the exhaustive list of all the available enhancives and their BP costs. This is my first real go round with formating and all this, I did include the pricing track table as perhaps a way to condense this mass of data into something more useful but if anybody has thoughts on how to make this cleaner I would really appreciate it.
BOOST # TRACK +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20
Strength 1 D 320 960 1920 3200 4800 6720 8960 11520 14400 17600
Constitution 2 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Dexterity 3 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Agility 4 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Discipline 5 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Aura 6 F 480 1440 2880 4800 7200 10080 13440 17280 21600 26400
Logic 7 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Intuition 8 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Wisdom 9 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Influence 10 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Strength Bonus 11 J 1120 3360 6720 11200 16800
Constituion Bonus 12 I 880 2640 5280 8800 13200
Dexterity Bonus 13 I 880 2640 5280 8800 13200
Agility Bonus 14 I 880 2640 5280 8800 13200
Discipline Bonus 15 I 880 2640 5280 8800 13200
Aura Bonus 16 M 1680 5040 10080 16800 25200
Logic Bonus 17 G 560 1680 3360 5600 8400
Intuition Bonus 18 G 560 1680 3360 5600 8400
Wisdom Bonus 19 K 1440 4320 8640 14400 21600
Influence Bonus 20 G 560 1680 3360 5600 8400
Max Mana 21 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200 15840 18720 21840 25200 28800 32640 36720 41040 45600 50400
Mana Recovery 22 H 800 2400 4800 8000 12000 16800 22400 28800 36000 44000
Max Health 23 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800 10560 12480 14560 16800 19200 21760 24480 27360 30400 33600
Health Recovery 24 H 800 2400 4800 8000 12000 16800 22400 28800 36000 44000
Max Stamina 25 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200 15840 18720 21840 25200 28800 32640 36720 41040 45600 50400
Stamina Recovery 26 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Spirit Recovery 27 R 16000 48000
Two Weapon Combat Ranks 28 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Armor Use Ranks 29 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Shield Use Ranks 30 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Combat Maneuver Ranks 31 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Edged Weapons Ranks 32 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Blunt Weapons Ranks 33 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Two-Hande Weapons Ranks 34 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Ranged Weapons Ranks 35 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Thrown Weapons Ranks 36 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Polearm Weapons Ranks 37 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Brawling Ranks 38 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Ambush Ranks 39 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Multi Opponent Combat Ranks 40 Q 4800 14400 28800 48000
Physical Fitness Ranks 41 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Dodging Ranks 42 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Arcane Symbols Ranks 43 O 3200 9600 19200 32000 48000
Magic Item Use Ranks 44 O 3200 9600 19200 32000 48000
Spell Aiming Ranks 45 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Harness Power Ranks 46 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Elemental Mana Control Ranks 47 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Mental Mana Control Ranks 48 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Spirit Mana Control Ranks 49 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Elemental Lore - Air Ranks 50 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Elemental Lore - Earth Ranks 51 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Elemental Lore - Fire Ranks 52 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Elemental Lore - Water Ranks 53 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Spiritual Lore - Blessings Ranks 54 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Spiritual Lore - Religion Ranks 55 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Spiritual Lore - Summoning Ranks 56 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology Ranks 57 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy Ranks 58 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Divination Ranks 59 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Manipulation Ranks 60 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Telepathy Ranks 61 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Transference Ranks 62 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Transformation Ranks 63 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Survival Ranks 64 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Disarming Traps Ranks 65 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Picking Locks Ranks 66 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Stalking and Hiding Ranks 67 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Perception Ranks 68 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
CLimbing Ranks 69 H 800 2400 4800 8000 12000 16800 22400 28800 36000 44000
Swimming Ranks 70 H 800 2400 4800 8000 12000 16800 22400 28800 36000 44000
First Aid Ranks 71 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Trading Ranks 72 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Pickpocketing Ranks 73 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Two Weapon Combat Bonus 74 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Armor Use Bonus 75 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Shield Use Bonus 6 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Combat Maneuvers Bonus 77 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Edged Weapons Bonus 78 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Blunt Weapons Bonus 79 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Two-Handed Weapons Bonus 80 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Ranged Weapons Bonus 81 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Thrown Weapons Bonus 82 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Polearm Weapons Bonus 83 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Brawling Bonus 84 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Ambush Bonus 85 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Multi Opponent Combat Bonus 86 F 480 1440 2880 4800 7200 10080 13440 17280 21600 26400
Physical Fitness Bonus 87 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Dodging Bonus 88 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Arcane Symbols Bonus 89 D 320 960 1920 3200 4800 6720 8960 11520 14400 17600
Magic Item Use Bonus 90 D 320 960 1920 3200 4800 6720 8960 11520 14400 17600
Spell Aiming Bonus 91 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Harness Power Bonus 92 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Elemental Mana Control Bonus 93 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Mental Mana Control Bonus 94 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Spirit Mana Control Bonus 95 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Elemental Lore - Air Bonus 96 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Elemental Lore - Earth Bonus 97 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Elemental Lore - Fire Bonus 98 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Elemental Lore - Water Bonus 99 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Spiritual Lore - Blessings Bonus 100 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Spiritual Lore - Religion Bonus 101 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Spiritual Lore - Summoning Bonus 102 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology Bonus 103 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy Bonus 104 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Divination Bonus 105 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Manipulation Bonus 106 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Telepathy Bonus 107 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Transference Bonus 108 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Transformation Bonus 109 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Survival Bonus 110 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Disarming Traps Bonus 111 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Picking Locks Bonus 112 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Stalking and Hiding Bonus 113 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Perception Bonus 114 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Climbing Bonus 115 A 80 240 480 800 1200 1680 2240 2880 3600 4400
Swimming Bonus 116 A 80 240 480 800 1200 1680 2240 2880 3600 4400
First Aid Bonus 117 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Trading Bonus 118 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Pickpocketing Bonus 119 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Extra research:
Recharge price of badge vs equal enhancives in both perm and crumbly styles.
The current assumption (which is likely very close if not correct) is that you can get a free badge replacement every 90 days. Would be cool for someone who can tell time to look into that.
If there are any badge combinations that people think may produce a faster enhancive unlock, I am willing to buy the badges if it seems plausible
It's possible the level cap for boosts is done in 5 train increments vs 10. This could be learned if someone has a toon of X5-X9 trainings, 55-59 for example, and tried to get +13 max health on their badge.
There is specific messaging based on if it's the badge or your trainings that are preventing an upgrade which may be handy.
That would make your badge far too powerful for someone like you to handle.
Tough luck, your badge can't handle that much power.
How much you can upgrade your badge is determined by your lifetime BP and does NOT drain from your pool of unspent BP
Adjusting the boosts on your badge does NOT cost BP but will drain any remaining charges from the badge. BP is only truly spent when paying the Treasure Master to add charges
There are 5 aspects each with 10 upgrades (0-9) The common denotation is #/#/#/#/# for BINDING, MATERIAL, DEVICE, MOTIF, and GEM in order.
Badge aspects all begin at 0, so 4 upgrades to the binding and 2 to the rest would be 3/1/1/1/1
Each upgrade unlocks 3 additional looks for that aspect but they are just for show and have no affect on your badge's capabilities.
Determining how many upgrades you have can be difficult, and my preferred way is to ask the treasure master about CHANGE and counting the available options and dividing those by 3 to get the rank.
Each upgrade costs 10k BP per tier, so getting an aspect to rank 3 would require you have at least 60k lifetime BP (10k+20k+30k)
Upgrades to the first 3 aspects will eventually unlock a 2nd and 3rd available enhance for your badge, but once the 3rd enhancive is unlocked, its best to always upgrade the cheapest available aspect.
You can't enhance the same boost twice. You can have a +CON stat OR a +CON bonus but not both
No boost can exceed you level limit. For every 10 trainings you attain (rounded down) that limit is increased by +2 MAX HP/MP/ST, +1 STAT boost, +1 H/S/M recover, and 0.5 RANKS/BONUS.
At level 45 for example you could get +4 CON STAT, or +8 MAX MANA, or +2 DEX BONUS (or all 3 at once if your badge could handle it, the limit is per individual boost)
This also translates into the maximum limit at cap
+Max Health/Mana/Stamina
Skill Ranks Stat Bonus
MOC ranks
Spirit recovery
The most efficient ways that have been found to unlock 2nd and 3rd enhancives are
2nd=5/5/0/0/0 (300k lifetime BP)
3rd=7/7/6/0/0 (770k lifetime BP)
Every badge upgrade increases the maximum BP capacity of your badge by 1,200 regardless
A badge with full upgrades can hold up to 60,000 BP worth of enhancives.
The minimum badge recharge price is 1000 BP.
Total value for multiple enhances is the sum total of their individual values.
Cost to recharge a badge is cheaper than a matching permanent enhancive, but still more expensive than a crumbly (more research needed when I am less burnt out)
The 119 different enhancive options break down into 18 pricing tracks
Here is the exhaustive list of all the available enhancives and their BP costs. This is my first real go round with formating and all this, I did include the pricing track table as perhaps a way to condense this mass of data into something more useful but if anybody has thoughts on how to make this cleaner I would really appreciate it.
BOOST # TRACK +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20
Strength 1 D 320 960 1920 3200 4800 6720 8960 11520 14400 17600
Constitution 2 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Dexterity 3 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Agility 4 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Discipline 5 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Aura 6 F 480 1440 2880 4800 7200 10080 13440 17280 21600 26400
Logic 7 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Intuition 8 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Wisdom 9 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Influence 10 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Strength Bonus 11 J 1120 3360 6720 11200 16800
Constituion Bonus 12 I 880 2640 5280 8800 13200
Dexterity Bonus 13 I 880 2640 5280 8800 13200
Agility Bonus 14 I 880 2640 5280 8800 13200
Discipline Bonus 15 I 880 2640 5280 8800 13200
Aura Bonus 16 M 1680 5040 10080 16800 25200
Logic Bonus 17 G 560 1680 3360 5600 8400
Intuition Bonus 18 G 560 1680 3360 5600 8400
Wisdom Bonus 19 K 1440 4320 8640 14400 21600
Influence Bonus 20 G 560 1680 3360 5600 8400
Max Mana 21 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200 15840 18720 21840 25200 28800 32640 36720 41040 45600 50400
Mana Recovery 22 H 800 2400 4800 8000 12000 16800 22400 28800 36000 44000
Max Health 23 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800 10560 12480 14560 16800 19200 21760 24480 27360 30400 33600
Health Recovery 24 H 800 2400 4800 8000 12000 16800 22400 28800 36000 44000
Max Stamina 25 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200 15840 18720 21840 25200 28800 32640 36720 41040 45600 50400
Stamina Recovery 26 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Spirit Recovery 27 R 16000 48000
Two Weapon Combat Ranks 28 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Armor Use Ranks 29 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Shield Use Ranks 30 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Combat Maneuver Ranks 31 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Edged Weapons Ranks 32 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Blunt Weapons Ranks 33 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Two-Hande Weapons Ranks 34 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Ranged Weapons Ranks 35 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Thrown Weapons Ranks 36 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Polearm Weapons Ranks 37 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Brawling Ranks 38 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Ambush Ranks 39 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Multi Opponent Combat Ranks 40 Q 4800 14400 28800 48000
Physical Fitness Ranks 41 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Dodging Ranks 42 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Arcane Symbols Ranks 43 O 3200 9600 19200 32000 48000
Magic Item Use Ranks 44 O 3200 9600 19200 32000 48000
Spell Aiming Ranks 45 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Harness Power Ranks 46 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Elemental Mana Control Ranks 47 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Mental Mana Control Ranks 48 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Spirit Mana Control Ranks 49 N 2400 7200 14400 24000 36000
Elemental Lore - Air Ranks 50 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Elemental Lore - Earth Ranks 51 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Elemental Lore - Fire Ranks 52 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Elemental Lore - Water Ranks 53 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Spiritual Lore - Blessings Ranks 54 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Spiritual Lore - Religion Ranks 55 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Spiritual Lore - Summoning Ranks 56 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology Ranks 57 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy Ranks 58 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Divination Ranks 59 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Manipulation Ranks 60 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Telepathy Ranks 61 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Transference Ranks 62 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Mental Lore - Transformation Ranks 63 P 4000 12000 24000 40000 60000
Survival Ranks 64 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Disarming Traps Ranks 65 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Picking Locks Ranks 66 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Stalking and Hiding Ranks 67 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Perception Ranks 68 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
CLimbing Ranks 69 H 800 2400 4800 8000 12000 16800 22400 28800 36000 44000
Swimming Ranks 70 H 800 2400 4800 8000 12000 16800 22400 28800 36000 44000
First Aid Ranks 71 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Trading Ranks 72 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Pickpocketing Ranks 73 L 1600 4800 9600 16000 24000
Two Weapon Combat Bonus 74 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Armor Use Bonus 75 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Shield Use Bonus 6 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Combat Maneuvers Bonus 77 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Edged Weapons Bonus 78 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Blunt Weapons Bonus 79 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Two-Handed Weapons Bonus 80 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Ranged Weapons Bonus 81 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Thrown Weapons Bonus 82 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Polearm Weapons Bonus 83 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Brawling Bonus 84 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Ambush Bonus 85 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Multi Opponent Combat Bonus 86 F 480 1440 2880 4800 7200 10080 13440 17280 21600 26400
Physical Fitness Bonus 87 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Dodging Bonus 88 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Arcane Symbols Bonus 89 D 320 960 1920 3200 4800 6720 8960 11520 14400 17600
Magic Item Use Bonus 90 D 320 960 1920 3200 4800 6720 8960 11520 14400 17600
Spell Aiming Bonus 91 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Harness Power Bonus 92 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Elemental Mana Control Bonus 93 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Mental Mana Control Bonus 94 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Spirit Mana Control Bonus 95 C 240 720 1440 2400 3600 5040 6720 8640 10800 13200
Elemental Lore - Air Bonus 96 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Elemental Lore - Earth Bonus 97 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Elemental Lore - Fire Bonus 98 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Elemental Lore - Water Bonus 99 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Spiritual Lore - Blessings Bonus 100 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Spiritual Lore - Religion Bonus 101 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Spiritual Lore - Summoning Bonus 102 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology Bonus 103 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy Bonus 104 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Divination Bonus 105 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Manipulation Bonus 106 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Telepathy Bonus 107 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Transference Bonus 108 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Mental Lore - Transformation Bonus 109 E 400 1200 2400 4000 6000 8400 11200 14400 18000 22000
Survival Bonus 110 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Disarming Traps Bonus 111 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Picking Locks Bonus 112 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Stalking and Hiding Bonus 113 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Perception Bonus 114 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Climbing Bonus 115 A 80 240 480 800 1200 1680 2240 2880 3600 4400
Swimming Bonus 116 A 80 240 480 800 1200 1680 2240 2880 3600 4400
First Aid Bonus 117 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Trading Bonus 118 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Pickpocketing Bonus 119 B 160 480 960 1600 2400 3360 4480 5760 7200 8800
Extra research:
Recharge price of badge vs equal enhancives in both perm and crumbly styles.
The current assumption (which is likely very close if not correct) is that you can get a free badge replacement every 90 days. Would be cool for someone who can tell time to look into that.
If there are any badge combinations that people think may produce a faster enhancive unlock, I am willing to buy the badges if it seems plausible
It's possible the level cap for boosts is done in 5 train increments vs 10. This could be learned if someone has a toon of X5-X9 trainings, 55-59 for example, and tried to get +13 max health on their badge.
There is specific messaging based on if it's the badge or your trainings that are preventing an upgrade which may be handy.
That would make your badge far too powerful for someone like you to handle.
Tough luck, your badge can't handle that much power.