View Full Version : Cobbling Script

03-16-2019, 08:26 PM
Looking for a cobbling script. I went through and dug up a couple of ones previously posted and they both end up hanging in Stormfront.


03-17-2019, 07:45 AM
Looking for a cobbling script. I went through and dug up a couple of ones previously posted and they both end up hanging in Stormfront.


You mean to like master cobbling? Because if so I created and used ;cobble in the Landing to master cobbling. I haven't worked on it in years but I imagine it should still work.

Unless you mean a non-Lich script then I'm not aware of any.

03-17-2019, 12:57 PM
I tried that one and it said that it requires ;settings to be filled in but as soon as I try to run/setup ;settings it auto-exits.

I was able to get Tsk Tsk's old one working but it doesn't auto repeat and it won't buy the materials, you have to have them on hand. Just curious if anyone had an all-in-one handy.

03-17-2019, 01:10 PM
I tried that one and it said that it requires ;settings to be filled in but as soon as I try to run/setup ;settings it auto-exits.

My bad, that's leftover from back when Lich used ;settings instead of ;vars.

I've uploaded a new version with updated instructions.

03-17-2019, 01:36 PM
Well bless your heart! I just ran it and it works perfectly with the update. Thank you so much. <3