View Full Version : Help designing a surcoat

03-01-2005, 04:31 PM
Was wondering if some of you wouldn't mind helping me design a surcoat for my paladin. I have a few ideas for what I'd like to have on it, but I'm not that great at making nice descriptions.

The things that would be foremost is the color. The color scheme I have in mind for his entire outfit is blue, grey, and silver. Ideally, the surcoat would have something on the order of blue edging or trim, with the rest of it being grey, though it certainly doesn't have to be exactly like that.

Also, the surcoat is intended to be worn over chain armor, and I'd like to have his symbol on the chest. He is a servant of Lumnis, so I was thinking of using the interlocking rings from her symbol and having them surround a downward-pointed sword.

As for the material, I was thinking cotton or linen, but anything would work really, except silk or spidersilk. He's supposed to be knightish, and expensive material doesn't really suit him.

Anyway, I'm sure, given enough time, I could come up with something, but I know it wouldn't look that great. If any of you actually felt like coming up with something from those guidelines, I'd be incredibly grateful.

[Edited on 3-1-2005 by Enceladus]