View Full Version : Wanted for GoS task: Warcamps to RAZE

03-07-2019, 09:30 PM
My level 42 open archer ranger is too much of a PITA to raze warcamps with - so I will pay you to clear them out (leaving 5 behind) so I can finish/RAZE them.

I need 5 and am willing to pay you to do the hard work.

Message me to discuss pricing?

03-10-2019, 11:11 AM
You can go with the Drakes Vanguard every Tuesday night around 8:30pm EST (get there a bit earlier for spellups) in the Landing ... they usually advertise on the crystal amulet (ESP) but sometimes on lnet too. It's for all levels ... even my 20-something open archer was able to get enough hits in (especially when they spirit strike you but you can stock up on blue crystals ahead of time too or BOOST CRYSTAL for those). Also I think there's something similar in Ta'Vaalor twice a month on Tuesday nights.