View Full Version : Stuff for Sale

03-03-2019, 05:59 PM

1. a carved dark orase runestaff capped with a glowing crimson orb (5x, 4lbs) Fully Unlocked (verbs) Rub, Wave, Raise, Turn, Push, Pull, Salute & Clench (NATA Prize) Flat Price 150k

2. a thick faewood runestaff inlaid with orb-shaped crystals. (4x, 4lbs) Xojium Staff. 4 Verbs Unlocked (PULL POKE TURN SPIN)( Sold at EG for 390k) Flat Price 350k

3. a silver-hued mossbark runestaff banded with onyx and obsidian (4x, 3lbs) infused with the power of an ice elemental. Flat Price 35k


4. veil iron broadsword (5x, 6lbs) Flat Price 50k

5. an emerald-imbedded faenor cresset sword (5x, 8lbs) infused with a grappling force. MB: 50k, SOLD ON BO


6. some vultite brigandine armor (4x, 20lbs) Brig Armor, Inspect as Vultite. infused with the power of a fire elemental Flat Price 100k

7. some dark crimson leathers (4x, 13lbs) Full leather
Flat Price 35k

8. some scarred full leather (4x, 7lbs) Full leather [B][B]MB: 35k, CB: 35k jlwolfe528 SOLD


9. a coarse burlap sack: a wiry sewer rat MB:200k, CB: 600k Misun SOLD

10. a small dice bag stitched with six jeweled cat eyes (all dice are self returning) MB: 100k, CB: 1 mil Justin SOLD
In bag you see: Special [5]: a single square black six-sided die, a few cubes of green six-sided dice, a suite of five red six-sided dice, a couple of white six-sided dice, a group of four blue six-sided dice


11. a patched ebon and ivory suede bag (morphing bag) 9lb, Holds 100lbs MB:150k, CB: 250k MokiePrime SOLD

The creator has also provided the following information:
This bag allows for Metamorphic Alterations - the Original Version. You can try to RUB the bag to cycle through various aesthetics.
Alteration Services:
Any willing merchant may alter existing sides. Each side will count as 1 service. On the rare occasion, there will be clearly stated exceptions to this.
The base 15/15/15 must make sense for all sides.
ALL sides must be either a long or ALL sides must be a show.
If you are changing the base, or changing from a long to a show (or a show to a long), merchants will update the other sides accordingly; however, due to the time sink, some merchants may decline the alteration.
Currently this item has 2 sides.
Side-Adding Services ("Unlocking"):
If you have 2 or fewer sides, any willing merchant may add 1 additional side.
If you have 3-5 sides, a handful of merchants may add 1 additional side during a session:
Blusteri, Ianwel, Rashiva, Roxe, Shahno, Sharlatta, Toffit
[Other merchants will clearly announce if they have temporary ability.]
[The above merchants may additionally or alternatively change your item so that it is
the Expanded Version. This is a one-way change (no take backsies!). Depending on the
number of sides you have, this can become a very time-intensive process, and as a result,
some merchants may decline.]
If you have 6+ sides, adding more is a special service that will not often be offered.
NOTE: Just because a merchant is skilled enough do this service doesn't mean it will fit in with their service offerings each time you see them. Also, side-adding will generally be considered an unlocking service.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the suede bag for you or deepen its pockets.
You analyze your suede bag and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
******************** METAMORPHIC SIDES ********************
The base 15/15/15 is set up as "a,suede,bag", and the the item is set up for LONG descriptions.
Currently, 2 sides total are set up:
SIDE ONE: a patched ebon and ivory suede bag with jet buckles
SIDE TWO: a dark brushed suede bag cinched with silk cords

Next 3 Items are Peretta Cloaks: https://gswiki.play.net/Peretta_cloak

12. a scarlet sarcenet cape whorled with gold-shot cut-outs (8lbs, Holds 90) Peretta Cloak 4 Verbs: RUB, STAND, TURN, and NUDGE Flat Price 50k

13. a plush porraye-lined evergreen lyraigne cloak. (8lbs, Holds 90) Peretta Cloak 4 Verbs: RUB, STAND, TURN, and NUDGE Flat Price 50k

Will Update Bids Daily: Once, Twice, Sold

Please put number of item you would like when bidding

Update: Any Items without a Bid Have Been Set As Flat Price until Last Auction Item is Sold then they will be Pulled
If interest in making an offer on any flat priced item send me a PM.

03-03-2019, 06:06 PM
100k on 10, 150k on 11

03-03-2019, 06:20 PM
200k on 9

03-03-2019, 07:51 PM
9. 300k

03-03-2019, 08:34 PM
35k on 8, 175k on 11 please and thank you.

03-03-2019, 08:51 PM
400k on 9

03-04-2019, 08:40 AM

03-04-2019, 03:00 PM
Ill bid 200k on #10

03-04-2019, 11:00 PM
9. 500k

03-05-2019, 01:22 AM
10. a small dice bag stitched with six jeweled cat eyes (all dice are self returning)


03-05-2019, 07:01 PM
11. a patched ebon and ivory suede bag (morphing bag) 9lb, Holds 100lbs


03-05-2019, 09:41 PM
550k on the rat.

03-06-2019, 12:54 AM
Updated Bids and added Flat Prices

Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk

03-06-2019, 08:11 PM
9. 600k

03-09-2019, 01:47 PM
All items have been sold to pawnshop and/or auction on lnet merchant and SOLD