View Full Version : Crit padded greathelm

02-22-2019, 12:39 PM
Looking for a nice crit padded greathelm, DCP or better preferably.

Or a polished silver mithril greathelm covered with thin black rolaren scales from NATA.

Nata-hata found and purchased thanks for looking.

02-22-2019, 12:56 PM
It's probably a tall order, that ask. Anyone who's got a really nice one has probably worked on it to get it where they want it specifically for their character. It's not a very popular item on the whole. That said, the treasure system drops them at somewhat crit padded all the time and you can probably pick one up, potentially with flares, spikes, sanctification or other normal treasure drop stuff on it as well, for about 100-250k in a player shop. You can get that up to decent within the first service window.

Protip for anyone else who wears a max coverage armor already: You can get poor man's crit/damage padding on every area but chest by just throwing on some somewhat crit/damage padded accessories. Just don't do it unless your armor is already full coverage or it'll bump you up to whatever the full coverage ASG is.

02-22-2019, 02:07 PM
I might have a temp mcp one with some very nice enhancives to go with it laying around somewhere. Let me know if you want me to dig up the stats.