View Full Version : A Multifaceted Blood Crystal && Minor Bag of Holding

02-19-2019, 01:32 PM
A Multifaceted Blood Crystal


This item is used to turn a minor bag of holding into a major bag of holding. It reduces the base weight of the bag to less than 2 lbs and increases the unique item count to 10 unique items.https://gswiki.play.net/Bag_of_Holding

The Ringleader offered me 10k bs for it, so lets start the bidding there. Much rather someone put it to use.

You glance down to see a multifaceted blood crystal in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>look crystal
Roughly the size of a child's fist, the brilliant-cut crystal has perfectly smooth planes that create tiny windows for ambient light to pass through and refract. Micro incursions are smoothed away by the jeweler's delicate touch, causing even the slightest flaw to be manipulated into perfection. While the upper layer is clear and unclouded, the descent towards the point darkens to a near-black, blood red hue that appears viscous despite its solidity.

This appears to be one of the items that the Ophidian Cabal ringleader is looking for! Go speak to him inside the hideout, and ASK him about STOLEN GOODS.

>anal crystal
You analyze your blood crystal and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This blood crystal appears to be one of the stolen items that the Ophidian Cabal ringleader is looking for! Place it in a provided treasure box to keep it safe. If you don't have one, speak to the ringleader inside his hideout. ASK him about BOX.

Please note that once you store an item inside the treasure box, it cannot be removed.

You get no sense of whether or not the crystal may be further lightened.

>give blood crystal to ringleader
Rubbing his hands together, an Ophidian Cabal ringleader looks at you and says, "I will gladly pay 10000 bloodscrip for that. Just give it to me again within 30 seconds."

NOTE: You do not need to place the blood crystal inside the treasure box. You simply need to have the minor bag of holding in your hand along with the blood crystal and ask the ring leader about the crystal.

>get crystal
You remove a multifaceted blood crystal from in your survival kit.

You swap a small treasure chest to your left hand and a multifaceted blood crystal to your right hand.

>give ring
Rubbing his hands together, an Ophidian Cabal ringleader looks at you and says, "I will gladly pay 10000 bloodscrip for that. Just give it to me again within 30 seconds."

>_menu #2283185 0
>ask #2283185 about crystal
An Ophidian Cabal ringleader says, "You got your paws on a blood crystal? Well, then... you're the kind of worker I'm after. I'll keep my word and reward you handsomely for bringing me that crystal. Here, let me unburden you of that, and in return, I'll trade you a final time, and give you a sack that has a special clasp on it. It'll only take a moment, and if you have anything stored, I'll be sure to move it over to the new container."
With that, the ringleader takes both the crystal and the chest from you, pockets the crystal and pulls a sack from beneath an oversized dark wooden desk. "See? I said only a moment, and it wasn't a minute longer. I believe you'll find this most versatile. Return to me if you find more."

Minor Bag of Holding

MB: 1k bs

>get chest
You remove a small treasure chest from in your spidersilk pack.

>glance chest
You glance at the treasure chest in your hand.

>look at chest
You see nothing unusual.

>inspect chest
Inspecting that may not be a sound idea.

>anal chest
You analyze your treasure chest and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "There do not seem to be any specific limitations."

The creator has also provided the following information:
This chest is a Bag of Holding (minor) reward from the Bank Heist at Duskruin Arena. Items stored inside will count only as one item (the container). The current properties of this chest are as follows:

Unique Item Capacity: 1 items -- carrying 0 total items, 0 unique items
Per-Item Capacity: Up to 10 of the same item
Max Encum of Container: 50 pounds (currently carrying 0 pounds)
Despite any messages below, this item cannot be lightened or deepened.

USAGE: DROP/PUT, POKE, PULL (to remove focused item), PUSH, RAISE, RUB, TOUCH, TURN (to set focus on an item to remove).

Important Note: GET will not work with this container.

You get no sense of whether or not the chest may be further lightened.

02-20-2019, 05:39 PM
MB on the crystal, please :)

02-21-2019, 11:13 PM

02-22-2019, 02:45 PM
Will be sold tonight if no other intesrest.

02-22-2019, 11:12 PM
Crystal is sold.