02-06-2019, 12:43 PM
Selling a set of permablessed UAC gear. I'm not going to break it up, before anyone asks. For what it's worth, a PB cert at DR is 300k bloodscrip.
Looking for 225k flat for the set.
Gloves are 7x, permablessed, Tier 5 ensorcelled, SWCW (5 points).
Boots are 6x, permablessed, Tier 5 ensorcelled, SWCW (5 points).
Both are scripted, and the boots are unlocked to produce unlimited amounts of crud from the terrain you're in. See below for info.
a sun-damaged stiff canvas pouch: a tight ball of sun-leached suede and a tight ball of sun-leached suede
a tight ball of sun-leached suede > a stiff pair of suede handwraps sun-leached of all color
Cupping the end of the sun-leached suede in your right hand, you gently wrap it around your palm and carefully weave it between your fingers. Once done, you flex your fingers to test the fit, and then repeat the process on the left so that both hands are adorned in newly made suede handwraps.
You analyze your suede handwraps and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to handwraps from the Old One-Two.
As you contemplate the handwraps on your hands, you realize that when you take it off it will turn back into a tight ball of some kind of fabric and that it will trap wear only.
In this form, it traps for remove, crack, pull, rub. A stiff pair of suede handwraps sun-leached of all color has special messaging about climate when it is pulled.
You may customize the article field and the adjective field, but handwraps will always be the noun. You may give it a long description, but may only customize everything after the 15/15/15 of the handwraps. You may also give it a show description, if you so choose, but it will not support both a long & show.
You can tell that the handwraps is as light as it can get.
>pull handw
You pull the end of your handwraps down over your wrists and brush a layer of dust off your suede-wrapped knuckles.
>crack handw
Curling your pinky into your right palm, you slowly crack the tiny knuckle, and then give each of the other fingers on that hand the same treatment. You flex that hand and then you repeat the process with the left hand.
>rub handw
Cradling your right wrist in your left hand, you firmly press your thumb into your open palm and massage it for several seconds.
a tight ball of sun-leached suede > a stiff pair of suede footwraps sun-leached of all color
Holding the end of the sun-leached suede against your ankle bone, you begin to gently wrap it around first the ankle, then across the top and around the arch of your foot. You point your toes, testing the tightness of your wrapping job and, satisfied, repeat the process with the left foot so that both feet are adorned in newly made suede footwraps.
>anal foot
You analyze your suede footwraps and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to footwraps from the Old One-Two.
As you contemplate the footwraps on your feet, you realize that when you take it off it will turn back into a tight ball of some kind of fabric and that it will trap wear only.
In this form, it traps for remove, crack, pull, rub. A stiff pair of suede footwraps sun-leached of all color has special messaging about terrain when it is pulled.
You may customize the article field and the adjective field, but footwraps will always be the noun. You may give it a long description, but may only customize everything after the 15/15/15 of the footwraps. You may also give it a show description, if you so choose, but it will not support both a long & show.
These have been unlocked to allow them to create terrain specific items that can be pulled from between the toes and manipulated.
>crack foot
Leaving your toes flat, you slowly lift your heel until you achieve the right angle and then quickly press down. A loud crack rings out as the pressure in your toe's knuckles is relieved.
>pull foot
Feeling a pinch in your suede-wrapped feet, you reach down and pry a small wad of fur and dust from between your toes.
>rub foot
Bracing your right foot on your left knee, you cup your foot in your hand and firmly massage the muscles along the arch.
You analyze your fur and dust and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
This is a small enviromental trinket created from the "Old One-Two Footwraps" that are sold on Caligos Island. This item was found between someone's toes when they were standing on a hard or flat surface-like terrain and then they pulled it free.
These little treasures are temporary and as such will not stick around long. Almost anything can destroy them, some randomly, others with specific actions.
A small wad of fur and dust has access to the following verbs: Rub and Smell.
>rub dust
You rub the fur and dust between your forefinger and thumb, grinding it away into nothingness. (destroys it)
>smell dus (destroys it)
You lift the fur and dust to your nose and breath deeply. Almost instantly, you realize that it was a huge mistake and issue a cacophonous sneeze that sends the fur and dust tumbling from your hands.
Looking for 225k flat for the set.
Gloves are 7x, permablessed, Tier 5 ensorcelled, SWCW (5 points).
Boots are 6x, permablessed, Tier 5 ensorcelled, SWCW (5 points).
Both are scripted, and the boots are unlocked to produce unlimited amounts of crud from the terrain you're in. See below for info.
a sun-damaged stiff canvas pouch: a tight ball of sun-leached suede and a tight ball of sun-leached suede
a tight ball of sun-leached suede > a stiff pair of suede handwraps sun-leached of all color
Cupping the end of the sun-leached suede in your right hand, you gently wrap it around your palm and carefully weave it between your fingers. Once done, you flex your fingers to test the fit, and then repeat the process on the left so that both hands are adorned in newly made suede handwraps.
You analyze your suede handwraps and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to handwraps from the Old One-Two.
As you contemplate the handwraps on your hands, you realize that when you take it off it will turn back into a tight ball of some kind of fabric and that it will trap wear only.
In this form, it traps for remove, crack, pull, rub. A stiff pair of suede handwraps sun-leached of all color has special messaging about climate when it is pulled.
You may customize the article field and the adjective field, but handwraps will always be the noun. You may give it a long description, but may only customize everything after the 15/15/15 of the handwraps. You may also give it a show description, if you so choose, but it will not support both a long & show.
You can tell that the handwraps is as light as it can get.
>pull handw
You pull the end of your handwraps down over your wrists and brush a layer of dust off your suede-wrapped knuckles.
>crack handw
Curling your pinky into your right palm, you slowly crack the tiny knuckle, and then give each of the other fingers on that hand the same treatment. You flex that hand and then you repeat the process with the left hand.
>rub handw
Cradling your right wrist in your left hand, you firmly press your thumb into your open palm and massage it for several seconds.
a tight ball of sun-leached suede > a stiff pair of suede footwraps sun-leached of all color
Holding the end of the sun-leached suede against your ankle bone, you begin to gently wrap it around first the ankle, then across the top and around the arch of your foot. You point your toes, testing the tightness of your wrapping job and, satisfied, repeat the process with the left foot so that both feet are adorned in newly made suede footwraps.
>anal foot
You analyze your suede footwraps and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
Welcome to footwraps from the Old One-Two.
As you contemplate the footwraps on your feet, you realize that when you take it off it will turn back into a tight ball of some kind of fabric and that it will trap wear only.
In this form, it traps for remove, crack, pull, rub. A stiff pair of suede footwraps sun-leached of all color has special messaging about terrain when it is pulled.
You may customize the article field and the adjective field, but footwraps will always be the noun. You may give it a long description, but may only customize everything after the 15/15/15 of the footwraps. You may also give it a show description, if you so choose, but it will not support both a long & show.
These have been unlocked to allow them to create terrain specific items that can be pulled from between the toes and manipulated.
>crack foot
Leaving your toes flat, you slowly lift your heel until you achieve the right angle and then quickly press down. A loud crack rings out as the pressure in your toe's knuckles is relieved.
>pull foot
Feeling a pinch in your suede-wrapped feet, you reach down and pry a small wad of fur and dust from between your toes.
>rub foot
Bracing your right foot on your left knee, you cup your foot in your hand and firmly massage the muscles along the arch.
You analyze your fur and dust and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
This is a small enviromental trinket created from the "Old One-Two Footwraps" that are sold on Caligos Island. This item was found between someone's toes when they were standing on a hard or flat surface-like terrain and then they pulled it free.
These little treasures are temporary and as such will not stick around long. Almost anything can destroy them, some randomly, others with specific actions.
A small wad of fur and dust has access to the following verbs: Rub and Smell.
>rub dust
You rub the fur and dust between your forefinger and thumb, grinding it away into nothingness. (destroys it)
>smell dus (destroys it)
You lift the fur and dust to your nose and breath deeply. Almost instantly, you realize that it was a huge mistake and issue a cacophonous sneeze that sends the fur and dust tumbling from your hands.