View Full Version : THings to Do in GS, or, WHere are non-Adventurer's Guild QUests

12-28-2018, 05:09 PM
Hi All,

I'm writing as a newbie who's getting used to the way things work in this game, so apologies if these questions seem a bit silly or typical.

I'm trying to get a sense of what there is to "do," in GS4. I come from a background in more quest-centered RPGs, like Skyrim, for instance, or what I've heard of WoW, though I haven't played much of the latter. I'm wondering how GS4 compares in terms of variety and such.

I'm just at level 3, but worry about how much fun I'll have hunting over the long haul. Is that the best way to get experience in general? How much scope is there for non-combat activities?

I chose a ranger for a first character because I kind of like the archetype, and I'm still getting used to how skill training and such works. I'm trying to introduce a friend of mine to the game as a thing we could do together, she was asking how to get non-adventurer's guild quests, and I drew a blank.

Any input on this and related topics would be appreciated. :)

12-28-2018, 05:11 PM
There are societies that provide quests, such as Voln. There is a Katana quest too. Events usually have a few quests in them.

For the most part, other than those, you'll need to just make up your own. GS is very free form. A lot of the quest type things are your own goals or GM NPCs will issue them out and stuff.

12-28-2018, 05:13 PM
The only quest I know of is that truffle one in EN and it's crap.

12-28-2018, 05:59 PM
As was mentioned, GS is not exactly like those other games. Even though it is an MMORPG, games like WoW are more quest driven and focused like a single player RPG similar to Skyrim etc. I'd say Gemstone is closer to a sandbox game like Minecraft than it is an MMORPG. The biggest hurdle a new player coming in has to get over is understanding the timescale that Gemstone runs at. You could power through leveling and critters and earning silvers pretty quickly with a few guides, but unless that is your goal (which it doesn't sound like) you probably won't really enjoy it.

Sticking to the closest analogs to "quests" - you have the few mentioned already with societies being the easiest to access. Voln mixes up "Kill X amount of creatures" with a special task each step that needs to be done. These tasks are usually pretty straight forward, but can be difficult if you don't have a great understanding of the lore and lay of the land (there are guides to help). Sunfist I have the least direct knowledge, but I believe it is very similar, with tasks ranging from "Visit X locations" to "Defeat these special arena like battles" to advance further along. There is a third society that is not supposed to be spoken about openly. The tasks for such a society might include returning with specific skins and common trinkets that drop as loot and then having to answer "trivia" questions. Again, they can be difficult if you are not very familiar with the in game world, but I don't think they are nearly as difficult to figure out going in blind as the Voln tasks are.

There are lots of hidden "quests" in the world, some mentioned - Katana quest to make a magical metal katana for your character with a unique "show" (if you SHOWED the item to someone they would see a more detailed description, same as if you LOOKED at it). There are also a LOT of hidden, what I will call for a lack of a better term, "Set pieces" that not a lot of people know about. There are several shrines around the world, and I think a lot hidden around one specific town, that you can collect certain types of gems or other specific items and provide offerings or related actions that will either create a unique item or bestow a blessing etc. These are not major accomplishments in the sense of giving you experience or powerful items, they are hidden flavor in the land that attempt to provide some surprises and breath life into what is a fairly active living world.

Going back to my first point about time scales, a lot of content that isn't towns and classes are actually player inspired or even directly created by players. The game has a system in place where characters can create their own organizations that follow a goal or guiding ambition/purpose that others can join. These player run organizations then host "events' such as providing magical spell ups, professional services, or other activities like games, RP get togethers (Dancing, drinking, etc) and the longer they have existed and the more events they have conducted, they earn benefits that can including having their own custom building coded into the game and then earn benefits to that area to bring it even more to life. This takes roughly two years of activity to get to. I don't think it has happened in a very long time, but if an organization exists and is active for an even longer period of time, it could be elevated to "House" status, which gives direct mechanical benefits and options to the "House" and members of it. There are several "Great houses" that exist in the game already, each one started as a player run organization (perhaps not as it is structured now, but was a group of players all working with the same goal in mind) and where elevated to "House" status decades ago.

In addition to that, there is the free form RP of just creating a character and interacting with the world. There are more structure "Storyline" RP events which are run by GMs that players tend to flock to, which are stories told over time that players can influence and interact with the characters. Then there is just people creating their own stories and actions. They might not always have the same level of interaction as a GM run story, but they can run just as deep depending on the players and story.

If any of that catches your attention or sounds interesting, ask here or check out the wiki for some more information, there are a lot of options available and you really get what you put into the game when its not strictly advancing in level. Some players are here just to make numbers get bigger, others weave intricate characters with stories twisted and crossing with other players and events.

12-28-2018, 11:18 PM
As was mentioned, GS is not exactly like those other games. Even though it is an MMORPG, games like WoW are more quest driven and focused like a single player RPG similar to Skyrim etc. I'd say Gemstone is closer to a sandbox game like Minecraft than it is an MMORPG. The biggest hurdle a new player coming in has to get over is understanding the timescale that Gemstone runs at. You could power through leveling and critters and earning silvers pretty quickly with a few guides, but unless that is your goal (which it doesn't sound like) you probably won't really enjoy it.

That's fascinating, thank you. I've done some RP on previous muds but was struggling a bit to get a foot in the door on this one, I've not got a strong character concept hammered out yet. The idea of comparing to Minecraft wouldn't have occured to me.

I guess where I'm a bit confused is that, on some games, death is to be avoided, because you only get one life if you're lucky. Clearly, GS doesn't quite fall in that category. DO the character in the world know that resurrection happens routinely? Is it available to everyone, even commoners and peasants?

I'm wondering where you'd recommend I go to get a start at the lore, all that being said. It would be nice to have a slightly stronger concept than "human ranger." :)

12-28-2018, 11:43 PM
I guess where I'm a bit confused is that, on some games, death is to be avoided, because you only get one life if you're lucky. Clearly, GS doesn't quite fall in that category. DO the character in the world know that resurrection happens routinely? Is it available to everyone, even commoners and peasants?)

Have you done the sprite quest yet? If you haven't I don't want to give away too much, but it seems like resurrection is at least available for the masses, if not a little uncommon or expensive. Major NPCs routinely get killed and their resurrection is 'impossible' or just kind of ignored too, though. It's sort of a grey area that is based more on story requirements than anything else. Adventurers used to have to buy deeds or risk permanently dying, but that's no longer the case.

As far as quests that haven't been mentioned yet, as a low level character you can run messages (see the town clerk) or forge iron (only possible in the Landing - see the blacksmith).

12-29-2018, 12:55 AM
I dont know if anyone caught that reference, but he said going in blind... HEHE.. You have an ability to change up your "quests" as you seek them through the adventure guild. Pick 3-5 friends around your level.. and make a quest of it... it's pretty much a free for all do what makes you happy sort of land.

12-29-2018, 03:13 AM
lol at people trying to be nice and spin there being lots of in game things to do. there isn't, at all. societies, which are neat and all but are a tiny, tiny amount to do really and they stand out so much because it's like...the end of questing in gemstone when you finish it.

there IS a lot of exploration type things you can do. But it isn't a quest, per se, it's more finding easter eggs. It can be really enjoyable. For instance try to find all the entrances and exits to the catacombs in the landing without a map. Piecing together the storyline of areas by really looking at all the set pieces around the area is great fun too.

But those things aren't quests. Gemstone has always been player / GM driven in that regard. RPing with others, or catching actual GM run events but the latter isn't everyone's cup of tea due to some uh....issues that arise with one GM and 50 players competing for attention.

12-29-2018, 10:39 AM
Welcome aboard!

<<I've done some RP on previous muds but was struggling a bit to get a foot in the door on this one, I've not got a strong character concept hammered out yet. >>

All that is required is to stay in-character (no modern references aloud), you can build your character concept and back-story as you go along. The RP is what you want to make of it.

<< I guess where I'm a bit confused is that, on some games, death is to be avoided, because you only get one life if you're lucky. Clearly, GS doesn't quite fall in that category. DO the character in the world know that resurrection happens routinely? Is it available to everyone, even commoners and peasants? >>

Death at some point is almost inevitable and expected which is why there is a cleric class. Have you purchased Deeds yet? See:


Keep the questions coming, good luck and have fun!

