View Full Version : Xbox Game Pass - Explain it to me

12-15-2018, 06:18 PM
Sorry, I'm not a console gamer and I don't always understand the offerings. 13 year old son just got an Xbox One S. Am I missing something, or does it not make sense to pay the $10/month fee for this service if he wants to play games that are already included in this service. For example, he wants to play PubG. PubG is $30 to buy. Obviously if it was only one game, it would make more sense just to buy the game. But if it's that on top of 3-4 other games, it seems like it makes more sense just to subscribe to the monthly $10 sub.

12-15-2018, 06:23 PM
Game Pass includes several games. Think of it like NetFlix for Xbox Games. It has about 200 or so on there right now.

12-15-2018, 06:25 PM
Game Pass has a library of 100+ games, from OG Xbox to the current Xbox One. You also get first party MS games on launch, like Halo and Forza.

It's a pretty great service.

12-15-2018, 06:28 PM
It's a growing library of games for a small cost. So as long as the game is in that library, you can play it so long as your subscription is valid.

12-15-2018, 06:29 PM
Game Pass has a library of like 100+ games, from OG Xbox to the current Xbox One. It's a pretty great service, I have it myself.

PS4 has Gamecube games on it as well as PS 1+2+3. Streaming service too so no installation outside of save.

12-15-2018, 06:31 PM
It's a growing library of games for a small cost. So as long as the game is in that library, you can play it so long as your subscription is valid.

They do switch games around a bit. I think Fallout 4 was recently removed.

PS4 has Gamecube games on it as well as PS 1+2+3. Streaming service too so no installation outside of save.

PS Now sucks though, the streaming is incredibly janky. Also no Gamecube AFAIK beyond emulators.

12-15-2018, 06:33 PM
They do switch games around a bit. I think Fallout 4 was recently removed.

As long as they keep Katamari on it, I'm fine.

12-15-2018, 07:19 PM
Thanks all for the input. I appreciate it. The only one I could pos rep was Astray because I hadn't spread it around enough. :(

12-15-2018, 07:22 PM
Thanks all for the input. I appreciate it. The only one I could pos rep was Astray because I hadn't spread it around enough. :(

I'll negrep everyone in here for you.

12-15-2018, 08:22 PM
I think Fallout 4 was recently removed.

Temporary promo for Fallout 76. Good service though, they're always adding new games.

12-16-2018, 03:54 PM
Sorry, I'm not a console gamer and I don't always understand the offerings. 13 year old son just got an Xbox One S. Am I missing something, or does it not make sense to pay the $10/month fee for this service if he wants to play games that are already included in this service. For example, he wants to play PubG. PubG is $30 to buy. Obviously if it was only one game, it would make more sense just to buy the game. But if it's that on top of 3-4 other games, it seems like it makes more sense just to subscribe to the monthly $10 sub.

As long as you don’t let him play Fortnite, you’re good.


12-16-2018, 05:31 PM
You can also buy the games at a discounted price if theres one he really likes and you know it's going to disappear at some point.

12-16-2018, 05:34 PM
Honestly, you should just trade the XB1 in for a PS4 Pro. :)

12-16-2018, 05:45 PM
Honestly, you should just trade the XB1 in for a PS4 Pro. :)

I started out preferring the PS4, but over time I've flipped. Sony fell into the trap of taking their market dominance for granted, and backwards compatibility/game pass/Play Anywhere/4k blu-ray is really, really good.

12-16-2018, 05:48 PM
I started out preferring the PS4, but over time I've flipped. Sony fell into the trap of taking their market dominance for granted, and backwards compatibility/game pass/Play Anywhere/4k blu-ray is really, really good.

I started with XBox and went the other way. Because it is a superior machine.

12-16-2018, 05:51 PM
I started with XBox and went the other way. Because it is a superior machine.

The One X has better hardware and functionality than the Pro. It is known.

12-16-2018, 05:53 PM
The One X has better hardware and functionality than the Pro. It is known.

The One X is trash and everyone that likes it probably enjoys the carnal company of silverback gorillas. It is also $100 more expensive.

12-16-2018, 05:59 PM
The One X is trash and everyone that likes it probably enjoys the carnal company of silverback gorillas. It is also $100 more expensive.

They are the same price, chief.

Enjoy ripping UHD movies to a flash drive to watch on your Pro while I just pop in the disc.

12-16-2018, 06:04 PM
They are the same price, chief.

Enjoy ripping UHD movies to a flash drive to watch on your Pro while I just pop in the disc.

wut, the XB1X is 499, PS4Pro is 399, and who the fuck buys discs? I stream that shit. I haven't bought a disc in years.

12-16-2018, 06:04 PM
I also do all my movie watching in my Oculus Rift. Console peasant.

12-16-2018, 06:08 PM
wut, the XB1X is 499, PS4Pro is 399, and who the fuck buys discs? I stream that shit. I haven't bought a disc in years.

Dunno where you're looking, the One X (and bundles) are $399 on Amazon, just like the PS4.

I also do all my movie watching in my Oculus Rift. Console peasant.


12-16-2018, 06:15 PM
Dunno where you're looking, the One X (and bundles) are $399 on Amazon, just like the PS4.


Oh they went down for the holidays I guess. It wasn't the price a month ago.

And NOU.

But yeah, watching movies in Oculus Rift is fucking amazeballs. And seriously, who the fuck is still buying discs?

12-16-2018, 06:28 PM
And seriously, who the fuck is still buying discs?

There are lots of reasons to buy physical. Data caps, connections speeds, digital rights ownership issues, resale value...

12-16-2018, 06:30 PM
There are lots of reasons to buy physical. Data caps, connections speeds, digital rights ownership issues, resale value...

None of those are reason enough for me. I do have a data cap, but I never even come close to hitting it ever since I switched back to Satellite from streaming TV.

12-16-2018, 06:44 PM
None of those are reason enough for me. I do have a data cap, but I never even come close to hitting it ever since I switched back to Satellite from streaming TV.

cut a fart

12-16-2018, 06:56 PM
cut a fart

No, people with PS4's don't fart anymore. We have become 100% efficient.

12-16-2018, 07:25 PM
No, people with PS4's don't fart anymore. We have become 100% efficient.


12-17-2018, 11:45 AM

12-17-2018, 11:51 AM
PS4 owners use their farts for blast processing.