View Full Version : Selling - Footwear alteration box

12-08-2018, 11:49 AM
Selling a Boot-Bedazzler. Allows you to use Gems and Skins to fancy up footware:

Details copied from:

>look at coff
Panes of clear glass on either end of the coffer reveal a multitude of gears and wires within the inner workings of the box. The interior pair of compartments are lined with rich red velvet.
>open coff
The coffer opens smoothly but requires a fair bit of force, as though you were pulling against something. Various mechanical whirrings and clicks emanate from the coffer, finishing with a satisfying *CLICK* when the box is fully open. Inside the coffer, you notice two compartments.
>put pea in coff
You put an iridescent pearl in your black mithril coffer.
>put pea in coff
You put a pair of supple leather boots in your black mithril coffer.
>close coff (with footware and a gem/skin/hide inside)
As you close your black mithril coffer, you hear a mechanical whirring begin within it. Several measured ticks echo faintly, the unmistakable sound of a ratchet. The device hums along smoothly, giving off an odd assortment of clicks, ticks and clunks until, with one last ratcheting sound, the coffer falls silent.
Roundtime: 15 sec.
>open coff
The coffer opens smoothly but requires a fair bit of force, as though you were pulling against something. Various mechanical whirrings and clicks emanate from the coffer, finishing with a satisfying *CLICK* when the box is fully open. Inside the coffer, you notice two compartments, one of which contains a pair of supple leather boots dusted with iridescent pearl flecks.
>get boots from coffer
You remove a pair of supple leather boots dusted with iridescent pearl flecks from in your black mithril coffer.

Sometimes it will put on flecks, sometimes it will clasp... it's completely random. It does not work with EVERYTHING... footware needs to be rather plain. No limit on the number of alterations you can do - do them all day long! No rest period required.

If it fails, something like this message will display:
>close coff
As you close your black mithril coffer, you hear a mechanical whirring sound coming from within it. After a moment, the sound ceases, leaving you wondering if something more should have happened.

MB: 5 Million
Will take Cash at $5 per

CB: 6M Lexbubba

12-08-2018, 12:04 PM

12-08-2018, 11:22 PM
Updated with Current Bid

12-09-2018, 07:14 PM
Bump. CB 5M going to call it sold tomorrow evening if no further bids

12-10-2018, 02:32 AM

12-10-2018, 10:35 PM
CB 6M. New bid, will give it until tomorrow evening if none further

12-11-2018, 09:14 PM
Last call. If no bids by 11pm (Eastern) this is sold

12-11-2018, 11:10 PM
And sold

12-12-2018, 07:56 PM
And Delivered

PS - I ANALYZED it before handing off (to make sure it was the right item) and apparently this one also work on Belts, so if anybody sees one in the future, know that it just wasn't mentioned