View Full Version : Bag Of Holding with 149 Upgrades

12-08-2018, 11:29 AM
Selling a greater bag of holding (Belt Slot) with 149 Upgrades


You need 230 Upgrades to fully upgrade a bag, so you're well on your way.

90/90 Upgrades to Per-Item Capacity
30/90 Upgrades to Unique Item Capacity
19/30 Upgrades to Carry Weight
10/20 Upgrades to Weight Reduction


The creator has also provided the following information:
This sack is a Bag of Holding (major) reward from the Bank Heist at Duskruin Arena. Items stored inside will count only as one item (the container). The current properties of this sack are as follows:

Unique Item Capacity: 40 items -- carrying 212 total items, 11 unique items
Per-Item Capacity: Up to 100 of the same item
Max Encum of Container: 145 pounds (currently carrying 21 pounds)
Weight Reduction: 50%


12-08-2018, 01:34 PM
Selling a greater bag of holding (Belt Slot) with 149 Upgrades


You need 230 Upgrades to fully upgrade a bag, so you're well on your way.

90/90 Upgrades to Per-Item Capacity
30/90 Upgrades to Unique Item Capacity
19/30 Upgrades to Carry Weight
10/20 Upgrades to Weight Reduction


The creator has also provided the following information:
This sack is a Bag of Holding (major) reward from the Bank Heist at Duskruin Arena. Items stored inside will count only as one item (the container). The current properties of this sack are as follows:

Unique Item Capacity: 40 items -- carrying 212 total items, 11 unique items
Per-Item Capacity: Up to 100 of the same item
Max Encum of Container: 145 pounds (currently carrying 21 pounds)
Weight Reduction: 50%

MB: $1000

Impressive amount of work that you put in on that.

12-13-2018, 01:51 PM
Based on the new treasure trove prices, this bag has 842,500 bloodscrip worth of upgrades.

12-13-2018, 02:25 PM
Just curious as to what items you find useful to store in the bag. Thats a sexy bag!

Impressive amount of work that you put in on that.

12-13-2018, 02:43 PM
Its actually really handy for alchemy reagents, they basically weigh nothing already but it saves from messing with jars etc.

I also used it heavily while mass producing embeds although the weight on those adds up still.

I put knitting yarn into a basic greater one.

Basically anything you normally might stack up

12-13-2018, 10:50 PM
These bags work on herbs and skins?

Only if they are the exact same value (skins) and bites left for herbs. The way it's implemented took away most of the value (items having to be EXACTLY the same). It's basically good for items that already have solutions for them, so it only really ends up saving your a few locker spaces instead of hundreds.

12-15-2018, 10:22 AM
going to go ahead and pull this. We'll see if they ever get around to fixing this honestly half baked idea of a distribution method