View Full Version : Love - Hate
Becouse I'm eternally bored.
Name the 4 characters your character loves (rocks, likes . . whatever) and 4 they hate.
If not both categories . . just choose one and let their names be known!!
Chica - Only halfling that Shimm was (is) scared of!! <3
Linsha - Tought Shimm a thing or two about 'evil' + She's teh hot.
Senja - Only character who constantly showed flawless hatred for Shimm.
Aurawyn - Basicly just dazzled Shimmerain with her grace and beauty.
Evarin - Murdered Shimm's sister a bunch of times. (RP king tho Evarin :yes: ).
Subarashi - Took the faith right out of Shimmerain once he realised Oleani favoured her over him.
Atreau - The only IG reason I have to hate him is his constant murder of Shimm.
Alisin - Aided Atreau. ( smooch )
02-24-2005, 07:19 AM
Akari - he's been there since she was really young and basically molded her training, making her what she is today.
Deeahlah - easily Senja's best friend.. heh heh if Senja wasn't so stuck on Akari :heart:
Faramund - gone but not forgotten by Senja, her first mentor
Love & Hate
Shimmerain - she admires and hates him deeply at the same time. He was her first role model of how a sorcerer should be.
Michaelous - Just because he's Akari's friend doesn't mean she won't implode him.
Hakwea - followed her around relentlessly harping on the whole dark elf thing, then when she ignored him.. he killed her.
Miss X
02-24-2005, 07:39 AM
Ezre - He is Chicas true love and soulmate etc
Velvette - Chica thinks of her as the best empath around and an amazing friend, she's so kind and gentle.
Maliku - Chica is sort of enchanted by him and his strange ways
Trilley - Chicas best friend since their kobold hunting days in Icemule. I have to include Svardin in this too because he and Trilley are her oldest friends and she <3's them both lot's.
Nektarius - He makes her so angry, he is the only person she has been driven to murder (RP wise his player is fantastic, I love the way Chica and Nek interact)
She hates nearly all Dhe'nar with a passion and is not that keen on Faendryl either. She is really not keen on the Dhe'nar that she has heard mock halflings, like... Avaia, Xandalf, Evarin...
02-24-2005, 07:47 AM
Most folk.
Idiots, doesn't matter what race, profession, etc. Dumb is dumb and I hates me some dumb.
02-24-2005, 08:26 AM
People Linsha loves.
Shimm- he's evil enough to make her smile.
Satira-I just love her, she's great at making me laugh. Besides, she loves Linsha's darling too.
Lanfire-old, old friend I've known for years. He's a great person and his character is good in the kind of way where I don't want to murder him.
Denrit-he's the brother to one of my other girls and he's also a wonderful person. Great at making me laugh, even if he does call Solhaven home. Let it burn...
Right now a lot of the people in Ta'Vaalor. My bard is there and they're idiots. I don't hate anyone per se. I mostly get annoyed with people who act like idiots on a consistant basis.
02-24-2005, 09:23 AM
Lets see.
My rogue first:
Silverwolf: Her long time love
Valicar: Someone she could love very much but is a very very good friend and protector
Tolwynn: for always being there for her
Galesmight for making her smile when she needed it and helping her to have fun.
Azorack for corrupting a dear friend of hers
Mekthros for helping to destroy the home she loves
Alisaire: for being a sneaking traitor
Tolwynn her hubby
Dremerie: her long time mentor and friend
Thia for being her wife
Songie for being a strong mother figure
Love & Hate
Mekthros for threatening to kill her baby but he facinates her at the same time.
Azorack: He scares her and wanted to cut off her hands
02-24-2005, 10:41 AM
I'm going to have to redefine those words first, before I can apply them to Jihna. :lol: in she will treasure your company and conversation but might rip you to peices slowly on an altar to amuse Luukos (and herself) if she got idle:
Jolena - probably Jihnas closest friend. This gets confusing for her. :-/
Vishra - Jihnas driving obssession. hehe, Vishra dosnt feel the same.
Ysashan - her blood slave and Derimus - her spirit slave (two awesome rpers!)
Hate.... despite a relationship all she can really think about is seeing their insides.
All of the above with the exception of Jolena (barely)
add one: Zaaf - who totally rox the sexy sacrifice part :devilsmile:
The love and hate arent that different. :no: :shrug:
02-24-2005, 10:44 AM
Stay no longer loves anyone
He hates quite alot of few people.
02-24-2005, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Miss X
Trilley - Chicas best friend since their kobold hunting days in Icemule. I have to include Svardin in this too because he and Trilley are her oldest friends and she <3's them both lot's.
Oh and WTF is wrong with this??!
02-24-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Miss X
She hates nearly all Dhe'nar with a passion and is not that keen on Faendryl either. She is really not keen on the Dhe'nar that she has heard mock halflings, like... Avaia, Xandalf, Evarin...
A girl after my own heart.
02-24-2005, 11:08 AM
Dang it! Don't make me send Alisin to show Shimm how to really "aid" someone! ewww Shimm smooches!!!!!!
And you're still missing a couple of other folks from the aided Atreau list! You're just picking on me cause I'm a girl! <cries>
02-24-2005, 11:55 AM
There are like 15 others, but they all left the lands (or have ugly feet). :( Hurray for the magic touch!
</3 4 real
Miss X
02-24-2005, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Originally posted by Miss X
Trilley - Chicas best friend since their kobold hunting days in Icemule. I have to include Svardin in this too because he and Trilley are her oldest friends and she <3's them both lot's.
Oh and WTF is wrong with this??!
Ok so Stay is her oldest oldest friend and she totally loves him too, but he never shows any emotion!!!
Originally posted by EmpressBtch
Dang it! Don't make me send Alisin to show Shimm how to really "aid" someone! ewww Shimm smooches!!!!!!
And you're still missing a couple of other folks from the aided Atreau list! You're just picking on me cause I'm a girl! <cries>
Fuck it, you totally figured me out!!
02-24-2005, 12:49 PM
I love lots
Ardwen (of course)
Roselady and all her various guises
Hate? I feel hate drags me down more than the person being hated, a powerful emotion that I don't want wasted on negativity. I'm sure they wouldn't care if I hated them or not.
02-24-2005, 12:55 PM
hate everyone.
02-24-2005, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by crazymage
hate everyone.
See I told you.. no cares. Lol mostly because we know your lying.
[Edited on 2-24-2005 by Myshel]
02-24-2005, 01:08 PM
From an IC perspective:
Sees favorably:
1. Merjinia - His ever loyal and devoted companion
2. Moredin - The wayward Dhe'nar
3. Siledor - An old friend
4. Starshadow - A voice of reason in confusing times
Finds disfavorable:
1. Talindara(sp) - A waste of pure elven flesh
2. Avaia - The source of his doubts concerning his people
3. Kristalis - The definition of Pakra'a
4. Debia - Threatens his racist views against halfbreeds
[Edited on 2-24-2005 by Fallen]
02-24-2005, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by crazymage
hate everyone.
i fergot. I h8 sergey. no redefinition needed. :no:
02-24-2005, 01:20 PM
I'm pretty sure Anticor is on everyone's love list but doesn't need to be listed as it goes without saying.
02-24-2005, 01:26 PM
i really do h8 everyone especially short people with names starting with CH, and end in ICA.
02-24-2005, 01:35 PM
I don't say enough nice stuff about people so I'll answer this.
Faiyth LOVES:
Aeraelena - She just finds her such an inspiration and so truthful.
Plur - When she's down (or heck, if I'm down) he's always the first person I'd go to to get cheered up. He's been a good friend to Faiyth and a funny guy since I started playing gemstone nearly 9 or 10 years ago.
Zephyraen(sp?) - Because she is such a true lady in Faiyth's eyes, kind of a picture of what Faiyth wants to be.
Tamral - He's awesome.. just awesome to me as much as to Faiyth.
Nordred - Because he's such a flirt, and yet he still maintains his Lordlyness (is that word?) through it all.
Seravadon - Because she's engaged to him, and he's just come so far since she first met his angry grumpy old self.
Faiyth HATES:
Gondolion - She doesn't hate him as much as is deathly terrified of him. She's seen him kill a few people. He's also very mean to her and Aeraelena, so she just doesn't like em that much.
A few other people but it's a secret hate so I ain't gonna list it.. I'd rather they not know she hates them. heh!
02-24-2005, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
Fuck it, you totally figured me out!!
OMG you bastard, I knew it! You're flirting with me!!! Sorcerers sure have weird habits!
Originally posted by Fallen
3. Kristalis - The definition of Pakra'a
What's pakra'a?
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Stay no longer loves anyone
He did at one point?
[Edited on 2-24-2005 by Drew]
02-24-2005, 03:11 PM
A kristalis evidently
Originally posted by Syberus
A kristalis evidently
Good point
02-24-2005, 03:20 PM
IC: One who was born of Rhoska-Tor, though not Dhe'nar. Though not always the case, the term is most often used in a slanderous connotation.
OOC: Idiots who flag Dhe'nar as their culture, knowing absolutely nothing about them.
Disclaimer: No, for the hundredth time, I am not trying to repress the roleplay of those Dhe'nar (I use the term loosely) who choose to be "different".
02-24-2005, 03:27 PM
it's great to be loved...and it's okay to be hate because atleast yoru being recognize...but dammit ! I got none of both ! do I RP Kazami THAT bad ? :(
02-24-2005, 03:36 PM
it's great to be loved...and it's okay to be hate because atleast yoru being recognize...but dammit ! I got none of both ! do I RP Kazami THAT bad ?>>
I believe it is great to be loved. I also believe it is moderately acceptable to be hated, as renown of any kind is favorable. I find myself angered. I was selected for neither the Loved, nor the Hated lists compiled by the posters of this message board. Is this exclusion due to the fact that I roleplay my character Kazami badly?
This translation was mercifully brought to you by Evarin's player.
[Edited on 2-24-2005 by Fallen]
02-24-2005, 04:23 PM
Eider likes most people. Few of the ones she likes the most are.
Chalon - her best friend, Eider is proud to be able to announce that she was best halfling at his wedding to Duceresenja.
Boomsplat - finds the ear wiggling thing totally fascinating.
Plumbley - All that purple. Eider is in awe of him.
Licel - Although she hasn't seen her "snakeboy" in a long time she seems to think Licel actually likes her and will join his group and snuggle him. (Poor poor Licel)
Blades - Eider seems to have a strange love-hate thing about Blades.
Few exceptions, these being:
Atreau - Simply because he is a tool and a bully (Eider doesn't like bullies)
Pickax - Because he was mean to her and told everyone she was offensive
Jastio - Because he attacked her, and again was being a bully on the dais.
Edited to add Eider really likes Daegal because he is a fantastic dwarven sorcerer who Eider used to hunt with for the longest time when they were younger and Daegal was older than Eider.
Also to add Reijin who is almost like a big brother to Eider, even though he doesn't play anymore. He was fantastic to Eider and used to take her hunting when she was little.
[Edited on 2-25-2005 by Eiderfleur]
02-24-2005, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
it's great to be loved...and it's okay to be hate because atleast yoru being recognize...but dammit ! I got none of both ! do I RP Kazami THAT bad ?>>
I believe it is great to be loved. I also believe it is moderately acceptable to be hated, as renown of any kind is favorable. I find myself angered. I was selected for neither the Loved, nor the Hated lists compiled by the posters of this message board. Is this exclusion due to the fact that I roleplay my character Kazami badly?
This translation was mercifully brought to you by Evarin's player.
[Edited on 2-24-2005 by Fallen]
thanks your hire as my official translator ! when can you start ?
02-24-2005, 05:54 PM
Wizricky - IG and RL brother
Camri - Even though she's a lesser race, she's proved herself worthy in Gerb's book
Sintik - If he's still alive!?
Zeyrin - a dwarf of the Khanshael that has quite a history with Gerb
Strong dislike/hatred:
Pretty much all non-dark elf races (with the exception of some dwarves and a few pure elves that he has an odd attraction to)-especially half-elves
[Edited on 2-24-2005 by Snapp]
02-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Falgrin (and any other character played by PB)
My in-game husband
Avantos and Aalyiah
SHM and his crew
Rhys and his army
The original Onyxflame and her various alts (when they are around.)
Dredbeck et al
Strong dislikes:
Mostly any attention whores or drama kings and queens.
02-24-2005, 06:35 PM
Myshel doesn't love me and TheRoseLady doesn't hate me. I've failed at life and Gemstone, talk about hitting a new low.
02-24-2005, 06:56 PM
Who the heck hates Kupoa?! The Krolvin is so groovy!
02-24-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
TheRoseLady doesn't hate me.
Sure she does:
Originally posted by TRL
Strong dislikes:
Mostly any attention whores or drama kings and queens.
02-24-2005, 07:19 PM
Oh please, I would never have been classified as an attention whore.
02-24-2005, 07:19 PM
I never really interacted with SP in game, but here you are.
Jolena - Michiko's sister. They've been there through the thick and thin for each other, and Michiko wouldn't have it any other way.
Stunseed - Michiko would never admit it, but she values Stun not only as a friend but because he's the first guy (in Michiko's eyes) to treat Jolena the way she should be treated (as a princess!).
Caiylania - Though Michiko's friendship with Caiy was formed very quickly, it's a very strong one... Michiko feels like she could talk to Caiy about anything. Caiy also introduced her to a bunch of new people, for which Michiko is grateful.
Kaeral - One of Michiko's friends (not that either has seen each other in a very long time) that she also kinda had a "thing" for. He went and broke her heart by dating another woman, but she still tried to stay close to him. :(
Tayre - Michiko's partner in crime. Has killed her on multiple occasions, but she doesn't mind as much as she should.
No one in particular that I can think of... except Candor. He ambush-kissed her and tried to steal from her outside of Wayside and then ran into town. She killed him anyway. :saint:
If I was to include everyone she's had a crush on at one point or another (Ulial, Elrodin, Kaeral as mentioned above, and Limoj to name a few) this would be way longer. And Desian. Can't forget that sexy merchant. :heart:
[Edited on 2-25-2005 by GS3 Michiko]
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-24-2005, 07:28 PM
Tay likes everyone he hangs out with. Ardwen, Caralain, Rhys, Alarica, Bisco, Yarans, Sergey, Speaker, Celeri, Chica, Andiago, Femereff, Avantos, Eahlstan, Yviara, Myshel, Lorissia, Kasrael, and I'm certain to have forgotten a large number. Anyone who roleplays or is just a nice person.
Tay doesn't really hate much of anyone. Idiothm, Klaive. Both of those I wouldn't even say it's Hate so much as thinks they are idiots.
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
and I'm certain to have forgotten a large number.
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Is she still under control of the original player?
I used to hang around her all the time, around Hearthstone, and she was a super sweet lady.
If it's the original, send a hello from me sometime.
[Edited on 2-25-2005 by peam]
02-24-2005, 07:48 PM
My character rolls with Culghuun the Krolvin Skull-Crusher.
And he hates everyone on the Coastal Cliffs.
02-24-2005, 08:46 PM
Who the heck hates Kupoa?! The Krolvin is so groovy! >>
Evarin hates him as he hates your whole vile, mudblood race.
Hugs and Kisses, Gizmo
Originally posted by Hulkein
My character rolls with Culghuun the Krolvin Skull-Crusher.
And he hates everyone on the Coastal Cliffs.
There's nothing in the world that's more soul-cleansing than a good round of Cliffing.
02-25-2005, 04:48 AM
Stunseed-- as Jessa mentioned before, he's the first man in her life to have honestly shown her the value of friendship, love and loyalty. Don't think at this point that Jolena would be the same if something ever happened and they split.
Michiko-- Jolena's sister and the only family member aside from her Uncle whom she feels that she honestly can depend on no matter what. :heart: Even though Michi is not her blood sister, Jolena feels she could never have a better one, blood or not.
Stalgart-- Jolena's past love/fiance. They have a unique blood bond that binds them together and most likely will never go away. They've made it through a lot of drama and happy times together and came out of it all as very good friends.
Izalude-- Jolena's mentor and psuedo father figure. He took her under his wing training wise as a young girl and she could never repay him for what he's done.
Jihna-- Oddly enough, Jihna's following of Luukos goes against everything Jolena believes in however she adores Jihna completely and would probably never EVER admit that. Although I'm sure Jihna knows it hehe. She considers her one of her closest friends.
Jaysehn-- she admires and respects him completely, especially for being a incredibly good and loyal friend to Stunseed, whom she feels doesn't have enough true friends.
Syberus-- Her friend and psuedo Uncle. She was raised around Syberus from the beginning practically. He's been there for her during times that she felt nothing would ever go right for her again. Much :heart: to Syberus!
Perigourd-- Her favorite Uncle. Although they aren't the closest ever, he's someone she respects and cares for deeply and he's always been protective and loving towards her.
Mekthros-- she thinks he's evil as hell but for some reason he fascinates her at the same time. And well, she respects him for being true to what he does and being intelligent about it.
Foxs-- She has a unique relationship with her. On one hand, she despises what Foxs does but on the other hand, she sees something good or at least tries to, in everyone and has experienced that vulnerability with Foxs on many occasions.
Lyral-- long story but she desecrated the one thing Jolena had left from her dead mother and for that she can never forgive her. She's one of the few that Jolena would kill on sight and cackle about it later. (maybe even during the act hehe)
Michaelous-- He is the epitomy to Jolena of what a man should not be. He's vulgar and has no respect for women whatsoever as far as Jolena is concerned. She'd be happy to see his lips removed and his 'manly parts' forever rendered unusuable.
Warclaidhm-- For being dishonorable and an all around idiot. Long story.
I wrote a whole list with explanations and my browser crashed, so I'll do it quick like:
Elminster - Oldest friend still in the lands
Erised/Dannah - First new friends
Damsall - Always funny
Stunseed/Jolena - Remind him of Icemule. Mostly runs into them out of town when Stunseed is mouthing off to someone who can kill him (which he admires) and Jolena is trying to save him. Also enjoys telling Jolena she would be a good seamstress/baker/butter churner/anything that doesn't involve fighting.
Nephtyris- Little Chiv
Kaladriel - Drunken dwarf
Zosopage/Sherysse- Level-headed warriors, something he admires, if not follows.
Stay - Likes that he doesn't have to say much before he beheads someone
Quildor - Hates the Landing as much as he does
The women of the Northern Fury: Enjoys (as do I) telling them they should be cooking or "raising babies" and not fighting because he knows it annoys them and I don't think he really cares (which isn't his personality at all).
All krolvins/half-krolvins - Will usually kill them or at least injure depending on his mood and how busy he is. Especially dislikes Hemingr (but I like his player)
Various "enemires of the Empire" - Jenovadeath, Mekthros, others
Warclaidhm- Killed Roland, his sparrowhawk
Coinner - Attacks women
Solescape/Abztract - Attacks women
Arshwikk - Coward
Reltov - General hatred
02-25-2005, 05:36 AM
[quote]Originally posted by Drew
Stunseed/Jolena - Remind him of Icemule. Mostly runs into them out of town when Stunseed is mouthing off to someone who can kill him (which he admires) and Jolena is trying to save him. Also enjoys telling Jolena she would be a good seamstress/baker/butter churner/anything that doesn't involve fighting.
:lol: Man, I never knew you were Chiv's player until this post. haha.
Also, yeah she wants so badly to put a dagger in his eye when he suggest she should be in the kitchen/house etc. Well, it alternates between that and smooching him with a chuckle.
And um..yeah she doesn't really try to save him..she just um..she's just..oh hell, yeah you're right. She can't help it! :P
02-25-2005, 07:14 PM
The "Love" list for the following two characters could of course be far longer, but the original post said four.
1. Evarin~The Ruler of her Heart, her Milari.
2. Naessi~Her oldest friend and most trusted confidante.
3. Llaurina~A new but dear friend.
4. Nolat~Her beloved brother.
I can honestly say Merjinia hates no one. However there are those she has a love/hate relationship with. I can only name two(three) howerver.
1.Dravius/Diebatil~For assuming each other's idenities, and totally crushing Merji's memories of her past. They both make her laugh, however.
2. Talantris~ For being the irrestistable Elf that he is, and then abandoning her.
1. Chica-- Her bestest friend in all the lands!
2. Tayre--"Her" Elf
3. Svardin--He is finding her a Kobold Knight husband.
4.Adrendrin--Because he knows where the Tarts are!
1.Neco (sp)--Arrogant, self rightous Halfling.
2. Ezre--Secretly she hates him for stealing her Chica away.
3. Valicar--She is convinced he moved the majority of the "Furry Feet' out of the city to fight in distant lands.
4. Khelddar--For taking away her Dragon.
02-25-2005, 08:27 PM
1. Jolena -- For obvious reasons. ( She's the moon to guide him, his reason for not being nomadic, with her, it makes Stun what he truly is. )
2. Tayre -- His closest friend, now gone. Tayre reminds Stun how thrilling life could be, while getting away with some crazy stuff.
3. Heuward -- Stun's mentor in the Rangerly ways. To see him so surprised at his route and his power was one of the highlights of my playing.
4. Members of Fury -- In most cases, they treat Stun with ALOT of respect and value his abilities. Stun has never been in a group to do so.
5. Chiv/Jaysehn -- Both guys who Stun could easily spend hours talking with about anything. Chiv understands the Ranger part, while Jaysehn is always something new to try to comprehend, being from a foreign land. Jaysehn understands the reason why Stun is so physical, seeing as how Jaysehn uses nothing magical.
6. Michiko, Gothique, Kasia, Evelith, and all of Jolena's friends who make life so much easier. I think Stun's heard "Do these pants make my ass look big?" once. Much respect for those who console Jolena's designer side, because Stun is not really into fashion.
1. Rorac -- Stun's nemesis in all ways. Stunseed kept away from the Landing so often, just as to not throttle Rorac.
2. Alfador -- An overstuffed human who killed Stun in cold blood, and for some reason likes to stalk Stun while invisible so he can beat off while watching him.
3. Mekthros -- The flip side of Stunseed's coin. Dark, and mentally powerful, Mekthros has the intelligence to keep Stun on his toes ( and kill him if he really wished, I think Mekthros likes to argue with Stun so he keeps him alive. ), and yet they both have this sense of honor that borders on insanity when dealing with each other.
4. Warclaidhm, Michaelous, Hulkein -- I batch these together for the same reason. While Hulk wasn't nearly as bad, they all fit the same stereotypical genre.
I see my antisocial play has come into effect.
Originally posted by Tijay
I see my antisocial play has come into effect.
I saw you once (at the AI War 2) and Tijay said maybe 10 words total. So there's that.
Intense likes...
Shilara who's has/is his heart.
Jadezen who is the definition of a true friend.
Kaillen and Aurilee who taught him the meaning and worth of having a good family.
Sazlo who's his in game brother and has taught him alot about being a good Sorcerer and wielding his powers to the best of his advantage.
Aaysia because she's one cool babe who's always willing to give sound advice.
No one really.
02-26-2005, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
I see my antisocial play has come into effect.
Gerbill loves you. :heart:
02-26-2005, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
Mekthros-- she thinks he's evil as hell but for some reason he fascinates her at the same time. And well, she respects him for being true to what he does and being intelligent about it.
Remembering on the Dhu when Jihna tried to sell Jolena to Mekthros. I was laughcrying watching Jolena struggle between trying to 1.) explain to everyone that Jihna didnt own her (that took extra time for Jihna to understand) and 2.) explain to crazyhead Mekthros that she wasnt for sale, and 3.) keep Stunseed and Mekthros from getting into it.
02-26-2005, 06:50 PM
Har har har. Yeah that was SO much fun for Jo (NOT). LOL On the other hand, yeah I had a LOT of fun on the Dhu and it was mainly due to Jihna's antics. Thanks for making my time in Gem so fun, Robin. U r0xor!:beer:
Oh and lets not forget Querthose and a few others I can't remember who were part of the Mekky crew during that night. They were also trying to put their bids in. Asking Jo if she cooks, cleans, know, the usual. :lol:
[Edited on 2-26-2005 by Jolena]
02-27-2005, 01:40 PM
Well, the people I like and dislike varies with each character, but oocly.. here it goes!
Alania - Best friend ever, even though I don't see her much anymore. Alas, I knew her well. Great RP and lots of fun.
Shimmerain - For the RP and complex interactions through and through. Love and Hate wrapped into a perfect gift, and for putting Aurawyn into a trance. He's my mystery.
Whirlin - He's the cutest little halfing around, and he's so much fun to play the game with.
Klaive - (Even though people will hate me for putting this down.) He has RP'ed wonderfully with my character and supports the perfect duo.
Zaaf - For always making me snort laugh with her quirky ways. :heart:
*There are a ton more people I would love to put down, but you said only 4 and I already went 1 over. >_< *
Michaelous - The name is enough, I think. He just frustrates the hell out of me. Would be great RP with some of my characters if he wasn't OOC all the time.
Solmarar - The player is cool, but the character is someone that needs to be continually imploded. I have various reasons.
Vitruvian - For the same reasons as the two above.
I don't HATE these people that do this, but those that can't separate characters. That really upsets me, but I don't hate them.
Edited: For typos.
[Edited on 2-27-2005 by Divinity]
02-27-2005, 01:42 PM
Aww, Alania is around a lot actually but not healing in TSC much anymore. She misses her Elli! :heart:
02-27-2005, 01:52 PM
She's in the EN. Elli will come back soon, promise! :heart:
I can't type...
[Edited on 2-27-2005 by Divinity]
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