View Full Version : [WL Player shop] Emcumbrance pots, long-term rechargers, sting salves, bounty waivers

11-27-2018, 01:40 AM
Wehnimer's Landing, room 375, ironworked brownstone store

Silvery blue potions
30-day encumbrance potion
100 lbs of encumbrance reduced

Swirling yellow-green potions
30-day enhancive recharger
Not for spell knowledge enhancives

Squat jar of pallid grey salves
6 uses of death's sting reduction
2 uses wipes away sting from a voluntary depart

Adventurer's Guild voucher packs
100-count voucher pack
Allows you to decline your current task and request another immediately
SOLD OUT (was 800k)

If you're willing to buy 10m or more, feel free to get in touch about a (slight) volume discount.

12-09-2018, 11:15 PM
Bumpin on up

12-10-2018, 02:58 AM
Are the things for 10m anything nice or just locker stuff?

12-10-2018, 03:17 AM
There are no things besides what's listed. I just mean that if someone wants to buy a bunch of stuff in bulk (for example, 25 enhancive rechargers), I can provide a small discount.