View Full Version : T4 Fully Unlocked Special Fishie named Printhethh

11-22-2018, 03:54 AM

I am putting up my T4 fully unlocked special fishie up for auction.

Auction will go once, twice, and sold unless I receive a buyout.

This link will give information about 1st and 3rd person view. https://gswiki.play.net/Fishies

The name of fishie is Printhethh.

This translucent sack is a little more than half-filled with brackish water. Drifting in the sack is a relatively small piranha, with some decidedly unusual features. The fish's head is too large for its body, and its scales are a muddy brown color. Massively oversized teeth protrude from the fish's jawline, and its eyes are bloodshot, with one twice the size of the other. The translucent sack is held tightly shut with a length of strong wire.

You analyze your translucent sack and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

You get the feeling that your sack contains a very special "Fishie"!

This sack cannot be altered in any way!

Your fishie is Tier 4. It now has ambient scripts which can be toggled with RUB and PROD!
It will also react to STARE, RAISE (when worn), POKE, POINT, NUDGE, TURN, and SHAKE. Your fishie
has a name, and you can feed it meat! Be aware that you will LOSE any meat you feed it!

put steak in sack
You carefully undo the wire at the top of your translucent sack and lower your boar flank steak into the water. Inside, Printhethh eyes the steak appraisingly for a long moment before darting up and devouring
it in a frenzy of churning water and flashing teeth! Before the carnage finishes, you quickly replace the wire, sealing your translucent sack shut once more.

rub sack
You run a hand across the surface of your translucent sack, and Printhethh calms immediately, her milky eyes turning half-lidded as she lets herself drift in the water.

prod sack
You reach down and prod your translucent sack. Printhethh does not appear pleased at this, and she glares up at you for a long moment before turning her attention to your surroundings.

stare sack
Something in your translucent sack catches your eye. Printhethh is staring at you, her milky gaze unwavering. After a moment, you glance away, a small shiver running down your spine.

raise sack
You heft your translucent sack in one hand without removing it from your belt. Printhethh darts down towards the bottom of the sack, jaws open as she closes in on a finger! At the last moment she veers
away, giving you a reproachful look as you settle the sack back in its original position.

poke sack
You poke an extended finger against the side of your translucent sack, pushing it inward towards Printhethh, who recoils momentarily before gathering herself and charging towards it! In the split second
before her oversized teeth can close around it, you jerk your finger free. Printhethh bounces harmlessly off the side of the sack, but she's clearly none too pleased about it.

point sack
Printhethh glares up at you in annoyance, clearly uninterested.

point at dhu kitten

nudge sack
You casually nudge your translucent sack. Printhethh stoically ignores you, her tail twitching in annoyance as the water shifts around her.

turn sack
You glance at your translucent sack for a moment, then reach down and give the wire holding it closed an extra turn, just to be safe. Printhethh watches you closely, tracking your every movement until you
withdraw your hand, at which point she goes back to patrolling her territory.

shake my sack
You grab hold of the wire holding your translucent sack closed and give the sack a hard shake!


Printhethh goes tumbling around the inside of the sack, flailing wildly before slowly recovering her equilibrium. Her gills flare wide for several moments, then she turns with deliberate menace to face you,
staring directly into your eyes. Her jaw shifts, exposing far more teeth than she should possibly possess, and flicks her tail once. When she feels you've gotten the message, she turns away once more and
glides to the far side of the sack, ignoring you completely.

Printhethh spasms suddenly and rockets around the inside of the sack, racing at top speed! She makes circuit after circuit before coming to an abrupt halt, floating motionless except for her gills, which are
flaring wildly. One milky eye twitches spasmodically for a brief moment, then Printhethh relaxes all at once, resuming her normal patrol.

Printhethh comes to a sudden stop, and one of her milky eyes rotates in place, tracking the movement of something unseen. After a short while, she reorients herself and resumes her normal patrol.

Printhethh flops over onto her back, the cloudy white of her belly showing as she allows herself to drift slowly toward the top of the sack. After a few moments of stillness, she suddenly flips over, eyes wide
and teeth bared, poised to strike! Seeing that nothing fell for her ruse, she flicks her tail in annoyance and resumes her normal patrol.

Printhethh suddenly darts to one side of the sack, her milky gaze fixated on something or other. Just before reaching the sack, she comes up short, and her gills flare wide in excitement. After a long
moment, her gills begin to move normally, and she lets herself be carried around by the gentle motions of the sack, whatever piqued her interest apparently forgotten.

11-23-2018, 01:48 PM
10 million on the fish.