View Full Version : Fixstats potions

11-13-2018, 12:54 PM
25m each!

Would also take a $120 Gift of Adventure.

11-13-2018, 01:03 PM
25m each!

Seven letters? That's not marketing! I'll help you!

You need these potions, people, to make your lives better. Dare I ask, bros, do you even lift?

How much would you pay for one of these potions? 50 millions? 75 millions? ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS!? How do you put a price on your own happiness?

I...I can't believe this. Is this the real price? Only 25 millions for each of these bad boys? These aren't going to last. We're going to have to put a timer on this. From now until the new year, Leafiara is running a very special deal on these potions. No..this can't be right...Buy one, get one full price. Dear six pound eight ounce merciful baby Jesus. I can't believe I just said that.

Alright people, let's go. These things aren't going to last. If the lines are busy, just keep dialing. You will regret it for the rest of your life if you miss out on this deal.

11-16-2018, 09:56 AM
These things are flying off the shelves, people. Your window of opportunity is really short here. These aren't going to make it to Black Friday, so we can't even put them on sale. But I'll tell you what..

For every two of these that you buy, we're going to let you have one of these magnificent Great Kobold figurines. And we're only going to charge y...what? They're free? That can't be right. These are the mahogany ones, aren't they? We can't give these away for fr...okay, if you say so..

Folks, these solid carved mahogany great kobold figurines, FREE with your purchase of every two potions. I cannot believe we're doing this. Somebody must have made a mistake. You'd better get these fast, folks, because they aren't going to be here long.

The Great Kobold has returned to Elanthia already, and he is nigh. What are you going to do without your carved mahogany figurine to show your faith? Get burned in righteous fire, that's what. Now, I know that the phone lines are still busy. Just keep dialing and you'll get through. Don't let up. These will be gone before you know it, and you'll kick yourself if you miss out.

11-16-2018, 03:13 PM
Now that's what you call marketing!


11-17-2018, 04:36 AM
Y'all are nuts. :P

And these are still available! Buy 'em before Duskruin in December in case it has the heist and you need better stats and skills! (Yes, skills. Drinking a fixstats also gives you a fixskills.)