View Full Version : coin pouches, 500k a piece

11-04-2018, 12:29 AM
Step 1. Choose your pouch:

1. an elegant oilcloth coin pouch
2. a fur-lined puma fur coin pouch
3. a luxurious rat fur coin pouch
4. a weathered orc hide coin pouch
5. a weathered velvet coin pouch

Step 2. Pay me 500k.

Step 3. Enjoy your pouch!

Here's the info for the luxurious rat fur coin pouch (the others are similar):

You glance down to see a luxurious rat fur coin pouch in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>inspect rat pouch
You carefully inspect a luxurious rat fur coin pouch.

You estimate that the pouch can store a approximately 1000 silver coins.

You determine that the rat fur coin pouch could be worn attached to the belt.

>analyze rat pouch
You analyze your rat fur coin pouch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This item may be altered, but the noun must remain "pouch," "bag," or "purse," immediately preceeded by the word "coin." Long and show descriptions are both fine.

You can store up to 1000 silver coins in the rat fur coin pouch.

You may OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, REMOVE, COVER, EAT, GLANCE at, PLUCK, SHAKE, TAP, TOSS, and WAVE the rat fur coin pouch, but some options may depend how many coins are stored within.

This rat fur coin pouch cannot be lightened or deepened.

>weigh pouch
You carefully examine the rat fur coin pouch and determine that the weight is less than 2 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

a luxurious rat fur coin pouch
Look description: You see nothing unusual. It is currently open.

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: Yes

The following may be zests:
tap: You tap a luxurious rat fur coin pouch. The coins inside jingle together audibly.
eat: You reach into your rat fur coin pouch, pull out a single silver coin, and gently bite it to be sure that it is real.
pluck: You reach into your rat fur coin pouch and pull out a handful of silver coins, then let them fall back into the pouch with an audible jingle.
wave: That might work better if you were holding the rat fur coin pouch.
toss: That might work better if you were holding the rat fur coin pouch.
open: Your rat fur coin pouch is already open!
close: You tightly clasp your rat fur coin pouch shut.
wear: You reach down and carefully tie your rat fur coin pouch to your belt. The coins inside jingle together audibly.
remove: You reach down and carefully untie your rat fur coin pouch from your belt. The coins inside jingle together audibly.

>wave pouch
You wave your rat fur coin pouch around enthusiastically. The coins inside jingle together.
>toss pouch
You toss your rat fur coin pouch high into the air in front of you. As you attempt to catch it, however, the pouch slips through your fingers and falls to the ground. The coins inside spill out and roll around at your feet.
>close pouch
You tightly clasp your rat fur coin pouch shut.
>toss pouch
You toss your rat fur coin pouch high into the air in front of you and deftly catch it as it falls. The coins inside jingle together audibly.
>open pouch
You unfasten the clasp on your rat fur coin pouch.
>cover pouch
You pull your rat fur coin pouch close to your chest and glance around the room warily.
>glance pouch
You carefully glance over the entire surface of your rat fur coin pouch, inspecting it for holes. It appears to be in perfect condition.
>shake pouch
You give your rat fur coin pouch a good shake. The coins inside jingle together audibly.

At your request, coin pouches will be delivered to you with 1,000 silvers inside.

Asking 500k each.

Thanks for looking!

11-07-2018, 01:25 PM
price reduced to 250k flat (for each one).