View Full Version : Post-EG sale.

11-01-2018, 08:15 PM
Selling some Ebons Gate T5s and some other items, ranging from 75k to 30m. Open to offers. Looking for silver and STR/AGI/DEX/OHE/TWC enhancives in trade.

1. a gnarled witchwood wand, 100k - unbalance spell, 9 charges (I used one on myself), mage rechargeable, doesn’t crumble


3. a miner's pack with 14 broken vaalin and one broken invar lockpick, 800k - each pick has been broken once, unrepaired, good for lock mastery practice

In the miner's pack you see an ivory-tipped dark vaalin lockpick, a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick, a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick, a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick, a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick, a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick, a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick, a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick, an invar lockpick, a gold-flecked blue vaalin lockpick, a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick, a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick, a feystone-set swirled vaalin lockpick, a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick and a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick.


6. some mithril-riveted brigandine embossed with anvils, 500k - 4x, fire flares, 9 lbs, max light


8. a rhimar parma carved with an elaborate Charl symbol, 550k - 5x, cold flares, medium shield, 9 lbs, can be lightened


10. a matte black mithril sidesword with a tortoiseshell hilt, 75k — +15, backsword, acid flares, 4 lbs, can be lightened


12. an enruned drakar-tipped lance, 1m — off-the-shelf shock lance (https://gswiki.play.net/Shock_Weapon)


13. an enruned drakar-shod runestaff, 1m — off-the-shelf shock weapon


14. a brass-riveted white leather tube, 5m — cigar and lockpick case, has a cigar and unique vaalin lockpick in it, many actions

>analyze tube
You analyze your white leather tube and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

Your tube must remain some kind of cylindrical container. You may change the show description but it cannot support a long description. In addition, you can alter the ring/band that is beneath the cap, which will always be a part of the show by default. TURN to raise/lower the velvet lining concealing your lockpicks. Your tube is currently at Tier 1/1.

The following verbs are available to you: OPEN, CLOSE, TURN, FLIP, POINT, SMELL, EXHALE. Original idea by Ardule, Duskruin.

Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the tube's pockets could get any deeper, but you might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the white leather tube for you.


15. a jagged rhimar spike protuding from a silvery illthorn hilt, 30m — 6x switchblade dagger, 45 services of crit weighting (fairly crit weighted), +8 to dodge, +5 to stamina recovery, zesty
Here's more, pilfered from the post of the kind soul who sold it to me:

Description: a jagged rhimar spike protruding from a silvery illthorn hilt

SHOW: The rhimar span jutting forth from a slit at the end of the hilt is deftly honed. Its edge is possessed of serrations that are surprisingly intricate on such a small blade. Tiny copper and iron gears wink from within the blade's illthorn casing.

The spike of crystallized rhimar glistens with a coat of permanent frost, feathers of fog clinging to the air around it. Although brilliant blue at its edges, the blade's color segues to a glacial green at its heart. Flashing glimmers of silver are swirled through the blade.

There are possibly more zests, but here are some examples.

Push: You press a cunningly concealed panel on the illthorn hilt of the spike. The small rhimar blade folds back into the hilt with a brief metallic whisper.

Tilt: You tilt your rhimar spike back and forth, and light glistens off of serrations along the edge of the small rhimar blade.

Spin: You twirl a jagged rhimar spike protruding from a silvery illthorn hilt between your fingers. It sketches a series of lazy spirals about your digits.

Wave: You wave your rhimar spike around in a violent if unfocused display.

Handle form: a silvery illthorn hilt

SHOW: Copper and iron gears wink from a slit that provides a view into the depths of the illthorn hilt. Nestled between them is a serrated rhimar blade.

Silver and turquoise inlay traces a meandering path through the pale grain of the wood to either side of a white leather grip tooled with tiny diamonds. The diamonds glitter like chunks of ice crystal lent adamantine permanence, holding to no particular pattern but beautifying the winding leather strip nonetheless.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the illthorn hilt in your hand...

The harmonics generated tell you that the hilt has been infused with the power of an ice elemental.

The hilt resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 8 to Dodging Ranks.
It provides a bonus of 5 to Stamina Recovery.
The hilt looks to have almost innumerable charges remaining.

You sense that the illthorn hilt will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.


16. a soot-blackened drakar sica with a broken skull crossguard, 15m — 6x short sword, fire flares, 40 services of crit weighting, TWC scripts

You analyze your drakar sica and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "There do not seem to be any specific limitations."

The creator has also provided the following information:
A certain amount of Two Weapon Combat ranks are required for all the verbs available on this drakar sica.
This drakar sica is fully unlocked and works with all the following verbs:
1 to 19 ranks : COVER, PUSH, TAP
20 to 49 ranks : RAISE, DIP, WAVE
50+ ranks : TURN, TWIST, BOW


17. a sturdy oiled canvas haversack buckled with polished brass, 5m — backworn, weighs 6, holds 200


18. a riveted thick leather knapsack, 5m — backworn, weighs 5, holds 200

You analyze your thick leather knapsack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
The thick leather knapsack is unlocked, but not fully unlocked.


19. an exquisite sealskin longcoat fastened with ornately carved bone buttons, 6m — cloakworn, climate wear unlocked once (8 verbs), max light, holds 200


20. some white double leather with ebony accents, 7m — 4x, T1 Voln armor, max light 8 lbs.

You analyze your double leather and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This armor has been designed to provide mechanical benefit to members of the Order of Voln. Some FLUFF verb traps are available to non-members, but unique abilties are bestowed ONLY on members. Due to its nature, the double leather will repel anyone converted to Luukos who attempts to touch it, as well as preventing usage to anyone wearing or holding Shadow Death, Black Ora Jewelry, or Rapture Cloak items. Furthermore, it CANNOT be ensorcelled, which is by design.

The double leather is currently TIER 1 (Off-the-Shelf) and has the following options available:


* DS flares against undead foes. Base chance to flare of 15%, +5% for Voln Masters, +5% for Voln converts. Amount of DS applied equal to armor enchant, min. of +10, max. of +50.

You can tell that the leather is as light as it can get.

11-01-2018, 08:48 PM
5 mil on 11. locker expansion

11-01-2018, 08:49 PM
It's yours! I forgot to mention that I can be reached in-game, on Lich, or on Discord as Loxik.

11-01-2018, 09:50 PM
Adding a couple max light max deep containers:

a sturdy oiled canvas haversack buckled with polished brass, 5m — backworn, weighs 6, holds 200

a riveted thick leather knapsack, 5m — backworn, weighs 5, holds 200

You analyze your thick leather knapsack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
The thick leather knapsack is unlocked, but not fully unlocked.

11-02-2018, 10:25 AM
Lowered some prices.

11-03-2018, 10:10 AM
Sold some stuff, prices tweaked, added a max deep, once unlocked climate wear coat for 6m. I would also sell everything here together — and throw in a few more locker finds — for 60m, because wouldn't that be funny?

11-04-2018, 05:41 AM
Adding some max light 4x T1 Voln double leather for 7m. Description is some white double leather with ebony accents.

11-06-2018, 06:38 PM
Last time I'll bump this before it all goes deeper into ye olde locker. I removed sold items. I am... flexible on prices for whatever's left. Just give me some silvers, please, and I'll give you fictional text items.