View Full Version : Kadesha is a ROLEPLAYING STAR!
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:09 AM
Does anyone know how old she is in real life? I'm merely curious. I can't decipher half of the things she types to me.
Lately, everytime I've been in Solhaven, she tries to tell me I have 'no business being there', and that I'm 'only there to cause trouble' (as if she knows EVERYTHING about me). I've caught her lying TWICE. Once, she boldly stated I was rejected from the DA (which everyone in the DA confirmed was a lie). And THEN, she tried to make up a lie that Mekthros offered her a implosion wand to kill me. Mekthros saw this, and instantly deemed it a lie.
Well, just take a look at her capabilities. I was awe-inspired by them. This is not from my view -- well, until we started doing private comments. Let me know what you think. I'm curious if anyone thinks she's a superior roleplayer as she self-proclaims herself to be on the real boards.
This first part is from a few days ago. The second part is from two days ago.
Kadesha says, "Jenovadeath didnt have a brain even back when he was a wuss."
Kadesha says, "Remember him years ago being a gnat."
You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"so Jenovawuss, ya gonna tell me why ya attacked Misha now? I dislike cruelty to animals, see"
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"That little skirmish we had, Kadesha... That was too easy. It must have been disappointing for you."
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Yes, yes, continue with the ignorant drivel. You're all like goldfish in a bottle, and the water's draining out."
You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"why does the Dark Alliance reject you, jenovadeath? what IS it you fight for anyway?"
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"What a dismal welcoming this is."
You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"who'd welcome you?"
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Hmhmhm. Euphoric as always!"
You hear the faint thoughts of Mourdeyan echo in your mind:
"at least I didn't say...never mind, I'm sure someone will"
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Oh? Don't hold your tongue."
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Hmph. You gutless bastard."
You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"Jenovadeath. go to the Barrier if you wish blood and death, or back to the Ridt, your death cries last night were pleasing"
( Haha, I think she just told me to go to the Ritz Hotel. )
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Ah, my dear Kadesha. If only I could succumb to the desire to slice up your body here and now, and drag out your innards..."
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"But I can't do that now, I have a matter to attend to elsewhere."
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"That 'duty' comes before any pleasure I could have with you here. I haven't the time to waste anymore!"
You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"you cant do it period, Jenovadeath, you ate but scum and I refuse t haveanything to do with you."
(You heard it here first. I ate scum. Note that she says "I can't do it". )
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"I suggest you do not even think to try it"
>You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Frality, thy name is Kadesha!"
( I'm a Hamlet fan!)
>You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Need I remind you, why, not merely fourteen days ago I bestowed upon you my strength, and you met your demise?"
( I can't do it, though, remember?!)
>You hear the faint thoughts of Shirkon echo in your mind:
"Now Kadesha, scum has a purpose in da Lands, Jenovadeath be widsouts any value ats alls. Even werms woulds avoid his corpse fer healthier forage"
( WTF. )
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"yes I recall you beat me jenovadeath, I also recall I initiated the conflict. Since then and firther observation of your actions, i jhave decided you are purely a moron and not worth my time"
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"Jenovadeath, I find it amusing that Mekthros just now offered me an implosion wand to use upon you. Now, take your killing ways elsewhere and use them as intended"
>You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Hmhmhm. Did he, now?"
>You hear the faint thoughts of Mekthros echo in your mind:
"Amusing sentiment."
>You hear the faint thoughts of Mekthros echo in your mind:
"Mekthros does not particularly know or care about the conflict between the two of you."
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"I did not accept the offer. Point is, you are not here for the war and what you seek to do is unnaceptable"
>You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Verily, Kadesha, I do not need a reason to hate you."
You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"Mekthros seems pretty able to handle himself. While I dislike Mekthros's reasoms and beliefs, he at least fights a war he believes in, you lack any acceptable reaso to be killing anybody and belong behind bars"
>You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"On what grounds do you make such bold statements? You know nothing of me."
>You hear the faint thoughts of Mekthros echo in your mind:
"Do let's leave Mekthros out of this. As he, once again, doesn't care to be involved."
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Cease your naivity, before I cease it for you."
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"if you wish to accuse me of cowardice because I am not interested in being killed by one with the metality of a twleve year old so be it."
>You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"It is not worth the effort putting a spineless wretch out of your misery."
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"but unlike you, he also has a reason for the warfare, you are just a thug, Jenovadeath, and not even an amusing andpersonable one"
( For those oblivious, I was recently deemed a member of the rap group, "Bone Thugs N' Harmony". )
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"A consciousness that clings to life is utterly pathetic. You are pathetic."
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"maybe you should go to the Landing an ask for duels on the boulder, Jenovadeath, tis all you are about"
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"take this advice Jenovadeath, dont mess with me. I could care less how well you can wield magic or the size of yer appendages... and I doubt anyone else is impressed either, grow up"
( The size of my schlong?! I never EVER mentioned anything about my gigantic penii. I wonder what made her say this. )
>You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Hmhmhm. They really don't come much more nescient than you."
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"nor am I impressed that you know how to read a disctionary.. what you fail to show knowledge of is in being a reasonable humanoid worthy of breath"
( I wonder what a 'disctionary' is. Who is she, Bobby the Brain Heenan? HUMANOID?)
>You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"...Read a what? Your ignorance is mind-boggling!"
You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha touch your mind:
"well if you are such an expert in roleplay try not playing a juvenile PvPing snert
>You focus your mind on Kadesha and think: "This is exactly why I dislike you. I have never casted at you, and yet, you continue to babble on about how I'm just going around killing people."
You focus your mind on Kadesha and think: "If you continue to do so, I WILL attack you. Know this."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>You focus your mind on Kadesha and think: "You don't know why I'm here. My character is doing something important, and I can't have everyone in the neighborhood know."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You focus your mind on Kadesha and think: "But since you obviously have read my autobiography, you know everything there is to know about me."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha touch your mind:
"ya kiled me a few nights ago, ya imploded an killed 6 of my group trying to kill Ablen, you repeatedly talk about yer magical prowess, yuy attack Ablen ans the Nershuul. showing yer clearly hwere on an ego trip an have no prinicpes behind your deeds, or are you also a shared soul unawaye of yer actions, jest stay out of my life"
You focus your mind on Kadesha and think: "You're an idiot. Initiate an argument with me again, and I will undoubtedly end your ignorance."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha touch your mind:
"you do not have grounds to cast at me, the other day ya did as I initiated it. you dont know and if you try it I will not tolerete your unconcanted pvp"
( This is where I was reassured she was typing with her wanker. )
You focus your mind on Kadesha and think: "Ugh. Reading your ignorant drivel pains me. Learn how to type without fat fingering every other god damn word, and learn how to argue without retorting to childish remarks. Thank you."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Edited on 2-22-2005 by Tabor]
02-22-2005, 10:15 AM
She meant the Rift. And exactly WHY are you there, beyond an ego trip?
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
She meant the Rift. And exactly WHY are you there, beyond an ego trip?
Out of all those spelling errors and undecipherable comments, you chose the EASIEST ONE to reiterate to me? Obviously, she meant the Rift.
I'm walking away slightly more sophisticated after reading this post. Cheers, mate!
02-22-2005, 10:19 AM
You still didn't answer my question. Decent RPing never has had anything to do with perfect typing skills either. While I dislike the woman, she certainly has a point: beyond your ego, WHY are you there?
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
You still didn't answer my question. Decent RPing never has had anything to do with perfect typing skills either. While I dislike the woman, she certainly has a point: beyond your ego, WHY are you there?
That particular night? To confront Nershuul, of course.
02-22-2005, 10:22 AM
<<Out of all those spelling errors...>>
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Frality, thy name is Kadesha!"
Kettle? Pot? Black? What?
EDITED to say... yes. Kadesha's a fuckwad.
[Edited on 2-22-2005 by Makkah]
02-22-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
>You focus your mind on Kadesha and think: "You don't know why I'm here. My character is doing something important, and I can't have everyone in the neighborhood know."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Is that like double secret probation?
Seriously, you've killed alot of people, some innocent bystanders, for this important task that you can't actually explain to anyone.
Also, it's a good thing Kadesha can win alot of arguments with her attack, because I'm not sure she's going to win any with her words.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Makkah
<<Out of all those spelling errors...>>
You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"Frality, thy name is Kadesha!"
Kettle? Pot? Black? What?
I'm white.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Is that like double secret probation?
Seriously, you've killed alot of people, some innocent bystanders, for this important task that you can't actually explain to anyone.
Also, it's a good thing Kadesha can win alot of arguments with her attack, because I'm not sure she's going to win any with her words.
::shakes his head::
People are SOFA KING WE TODDED. You and I BOTH know you can't just go around killing people. I kill people if they attack me, PERIOD. If I just randomly went around killing people like everyone proclaims, I'D BE BANNED. You can't argue with that.
02-22-2005, 10:26 AM
I'm still hearing no good reason why you're even involved in any of this. I'm attributing it to ego, personally.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'm still hearing no good reason why you're even involved in any of this. I'm attributing it to ego, personally.
Uh, even if I WAS there for no reason at all, is there anything wrong with roleplaying someone with an ego?
02-22-2005, 10:30 AM
I wouldn't call that ego. I'd call that "OMG I NEED TO MAKE MYSELF FEEL BETTER IN A COMUTER GAME BY BEING TOUGHER THAN EVERYONE ELSE". Being there to kill Nershuul isn't a reason at all. You may as well have said "I'm there to try and ruin things and show off".
02-22-2005, 10:31 AM
You should kill Kadesha and this guy
>You hear the faint thoughts of Shirkon echo in your mind:
"Now Kadesha, scum has a purpose in da Lands, Jenovadeath be widsouts any value ats alls. Even werms woulds avoid his corpse fer healthier forage"
What a Tsa'ah
[Edited on 2-22-2005 by Tsa`ah]
[Edited on 23-2-2005 by Iriscience]
02-22-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by StrayRogue
She meant the Rift. And exactly WHY are you there, beyond an ego trip?
Out of all those spelling errors and undecipherable comments, you chose the EASIEST ONE to reiterate to me? Obviously, she meant the Rift.
Most likely he used it because it was one of the ones you pounced on:
Originally posted by Tabor
( Haha, I think she just told me to go to the Ritz Hotel. )
Oh, and let me save you the trouble:
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I wouldn't call that ego. I'd call that "OMG I NEED TO MAKE MYSELF FEEL BETTER IN A COMUTER GAME BY BEING TOUGHER THAN EVERYONE ELSE". Being there to kill Nershuul isn't a reason at all. You may as well have said "I'm there to try and ruin things and show off".
Again I ask you, what is wrong with this scenario? Are you saying that one is not allowed to roleplay a 'bad' guy? Surely, if you've seen a 'bad guy' 'good guy' movie, or hell, even played a video game with 'evil' characters (Kefka comes to mind) they're all about ego. My character worked hard to gain his power, so why not flaunt it?
Oh, you're right. I could be like 98% of everyone else playing and team up with the super-powerful GOOD GUY NPC!!!!!
No, I don't think so.
02-22-2005, 10:36 AM
I've always liked Kadesha and found her very capable of roleplaying. I've rarely seen her step out of character. Her name is within the genre this game tries to represent.
I cannot say the same for you Jenovadeath, and thus:
Kadesha > Jenovadeath
02-22-2005, 10:37 AM
Whats wrong with it? Its fucking pathetic, thats what.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I've always liked Kadesha and found her very capable of roleplaying. I've rarely seen her step out of character. Her name is within the genre this game tries to represent.
I cannot say the same for you Jenovadeath, and thus:
Kadesha > Jenovadeath
I was wondering when you would enter the fray, Parkbandit.
Unfortunately, you couldn't 'hack' it in Gemstone, and you moved games. Your opinion is worthless. Thanks for the reply, though.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Whats wrong with it? Its fucking pathetic, thats what.
Show me logs of you roleplaying, and then I'll value this statement, love.
02-22-2005, 10:41 AM
Here's the difference between roleplaying an asshole and being a plain asshole.
Edine = Roleplaying an asshole
Klaive = Just a plain asshole
02-22-2005, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Whats wrong with it? Its fucking pathetic, thats what.
Show me logs of you roleplaying, and then I'll value this statement, love.
I don't need to vilify myself by posting logs. You obviously do. RPing isn't something I switch on and off. Merely living, hunting and interacting as a character is RP to me. Because I don't fucking get involved in quests, or find it funny to kill everything and everyone does not mean I don't RP. I'm sure many others will back this up as well.
I thought this was an RP event and JD could go to Solhaven if he chose too? Either way, that sammich looks great!
- Arkans
02-22-2005, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I've always liked Kadesha and found her very capable of roleplaying. I've rarely seen her step out of character. Her name is within the genre this game tries to represent.
I cannot say the same for you Jenovadeath, and thus:
Kadesha > Jenovadeath
I was wondering when you would enter the fray, Parkbandit.
Unfortunately, you couldn't 'hack' it in Gemstone, and you moved games. Your opinion is worthless. Thanks for the reply, though.
Dear Jenovadeath:
When you fucking powerhunt and offer ZERO to the roleplaying environment during the time until you reach cap.. it makes you a stupid little fuckwad in my eyes that knows nothing about roleplaying. You can't be "I r a rollplayer, see me kill this critter" for 99 levels and then expect people to take you as a serious roleplayer just because you can't gain anymore experience. If they moved the cap from 100 to 101 tomorrow, you would go back to your powerhunting ways and forget all about your "roleplaying" skills until you hit 101.
As far as me 'hacking' Gemstone, I'll let my past 8 years stand up to yours anyday of the week. I am sure I have plenty of material in my 3 years of logs of you being a stupid fuckstain if you need me to post some. Let me know.
Have a fantastic day.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Dear Jenovadeath:
When you fucking powerhunt and offer ZERO to the roleplaying environment during the time until you reach cap.. it makes you a stupid little fuckwad in my eyes that knows nothing about roleplaying. You can't be "I r a rollplayer, see me kill this critter" for 99 levels and then expect people to take you as a serious roleplayer just because you can't gain anymore experience. If they moved the cap from 100 to 101 tomorrow, you would go back to your powerhunting ways and forget all about your "roleplaying" skills until you hit 101.
As far as me 'hacking' Gemstone, I'll let my past 8 years stand up to yours anyday of the week. I am sure I have plenty of material in my 3 years of logs of you being a stupid fuckstain if you need me to post some. Let me know.
Have a fantastic day.
How's WoW working out? Lots of role-playing involved there, I bet! ;)
02-22-2005, 10:46 AM
<<I am sure I have plenty of material in my 3 years of logs of you being a stupid fuckstain if you need me to post some. Let me know. >>
Ouch. JUKEage much?
02-22-2005, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Dear Jenovadeath:
When you fucking powerhunt and offer ZERO to the roleplaying environment during the time until you reach cap.. it makes you a stupid little fuckwad in my eyes that knows nothing about roleplaying. You can't be "I r a rollplayer, see me kill this critter" for 99 levels and then expect people to take you as a serious roleplayer just because you can't gain anymore experience. If they moved the cap from 100 to 101 tomorrow, you would go back to your powerhunting ways and forget all about your "roleplaying" skills until you hit 101.
As far as me 'hacking' Gemstone, I'll let my past 8 years stand up to yours anyday of the week. I am sure I have plenty of material in my 3 years of logs of you being a stupid fuckstain if you need me to post some. Let me know.
Have a fantastic day.
How's WoW working out? Lots of role-playing involved there, I bet! ;)
So because I now play WoW.. I wasn't a roleplayer back in Gemstone? That's a pretty pathetic reach by a pretty pathetic person. I never claimed that WoW was anything remotely close to a roleplaying game.
02-22-2005, 10:48 AM
Agreed. Theres better RPers I've encountered in WoW, than JD's DBZ shit.
02-22-2005, 10:48 AM
Oh and stop posting as alts JD. Thats even sadder.
I still don't see how he wasn't role-playing or can't role-play at the cap. I don't understand it.
- Arkans
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Oh and stop posting as alts JD. Thats even sadder.
Ugh? What the fuck are you referring to? I have one posting name, and this is it.
02-22-2005, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
How's WoW working out? Lots of role-playing involved there, I bet! ;)
Because he's playing a game that doesn't involve Roleplaying he's "wrong" or "failed"?
You seriously need to get a grip on life.
02-22-2005, 10:51 AM
02-22-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I still don't see how he wasn't role-playing or can't role-play at the cap. I don't understand it.
- Arkans
Oh nothing Arkans. But he still hasn't answered my original question though. I'm guessing he can't. The "I AM RPING SOMEONE WITH MASSIF EGO" is pretty much the same as someone 'RPing' the "I AM LUUKOSSIAN, I KILL JEW ALL". You know its cheap, I know its cheap.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Who are you implying I am, then, curiously?
02-22-2005, 10:53 AM
Posts: 6100
Posts: 6539
Holy grip on life alert.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Tabor
How's WoW working out? Lots of role-playing involved there, I bet! ;)
Because he's playing a game that doesn't involve Roleplaying he's "wrong" or "failed"?
You seriously need to get a grip on life.
Yes, let me get a grip on my real life due to a game. You should be come a therapist!
02-22-2005, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Makkah
Posts: 6100
Posts: 6539
Holy grip on life alert.
1 wizard level 100
1 bard lvl 80
1 labcoat that doesn't fit
Holy grip on life alert.
02-22-2005, 10:55 AM
Level 79, BITCH!
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Makkah
Posts: 6100
Posts: 6539
Holy grip on life alert.
I know it is cheap, but I unless everyone here knows JD's motives or knows his character's motives by being around him I don't think there can be a fair assessment. I've seen him show that he can RP. Perhaps his first wasn't that valid since Kadesha and himself were both IC, but I still think he has as much right to RP as the next person.
- Arkans
02-22-2005, 10:57 AM
Thats why I asked Arkans. He doesn't seem able to answer however. He has every right to try and RP, but everyone else has the right to call him on how shit they think his RP may be.
02-22-2005, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Originally posted by Makkah
Posts: 6100
Posts: 6539
Holy grip on life alert.
1 wizard level 100
1 bard lvl 80
1 labcoat that doesn't fit
Holy grip on life alert.
Ok.. that's funny.
Someone just got pwned bad and hard.
But where is the reason to call his RP shit, that's what I missed.
- Arkans
02-22-2005, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I've seen him show that he can RP.
02-22-2005, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I know it is cheap, but I unless everyone here knows JD's motives or knows his character's motives by being around him I don't think there can be a fair assessment. I've seen him show that he can RP. Perhaps his first wasn't that valid since Kadesha and himself were both IC, but I still think he has as much right to RP as the next person.
- Arkans
There is a large difference between CAN roleplay and DOES roleplay. Jenovadeath has fallen into the CAN roleplay more often than DOES roleplay.. and thus makes him a fucking hypocrite when discussing anyone else's roleplaying ability.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Arkans
I've seen him show that he can RP.
Heh, this reply had me guffawing like a donkey. THAT was funny, I admit.
02-22-2005, 11:01 AM
I haven't said it was shit, yet. I'm more concerned with his motivations as why he's trying said RP. As someone has already pointed out he didn't seem to give a shit about RP until he gained such power.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I haven't said it was shit, yet. I'm more concerned with his motivations as why he's trying said RP. As someone has already pointed out he didn't seem to give a shit about RP until he gained such power.
Let me inform you what would happen if I were to roleplay the way I do now at, say, level 50. The moment I opened my mouth, some big twat like Kadesha with a 500+ CS would silence me.
Oh, there goes my roleplaying!
02-22-2005, 11:06 AM
My only problem is just about every thread you've posted lately is you either talking shit about someone else's RP or bitching about GM's ruining your fun when you're bored and causing trouble.
02-22-2005, 11:07 AM
I'm sure the younger members of the DA manage. Though you have a point, but Kadesha has been chastized on that fact alot before.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
My only problem is just about every thread you've posted lately is you either talking shit about someone else's RP or bitching about GM's ruining your fun when you're bored and causing trouble.
I was under the impression that's what the folder, "Gemstone Complaints" and "Character complaints" WERE FOR? Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
The only reason the younger DA member manage is because they have a higher level from the DA to back them up, are not affraid to slam the REPORT button, or are in a sancted area.
Unfortunately, this is what happens in a game that is level based. You'll get these types of conflicts and it is almost impossible to avoid with the way Gemstone is set-up.
It gets worse though, because when you do become a higher level less and less players are actually willing to RP with you. So slamming JD because is a higher level is really not the best approach.
- Arkans
02-22-2005, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
I was under the impression that's what the folder, "Gemstone Complaints" and "Character complaints" WERE FOR? Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
Oh, you are using the folders as they are intended.
My statement was just that only bad things seem to happen to you. You post the bad roleplayers. You post the bad interactions with GM's.
You post things that (in your mind) make you look good - even if the text doesn't quite lay it out that way.
I will say you're by no means in Klaive territory of editing logs and such.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Tabor
I was under the impression that's what the folder, "Gemstone Complaints" and "Character complaints" WERE FOR? Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
Oh, you are using the folders as they are intended.
My statement was just that only bad things seem to happen to you. You post the bad roleplayers. You post the bad interactions with GM's.
You post things that (in your mind) make you look good - even if the text doesn't quite lay it out that way.
I will say you're by no means in Klaive territory of editing logs and such.
I can post the good things that happen, as well, they're just not as entertaining.
For example, someone lost a 7x very heavily crit-weighted self-mana e-wave khopesh. I found it. The GMs duplicated it, and I found that one, too. The GMs then deleted one of mine, and returned the other to the owner. I complained to feedback, and then 3 weeks later I got pulled by GM Uska, and he gave me the khopesh back ALONG with a FREE alter.
Well, I suppose that WAS entertaining -- maybe I'll post that one. It clearly shows GM favoritism.
02-22-2005, 11:17 AM
Heh, now that WAS funny.
02-22-2005, 11:23 AM
See, we can all get along. :cheers:
02-22-2005, 01:36 PM
Hmmm, from what I get from your posts. (Just from your posts, mind you, as I don't think I've encountered your character in-game in a long time) You come off as this to most people:
Translation--You are constantly posting logs (usually from another characters perspective, which doesn't look good in others' opinions) of how terrible other people are, when it seems that you are using your capped character to start fights due to your supreme boredom either in or out of the game.
Everyone has an opinion, of course, and that's just mine.
02-22-2005, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
::shakes his head::
People are SOFA KING WE TODDED. You and I BOTH know you can't just go around killing people. I kill people if they attack me, PERIOD. If I just randomly went around killing people like everyone proclaims, I'D BE BANNED. You can't argue with that.
Hmmm ...
02-22-2005, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Pwned. Sofa king pwned. Get it right Stray!
02-22-2005, 02:11 PM
I actually find Jenovadeath amusing in the game.. but when you come here and bitch about someone else's bad roleplaying, you better have a relatively clean back yard or that dog shit will come back and slap you in the face.
He was covered in dog shit. Head to toe.
02-22-2005, 02:12 PM
02-22-2005, 02:17 PM
02-22-2005, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I haven't said it was shit, yet. I'm more concerned with his motivations as why he's trying said RP. As someone has already pointed out he didn't seem to give a shit about RP until he gained such power.
Let me inform you what would happen if I were to roleplay the way I do now at, say, level 50. The moment I opened my mouth, some big twat like Kadesha with a 500+ CS would silence me.
Oh, there goes my roleplaying!
Find it funny when people bring up this argument, because most of the time, they are guilty of the very thing that they are complaining about.
You first say that no one can RP before cap because some capped "twat" will take offense and silence/bind/blow them out of their boots if they do. Yet isn't that the very same thing you started doing as soon as you got to cap? Just out of curiosity Tabor, how many times have you done exactly the same thing to someone? Wonder how many people think you are "ruining their RP"?
I know plenty of people in the game who play arrogant assholes, and not one of 'em is capped. And yes, occasionally they get bound/silenced/blown out of their boots....and ya know what? They get rezzed, and they go back to being the same arrogant jackass that they where before they has some "twat" get annoyed at them.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Originally posted by Tabor
::shakes his head::
People are SOFA KING WE TODDED. You and I BOTH know you can't just go around killing people. I kill people if they attack me, PERIOD. If I just randomly went around killing people like everyone proclaims, I'D BE BANNED. You can't argue with that.
Hmmm ...
Keep pondering, boytoy. I'm curious as to where in that log it shows me killing people for no reason.
While you're contemplating that, why don't you again, enlighten us all on your genetic knowledge.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Slider
Find it funny when people bring up this argument, because most of the time, they are guilty of the very thing that they are complaining about.
You first say that no one can RP before cap because some capped "twat" will take offense and silence/bind/blow them out of their boots if they do. Yet isn't that the very same thing you started doing as soon as you got to cap? Just out of curiosity Tabor, how many times have you done exactly the same thing to someone? Wonder how many people think you are "ruining their RP"?
I know plenty of people in the game who play arrogant assholes, and not one of 'em is capped. And yes, occasionally they get bound/silenced/blown out of their boots....and ya know what? They get rezzed, and they go back to being the same arrogant jackass that they where before they has some "twat" get annoyed at them.
I don't have bind, nor silence, nor any other capabilities to stop someone from roleplaying except for stun tactics. And I NEVER -- let me quote that once more, "NEVER" have casted at someone who was roleplaying just because I didn't like it. If they attack me, they get retribution.
I'd be stunning Boomsplat everytime I saw him if this were true.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I actually find Jenovadeath amusing in the game.. but when you come here and bitch about someone else's bad roleplaying, you better have a relatively clean back yard or that dog shit will come back and slap you in the face.
He was covered in dog shit. Head to toe.
Well, thanks for the 'compliment'. I didn't post it to bitch about her, I posted it because it was funny (apparently just to me). I had no intention of turning it into a "my roleplaying is better than hers" argument.
That's what I assumed these boards were for -- to make a mockery of people. ;)
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Hmmm, from what I get from your posts. (Just from your posts, mind you, as I don't think I've encountered your character in-game in a long time) You come off as this to most people:
Translation--You are constantly posting logs (usually from another characters perspective, which doesn't look good in others' opinions) of how terrible other people are, when it seems that you are using your capped character to start fights due to your supreme boredom either in or out of the game.
Everyone has an opinion, of course, and that's just mine.
Your opinion is fucking skewed. How many logs do you see posted here that show 'good' things happen? I don't see anyone post where they've received a roleplaying award for marvelous roleplaying. What I do see are duals, character complaints, bitching, and a whole lot of fucking adipose tissue.
While I 'appreciate' your opinion, perhaps you should visit me in the game and make a comment without using ethnocentrism.
02-22-2005, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Well, thanks for the 'compliment'. I didn't post it to bitch about her, I posted it because it was funny
So you posted it in the COMPLAINTS folder why, exactly? If you need suggestions to for places to post funny things in the future, try GemStone Gems or General GemStone. Complaints, to those of us with more than five brain cells, means you have something to complain about.
02-22-2005, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Keep pondering, boytoy.
02-22-2005, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I actually find Jenovadeath amusing in the game.. but when you come here and bitch about someone else's bad roleplaying, you better have a relatively clean back yard or that dog shit will come back and slap you in the face.
He was covered in dog shit. Head to toe.
Well, thanks for the 'compliment'. I didn't post it to bitch about her, I posted it because it was funny (apparently just to me). I had no intention of turning it into a "my roleplaying is better than hers" argument.
That's what I assumed these boards were for -- to make a mockery of people. ;)
You assume far too much.. much like you assumed we cared about your views of roleplaying when you have been unable to demonstrate a clear understanding of this concept over the years.
02-22-2005, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Keep pondering, boytoy.
He obviously thinks Tsa`ah is teh hot. I would suggest taking it to u2us.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Originally posted by Tabor
Well, thanks for the 'compliment'. I didn't post it to bitch about her, I posted it because it was funny
So you posted it in the COMPLAINTS folder why, exactly? If you need suggestions to for places to post funny things in the future, try GemStone Gems or General GemStone. Complaints, to those of us with more than five brain cells, means you have something to complain about.
Are you seriously trying to imply that I only have five brain cells? Granted, it's true I'm passed the stage where humans begin to start losing brain cells (21).
Even if I did have only 5 brain cells, it's moreso the strength of the synapses. Each brain cell in a human brain receives input from literally thousands of other cells, and each of these thousand cells can maintain hundreds of synapses on that one cell that it is communicating with. Ergo, each cell can have tens of thousands of synapses. For the most part, it is the weakening and strengthening of these synapses throughout the brain, that changes how the brain functions.
[Edited on 2-22-2005 by Tabor]
[Edited on 2-22-2005 by Tabor]
02-22-2005, 05:35 PM
< While I 'appreciate' your opinion, perhaps you should visit me in the game and make a comment without using ethnocentrism. >
IE. So my capped character can kill you and I can masturbate furiously to it.
02-22-2005, 05:48 PM
Well my first impression from what you posted is that Kadesha seems to think that she has some right to question your participation in the Solhaven stuff and if doesn't meet with her approval - then you are deemed less than worthy. I've never had an issue with her, but I know that others have stated that she often feels the need to pull a Celtar and try to make her years in the game an issue. As if there aren't plenty of other folks who have been around for years as well.
I did like what Mekthros said, I've encountered him in the Rift and he's very well roleplayed (from what I've seen).
I don't particularly like it when folks think that they are so important that they can push others around and make determinations on whether someone's presence is wanted or desired. I mean, if he's such a non-roleplaying, powerhunting, egotistical bastige then why is Kadesha even paying him a single ounce of attention? Her RP doesn't seem to fit with that sort of character who makes it his business to make folks look like fools.
Tabor - PB is very dear to my :heart: - so take a word of advice from me, he is not someone you want to get into a verbal duel with because he'll end up making you cry. :hug2: You've been warned.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
You assume far too much.. much like you assumed we cared about your views of roleplaying when you have been unable to demonstrate a clear understanding of this concept over the years.
I grow tired of you, sire. Post the logs you promised of me 'back in the day'.
02-22-2005, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Keep pondering, boytoy. I'm curious as to where in that log it shows me killing people for no reason.
You've casted 435 and Open Implosion in crowded rooms in town, killing quite a few people, besides the little MTK invasion thing that you whined about in the link previously posted, in which you were stopped before you could actually do anything other than waste your own time.
If your ultra top secret mission of secretness is to collect logs to post here and sulk about, I'd say you are quickly nearing completion.
02-22-2005, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Let me just say, every time someone (everyone) posts this in a Jenovapwn thread I almost laugh myself to the point of choking (and then ignore the rest of the thread). I'm not entirely sure why...
I've gotten to where I just scroll through for the .....
02-22-2005, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Originally posted by Tabor
Keep pondering, boytoy. I'm curious as to where in that log it shows me killing people for no reason.
You've casted 435 and Open Implosion in crowded rooms in town, killing quite a few people, besides the little MTK invasion thing that you whined about in the link previously posted, in which you were stopped before you could actually do anything other than waste your own time.
If your ultra top secret mission of secretness is to collect logs to post here and sulk about, I'd say you are quickly nearing completion.
I'd say you hit the nail on the head and it deserves a pwnd.
Aside from that, I'll ignore the U2Us pertaining to your (Tabor's) desire to be my boy toy. Were I gay, I wouldn't want a self absorbed chubby pre-med student with no life.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Aside from that, I'll ignore the U2Us pertaining to your (Tabor's) desire to be my boy toy. Were I gay, I wouldn't want a self absorbed chubby pre-med student with no life.
Forgive me, I had made the induction that you were a homosexual.
I hate to break the news to you, love, but I'm 6'0, and 143 pounds. I, undoubtedly, have more definition than you do.
02-22-2005, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Aside from that, I'll ignore the U2Us pertaining to your (Tabor's) desire to be my boy toy. Were I gay, I wouldn't want a self absorbed chubby pre-med student with no life.
Forgive me, I had made the induction that you were a homosexual.
I hate to break the news to you, love, but I'm 6'0, and 143 pounds. I, undoubtedly, have more definition than you do.
6'0" and 143 = no definition..
Unless your definition of definition = stickboy.
Then again, we've seen your definition of roleplaying
02-22-2005, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Tabor - PB is very dear to my :heart: - so take a word of advice from me, he is not someone you want to get into a verbal duel with because he'll end up making you cry. :hug2: You've been warned.
Oh.. I'll be nice. :kiss:
02-22-2005, 08:33 PM
Forgive me, I had made the induction that you were a homosexual.
I hate to break the news to you, love, but I'm 6'0, and 143 pounds. I, undoubtedly, have more definition than you do.
__________________________________________________ __
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Aside from that, I'll ignore the U2Us pertaining to your (Tabor's) desire to be my boy toy. Were I gay, I wouldn't want a self absorbed chubby pre-med student with no life.
Forgive me, I had made the induction that you were a homosexual.
I hate to break the news to you, love, but I'm 6'0, and 143 pounds. I, undoubtedly, have more definition than you do.
6'0" and 143 = no definition..
Unless your definition of definition = stickboy.
Then again, we've seen your definition of roleplaying
Hoho. That was rather clever. What's your e-mail or instant message name? I'll send you my boxing picture, where my definition is 10x's larger than Tsa's penis.
Or, just IM me at WILWIL05 and I'll send it to you when I return home from the library.
02-22-2005, 08:34 PM
And your dick is bigger as well no? Of course a 6' tall skeleton has more definition ... there isn't much to define.
I've got an inch and over 100 lbs on you chump, and not much fat.
But to get down to the topic. You're the pot calling the kettle black in almost every post you make. You cry about shit you are guilty of yourself. You claim to role play, but display an extreme lack of it. You claim not to kill unless you're attacked first, yet you post logs of attempting to force people into an RP situation that is not wanted and kill by proxy.
6' and shy of 150 ... I see where your issues are.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
And your dick is bigger as well no? Of course a 6' tall skeleton has more definition ... there isn't much to define.
I've got an inch and over 100 lbs on you chump, and not much fat.
But to get down to the topic. You're the pot calling the kettle black in almost every post you make. You cry about shit you are guilty of yourself. You claim to role play, but display an extreme lack of it. You claim not to kill unless you're attacked first, yet you post logs of attempting to force people into an RP situation that is not wanted and kill by proxy.
6' and shy of 150 ... I see where your issues are.
Hoity-toity. Fee-fi-fucking-foo-fum. I think you need to tell your adipose tissue to start relasing some more Leptin -- as you DEFINITELY do not know when you're full.
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Tabor]
02-22-2005, 08:42 PM
Seriously now, who posts on a Gemstone message board from the library.
02-22-2005, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Hoho. That was rather clever. What's your e-mail or instant message name? I'll send you my boxing picture, where my definition is 10x's larger than Tsa's penis.
Or, just IM me at WILWIL05 and I'll send it to you when I return home from the library.
I like girls pal. Sorry.
Very hetero. Go try to peddle your alternative stick figure elsewhere. Thanks.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Seriously now, who posts on a Gemstone message board from the library.
...And why not? The mind requires a break from constant reading every so often. What's wrong with checking my e-mails, and browsing message boards during this state?
02-22-2005, 08:46 PM
I think we're getting off topic a little here. Let's get back to bashing Tabor's in game retardation.
02-22-2005, 08:46 PM
librarys and penis
this thread has gotten weird.
And I'm disappointed for the lack of ....'s
Originally posted by Tabor
Or, just IM me at WILWIL05 and I'll send it to you when I return home from the library. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing it. 6' and 145 lbs... damn... one of my ex-girlfriends who played Division I college ball was 6' 170. I just can't imagine a person that tall weighing that little. No offense, seriously.
02-22-2005, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Hoity-toity. Fee-fi-fucking-foo-fum. I think you need to tell your adipise tissue to start relasing some more Leptin -- as you DEFINITELY do not know when you're full.
You're like Mr Chino with a vocabulary. Now, if you want to make an impression with the medical terminology ... spell it right.
Chumps like you normally pull out the fat remark whenever the deck is stacked against you. You demand your intelligence be recognized, you post in a manner that insists you are intelligent ... yet fail to really back it up with anything substantial. You throw out an obvious under-grad, thesaurus inspired insult that speaks more of the poster than whom the post was directed at; expecting that to be the summation of your argument.
You bring nothing but tripe whenever you post.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm more than a little on the arrogant side. That's just me not bothering to hide anything.
You ... are really quite pathetic. Let's crack on sexuality since the thread isn't going my way. Let's crack on physique, even though I have no idea what said person looks like ... after all I'm 150lbs and an uber bad ass, so your extra inch and 100lbs must be fat ... Please god let me never meet that person with them knowing I like to run my mouth on an internet message board.
Dude; go back to hypocritical crack. In the end ... it's really all you have.
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Tsa`ah]
02-22-2005, 09:01 PM
pwned ala fucking
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Chumps like you normally pull out the fat remark whenever the deck is stacked against you. You demand your intelligence be recognized, you post in a manner that insists you are intelligent ... yet fail to really back it up with anything substantial. You throw out an obvious under-grad, thesaurus inspired insult that speaks more of the poster than whom the post was directed at; expecting that to be the summation of your argument.
You bring nothing but tripe whenever you post.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm more than a little on the arrogant side. That's just me not bothering to hide anything.
You ... are really quite pathetic. Let's crack on sexuality since the thread isn't going my way. Let's crack on physique, even though I have no idea what said person looks like ... after all I'm 150lbs and an uber bad ass, so your extra inch and 100lbs must be fat ... Please god let me never meet that person with them knowing I like to run my mouth on an internet message board.
Dude; go back to hypocritical crack. In the end ... it's really all you have.
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Tsa`ah]
Need I remind you that YOU were first to initiate the weight argument? I believe you called me 'chubby'. You shouldn't have played the trump card if you yourself can't stack the deck correctly.
02-22-2005, 09:15 PM
Wow calling each other homo's. How mature.
02-22-2005, 09:17 PM
No, just merely agreeing with the notions about you.
Seeing that you're on the other end of the spectrum really doesn't change anything. 6' 150lb boxer getting tooled up by a 5'5' 150lb boxer is usually comedy in action.
At least we have some insight to your inferiority complex. So let's post some more cry baby sessions veiled as RP logs that crack on shit you're 1000x guiltier of. Let's follow those up with nothing more than cracks on sexuality and weight when your pity party is rained on.
02-22-2005, 09:19 PM
Amazing how a thread about Kadesha's roleplay turns into a humping thread with Tabor in the back of the line taken it all.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
No, just merely agreeing with the notions about you.
Seeing that you're on the other end of the spectrum really doesn't change anything. 6' 150lb boxer getting tooled up by a 5'5' 150lb boxer is usually comedy in action.
At least we have some insight to your inferiority complex. So let's post some more cry baby sessions veiled as RP logs that crack on shit you're 1000x guiltier of. Let's follow those up with nothing more than cracks on sexuality and weight when your pity party is rained on.
Those tears...
Tears of pity for others...
Are the most precious fluid in this world.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by C7L34N
Amazing how a thread about Kadesha's roleplay turns into a humping thread with Tabor in the back of the line taken it all.
Heh! I don't know about the rest of the posters, but I just wanted to make a thread that finally got over 1,000 views. My goal... is completed.
02-22-2005, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by C7L34N
Amazing how a thread about Kadesha's roleplay turns into a humping thread with Tabor in the back of the line taken it all.
If it were a complaint from a person known for their role play ... I'd agree. It came from JD however; the guy who loves chucking rocks from the window of his glass house.
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Tsa`ah]
02-22-2005, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
there aren't plenty of other folks who have been around for years as well.
I don't particularly like it when folks think that they are so important that they can push others around and make determinations on whether someone's presence is wanted or desired. I mean, if he's such a non-roleplaying, powerhunting, egotistical bastige then why is Kadesha even paying him a single ounce of attention? Her RP doesn't seem to fit with that sort of character who makes it his business to make folks look like fools.
I agree completely... IF Jeno's such a fucktard... why did she even bother... I've never interacted with her, and spelling isn't really the issue... Her being mad OOC because of what happened IG and going off like that was... and out in public on the thought net instead of private...
Gotta love that stuff right... Dragging Mekthros in... well Mekkie showed real class in his responses... (OMG am I a closet Mekthros fan?)
I have interacted several times with Jenovadeath and he's always been in char with my girl... I have no problem with him.
Whatever happened to Jenobalife btw?:lol:
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by OreoElf
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
there aren't plenty of other folks who have been around for years as well.
I don't particularly like it when folks think that they are so important that they can push others around and make determinations on whether someone's presence is wanted or desired. I mean, if he's such a non-roleplaying, powerhunting, egotistical bastige then why is Kadesha even paying him a single ounce of attention? Her RP doesn't seem to fit with that sort of character who makes it his business to make folks look like fools.
I agree completely... IF Jeno's such a fucktard... why did she even bother... I've never interacted with her, and spelling isn't really the issue... Her being mad OOC because of what happened IG and going off like that was... and out in public on the thought net instead of private...
Gotta love that stuff right... Dragging Mekthros in... well Mekkie showed real class in his responses... (OMG am I a closet Mekthros fan?)
I have interacted several times with Jenovadeath and he's always been in char with my girl... I have no problem with him.
Whatever happened to Jenobalife btw?:lol:
Heh, could you U2U or IM me who your character is? I'm just curious. Thanks for the support, though!
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-22-2005, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Here's the difference between roleplaying an asshole and being a plain asshole.
Edine = Roleplaying an asshole
LMAO. Ok, besides you, who says he's roleplaying? Have you read his posts here?!
02-22-2005, 10:34 PM
>You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha echo in your mind:
"nor am I impressed that you know how to read a disctionary.. what you fail to show knowledge of is in being a reasonable humanoid worthy of breath"
( I wonder what a 'disctionary' is. Who is she, Bobby the Brain Heenan? HUMANOID?)
>You hear the faint thoughts of Jenovadeath echo in your mind:
"...Read a what? Your ignorance is mind-boggling!"
You hear the faint thoughts of Kadesha touch your mind:
"well if you are such an expert in roleplay try not playing a juvenile PvPing snert
>You focus your mind on Kadesha and think: "This is exactly why I dislike you. I have never casted at you, and yet, you continue to babble on about how I'm just going around killing people."
You focus your mind on Kadesha and think: "If you continue to do so, I WILL attack you. Know this."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Okay, some inconsistent information has been presented or both of you are wrong.
1. You did cast at her.
2. You did attack her.
Now, I don't know ALL the facts, because I do not play JD. Yes, I realize this. However, if what she said was true about you killing a bunch of innocent bystanders while you were killing Nershuul (sp?), that's not cool. Casualties of war, sure, but this is the game. People are going to be upset, and that is why you are being attacked.
As for roleplaying JD with an ego, sure, go ahead and do it. Just don't get upset when the air becomes thick and people slice their way through it to breathe. If you don't like the retribution, then perhaps you shouldn't be playing him as such.
As for the whole log you posted, I think you two were fine in the RP until she broke it with an OOC thought. However, you could have ignored it and ended it there, but.. you didn't. You broke character and that is when it became idiotic on both views.
As for her typing/grammar.. Yes, it sucks. When someone is talking like that, depending on my character, I will RP it as if they couldn't understand what they are saying (because you are hearing the thoughts of their voice in your mind) or simply ignore it and assume what they're saying.
There is nothing wrong with RP'ing someone as a bad person, egotistical or hated.. but when you start crying about it out of character and on the boards, then it really is time to think if you should change your character's attitude and what have you.
I'm almost done, promise! You don't need to have a high level character to RP someone with a bad attitude or quirk. I've played many characters with an ego and what have you, and it's because it's the character. Not because they could kick the mechanics of another text played character. If you rely on your CS and DS to show your ego, then you're not roleplaying.
Edited to add: I've noticed that her typing gets really bad when she's upset. So try to cut her some slack? It's worth a try..
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Divinity]
02-22-2005, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
And your dick is bigger as well no? Of course a 6' tall skeleton has more definition ... there isn't much to define.
I've got an inch and over 100 lbs on you chump, and not much fat.
But to get down to the topic. You're the pot calling the kettle black in almost every post you make. You cry about shit you are guilty of yourself. You claim to role play, but display an extreme lack of it. You claim not to kill unless you're attacked first, yet you post logs of attempting to force people into an RP situation that is not wanted and kill by proxy.
6' and shy of 150 ... I see where your issues are.
Bernard Hopkins is 6'1", and has fought as low as 155.
He'd beat your face.
I'd call him defined, being the best Middleweight boxer of all time.
Though don't get me wrong, if you're 6'1" 240+, unless Tabor can really scrap or your a huge pussy, you'd beat him.
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Hulkein]
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 10:54 PM
Divinity's post [/i]
Now THAT was a well typed out post. A few of the impudent fools that post here could learn a lesson or two from you.
Just to clarify a few things in my defense:
You said I casted and attacked her -- yes, but not during this confrontation (thoughtfrontation?). There was no action involved throughout the log. The time we fought is posted here on the boards under the title The Fall of Kadesha. She initiated the attack, and she died.
As for the killing of innocent bystanders, that thread is also available here on the boards. They weren't innocent bystanders, either. If I hadn't of killed them, they would have attacked me. It was as simple as that (many people agreed with that statement, as you'll see from the replies the thread got).
You thought it was scribe-worthy to mention that I was 'crying to the boards', but that wasn't the case at all. I was merely showing people how stupendous Kadesha is. Which, unfortunately has led to show how benighted I am.
02-22-2005, 11:00 PM
holy overused bigwords batman
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
holy overused bigwords batman
02-22-2005, 11:09 PM
Tabor's Post.
First off, thank you.
Secondly, I understand where you are coming from. I have one of the most hated characters roleplayed by yours truely. When I said "crying on the boards," I did not mean in the literal sense.
What I am trying to convey in so many words, and please bear with me, is the fact that you seemingly roleplay JD as this "badass" but you get outwardly upset or frustrated when someone reacts to it. You don't need to cast spells or attack someone to show frustration, but you bring it out of the game and onto these forums.
You must realize that for most/some, this seems as "crying" or "whining."
Please don't take my suggestions and opinions as some way to demean you or your roleplay. I only offer my experiences from posting on these forums, as well as, reactions to your type of RP in the game.
Edited because I can't type today.
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Divinity]
02-22-2005, 11:15 PM
Tabor, I found myself respecting you earlier, not taking any background to your roleplaying or lack thereof. I saw your side of the story, I saw cases where you could be right.
But now I see that those cases were the exception. The nonsense you've posted here and elsewhere seriously demeans you the person, the entire medical profession, and whatever school it is you go to. I sure as HELL hope I never have some punk ass like you botching some surgery on me because he's too busy thinking of video game BBS comebacks (because you MUST HAVE THE LAST WORD obviously).
Seriously man, hate on Kadesha, the GMs and whatever else floats your boat. Its all about you here.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Revalos
Tabor, I found myself respecting you earlier, not taking any background to your roleplaying or lack thereof. I saw your side of the story, I saw cases where you could be right.
But now I see that those cases were the exception. The nonsense you've posted here and elsewhere seriously demeans you the person, the entire medical profession, and whatever school it is you go to. I sure as HELL hope I never have some punk ass like you botching some surgery on me because he's too busy thinking of video game BBS comebacks (because you MUST HAVE THE LAST WORD obviously).
Seriously man, hate on Kadesha, the GMs and whatever else floats your boat. Its all about you here.
Rest assured, I'm quite adroit -- especially when it comes to learning procedures such as a relatively arduous surgery (choledochojejunostomy comes to mind).
It's quite unfortunate that I lost your respect. I'm leaving Gemstone in September, however, as I must soley concentrate on my studies. I'm sure you'll throw a gala masquerade upon my departure.
Slan agus Beannacht.
02-22-2005, 11:35 PM
Rest assured, I'm quite adroit -- especially when it comes to learning procedures such as a relatively arduous surgery (choledochojejunostomy comes to mind).
__________________________________________________ __
Gotta love folk that actually live in a dream world and then show how real it is to them by posting on these boards.
You go Tabor! Schmuck...
Oh I meant to say "..."
That is all.
Liberi Fatali
02-22-2005, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by C7L34N
Rest assured, I'm quite adroit -- especially when it comes to learning procedures such as a relatively arduous surgery (choledochojejunostomy comes to mind).
__________________________________________________ __
Gotta love folk that actually live in a dream world and then show how real it is to them by posting on these boards.
You go Tabor! Schmuck...
Oh I meant to say "..."
That is all.
Indeed, you emphatically displayed to me what little erudition you possess. A schmuck? Goodness, such callous and deleterious comments should not be tolerated on these message boards!
My feelings have been smashed like a broken mirror.
02-22-2005, 11:48 PM
Indeed, you emphatically displayed to me what little erudition you possess. A schmuck? Goodness, such callous and deleterious comments should not be tolerated on these message boards!
My feelings have been smashed like a broken mirror
__________________________________________________ __
Why don't ya just tell me how ya really feel.... Say "..."
02-23-2005, 01:02 AM
Seems a hit a bit of a nerve.
Why would I want to come in-game and experience your awe-inspiring roleplaying capabilities? From the logs presented I'm not too impressed...other than watching an old bored sorcerer throw his weight around. I'm figuring you can't throw much around in real life (6'0 140lbs, STICKBOY) so must resort to doing so in a text based roleplaying game.
I would like to end my statement with this:
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Jesae]
02-23-2005, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
holy overused bigwords batman
I was thinking the same thing. I think someone just found himself a thesaurus at the library.
02-23-2005, 08:15 AM
Now, somebody get him a dictionary so he can learn that there is no such word as "casted".......
02-23-2005, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
holy overused bigwords batman
except it could be
so I'll take
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by JihnasSpirit]
02-23-2005, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Originally posted by Wezas
Here's the difference between roleplaying an asshole and being a plain asshole.
Edine = Roleplaying an asshole
LMAO. Ok, besides you, who says he's roleplaying? Have you read his posts here?!
I have read his posts here. I've also spent years watching him roleplay (mainly in the Crypt or Small Park).
02-23-2005, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
They weren't innocent bystanders, either. If I hadn't of killed them, they would have attacked me.
You're a republican, aren't you? :saint:
02-23-2005, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Tabor
They weren't innocent bystanders, either. If I hadn't of killed them, they would have attacked me.
You're a republican, aren't you? :saint:
02-23-2005, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Rest assured, I'm quite adroit -- especially when it comes to learning procedures such as a relatively arduous surgery (choledochojejunostomy comes to mind).
... (
02-23-2005, 09:59 AM
BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
6'0 + 140lbs = 19.0
A diet coke away from being underweight
Liberi Fatali
02-23-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Tabor
They weren't innocent bystanders, either. If I hadn't of killed them, they would have attacked me.
You're a republican, aren't you? :saint:
If I could vote, yes, I'd vote for the Republican candidate everytime.
Unfortunately, I'm not a U.S. citizen.
Liberi Fatali
02-23-2005, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
holy overused bigwords batman
I was thinking the same thing. I think someone just found himself a thesaurus at the library.
I must carry that monstrosity around with me everywhere, then, because I exploit my vocabulary in a majority of my posts.
Liberi Fatali
02-23-2005, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
6'0 + 140lbs = 19.0
A diet coke away from being underweight
That's a pretty skewed scale, I can't help but say it isn't correct.
However, based on that...
Jesae being 5'2 and 140lbs, she's a BMI of 70, which equals A FUCKING AMALGAMATION OF FLESH AND OTHER LESS MENTIONABLE THINGS. Sorry, pickle, but you tossed my weight into the fray (much like Tsa'oaf).
02-23-2005, 01:13 PM
You're really pissed about this, aren't you, Twiggy?
5'2" 140lbs = more cushion for the pushin.
I'm really happy with the way I am. I suppose I could loose 20lbs if I want, but since my fiancee seems to have no problem with my "amalgamation of flesh and other less mentionable things", I'm content the way I am. (which I'm guessing by your tantrum that you're not with your body).
I suggest protein shakes.
02-23-2005, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
(which I'm guessing by your tantrum that you're not with your body).
You're the one who brought up his weight..... What does that suggest for you?
02-23-2005, 01:36 PM
Truth be told, he was the first person to bring up his weight.
At which,he either (did a search of posts of mine) or simply remembered (which is even more strange) my height and weight and proceeded to use it in an effort to insult me back.
Tantrum? Nah, if I wanted to do that I would have replied back in all caps and used big words too. But I don't sleep with my thesaurus so I guess I'm screwed.
02-23-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
5'2" 140lbs = more cushion for the pushin.
I like my girls with a little meat on the bones. That sounds just about perfect.
02-23-2005, 01:54 PM
I'd hit it.
02-23-2005, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
At which,he either (did a search of posts of mine) or simply remembered (which is even more strange) my height and weight and proceeded to use it in an effort to insult me back.
If you want his IP address, he hit my website up for the information earlier today. (
02-23-2005, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
If I could vote, yes, I'd vote for the Republican candidate everytime.
Take that, PB! :lol:
02-23-2005, 01:57 PM
02-23-2005, 02:06 PM
I'm confused how you're not a citizen in America, Tabor. Considering you've lived here for like 18+ years and your mom is from Indiana...
02-23-2005, 02:10 PM
If you're not a citizen, ergo not American, don't you need like a Visa?
02-23-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
If you're not a citizen, ergo not American, don't you need like a Visa?
Quick, call the INS!
02-23-2005, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Originally posted by Wezas
Here's the difference between roleplaying an asshole and being a plain asshole.
Edine = Roleplaying an asshole
LMAO. Ok, besides you, who says he's roleplaying? Have you read his posts here?!
I say he's a very good RP'er. and I think all of us can be jerks here some time or other. Personally, I like him and thinks hes a good guy.
02-23-2005, 03:49 PM
This thread is beyond ridiculous. Jesae is not fat. Tabor, please shut the fuck up before you hurt yourself. Or are you under the impression that you're wanted?
02-23-2005, 05:11 PM
I've never interacted with him IG. He's quite defensive though. I guess he's trying to keep the lid on JD's top secret mission in Solhaven, and therefore directing the attention at the player rather than the character.
02-23-2005, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
This thread is beyond ridiculous. Jesae is not fat. Tabor, please shut the fuck up before you hurt yourself. Or are you under the impression that you're wanted?
The BMI index says otherwise.
Not like he started using the thing, Wezas did.
02-23-2005, 06:58 PM
Jesae being 5'2 and 140lbs, she's a BMI of 70
It's actually 25.
edit: And if I remember 8th grade health correctly, women get an extra 1, making Jesae normal weight.
[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Artha]
02-23-2005, 07:07 PM
5'2" 140 would be 25.6 when calculated on some health website... that's with it knowing it's a female.
To get a truly accurate one I believe they need to take waist size, and other measurements like stomach fat.
[Edited on 2-24-2005 by Hulkein]
02-23-2005, 07:23 PM
Yeah, I just cut off anything after the decimal.
02-23-2005, 07:59 PM
It's poor if you're an avid weight lifter and have a lot of muscle mass.
Otherwise it's fine.
The phrase "more cushin' for the pushin' " makes me gag without fail each time I read it. l3 gr0$$
- Arkans
02-23-2005, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Originally posted by Tabor
They weren't innocent bystanders, either. If I hadn't of killed them, they would have attacked me.
You're a republican, aren't you? :saint:
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-23-2005, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Originally posted by Wezas
Here's the difference between roleplaying an asshole and being a plain asshole.
Edine = Roleplaying an asshole
LMAO. Ok, besides you, who says he's roleplaying? Have you read his posts here?!
I say he's a very good RP'er. and I think all of us can be jerks here some time or other. Personally, I like him and thinks hes a good guy.
My point wasn't that he's not a roleplayer. It's that he's an asshole.
I just skimmed through most of this, but, in general I think Jeneovadeath is an asset to the game. My thoughts are that he at least gives roleplaying the ol' college try and you can't fault him for that. In-game my main character is gunning for him but that's part of the fun, on the boards, I don't really read his threads too much because he likes to complain about things.
02-23-2005, 11:55 PM
No offense to Tabor, but this thread is turning out like one of those debates with Xcalibur.
It's long, meaningless and growing onto borderline stupidity. Guess there's no chance of letting it go?
02-24-2005, 12:11 AM
There's no borderline stupidity in X threads...
02-24-2005, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
There's no borderline stupidity in X threads...
Thanks for making me spit coffee jackass.
02-24-2005, 08:29 AM
<<Thanks for making me spit coffee jackass. >>
People that say this are so fucking retarded.
02-24-2005, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by Makkah
<<Thanks for making me spit coffee jackass. >>
People that say this are so fucking retarded.
Thanks for making me spit orange juice, asshole.
02-24-2005, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
There's no borderline stupidity in X threads...
You're right.. there's FULL ON stupidity in Xcalibur threads.
02-24-2005, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Originally posted by Makkah
<<Thanks for making me spit coffee jackass. >>
People that say this are so fucking retarded.
Thanks for making me spit orange juice, asshole.
Fuck.. there goes my jack and coke.. all over the monitor. Jackasses.
02-24-2005, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Originally posted by Makkah
<<Thanks for making me spit coffee jackass. >>
People that say this are so fucking retarded.
Thanks for making me spit orange juice, asshole.
Fuck.. there goes my ensure.. all over the monitor. Jackasses.
02-24-2005, 09:50 AM
I hate Wezas. You should as well.
02-24-2005, 10:21 AM
Man. I need to become a Republican. Drinking at work must rock.
02-24-2005, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
Man. I need to become a Republican. Drinking at work must rock.
I was kidding. Besides.. it's not like Democrats don't drink at work. Just take a look at Ted Kennedy. He's probably drunk as we speak.
02-24-2005, 10:39 AM
Eh, probably so. I think my experience is forever marred when going to the Supreme Court as a little boy for a visit I saw the hideous visage of Antonin Scalia, passed out on his desk, snoring, while hearing arguments.
02-24-2005, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
You're right.. there's FULL ON stupidity in Xcalibur threads.
Yes...... that was the joke.
02-24-2005, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
Originally posted by Kainen
You're right.. there's FULL ON stupidity in Xcalibur threads.
Yes...... that was the joke.
It's just not funny now that it's been explained. :shrug:
02-24-2005, 12:26 PM
I know.
Then again if you didn't get the joke when you first read my post, and it was still being processed by your brain while you continued to read on, you should eat shit and go comatose.
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