View Full Version : highly scripted whisper cat

10-26-2018, 08:10 PM
I found this striped sable and cream warcat in DSD. It has a lot of scripts and two demeanors — good and evil — that you can switch between. You can also use it to send messages to people.

SOLD on private buyout

>analyze warc
You analyze your sable and cream warcat and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

To store a message for another player, simply WHISPER <ITEM> <CHARACTER> <MESSAGE>. This must be a character currently in the lands. You can then hand the item to them and they can LISTEN <ITEM> to retrieve the message.

You can also WHISPER <ITEM> <CHARACTER NAME> WITHOUT a message, and send your warcat off to give them a special little peck on the ankle.

If you wish to change the demeanor of your warcat, simply TURN it. This one is set to an EVIL demeanor. This sable and cream warcat is of the FELINE group. A merchant could change it to one of the following: cat, cheetah, jaguar, lion, leopard, panther, tiger, and warcat.

You get no sense of whether or not the warcat may be further lightened.

A few examples:
listen warc
You hold the warcat up to your ear, and it purrs loudly.
>rub warc
You rub your hand against your sable and cream warcat's fur. It digs its tiny claws into your flesh. That hurts!
>pinch warc
You groom your sable and cream warcat carefully, removing dirt and debris from its fur. It snaps at your hand and nearly takes a finger with it!

10-26-2018, 08:20 PM
I will start you off. 5m

10-26-2018, 08:54 PM
6 million

10-26-2018, 09:02 PM

10-26-2018, 09:10 PM

10-26-2018, 09:36 PM

10-26-2018, 09:45 PM

10-27-2018, 07:06 AM
dang i got a salamander just like this . least now i got a idea what it worth

a stuffed black and yellow fire salamander with ebon eyes and toes

10-27-2018, 09:10 AM
This is awesome! Does it have the same properties of the kittens and other pets that will follow you around?

10-27-2018, 09:25 AM
Doubtful. Looks like they copied the bird messenger charms.

10-27-2018, 09:25 AM
It's a stuffimal.

10-27-2018, 11:06 AM
I'm going to update the status twice a day. It's going once now. Will be twice this evening if there are no bids, then sold.

I'm not familiar with the bird charms, but I don't think this has ambient scripts or follows you. Here are a few of the "good" mode verbs:

>turn warc
You turn the sable and cream warcat's tiny head a few times, and it *CLICKS* into place. It gazes at you with a look of love and compassion.
Roundtime: 5 secs.
>kiss warc
You kiss your sable and cream warcat adoringly. It responds in kind and purrs softly, nuzzling your cheek.
>snarl warc
You curl your lip and snarl fiercely at your sable and cream warcat, but it only manages to purrs contentedly in return.

Sending it after someone in Nelemar when I'm on Caligos:
>whisper my warcat stigs
Pulling the sable and cream warcat to your face, you whisper a name quietly in its ear. The warcat leaps from your hand and creeps along the ground, mewing loudly as it begins its journey toward Stigs.
[Warcat was "gone" from hands and inventory for 15-20 seconds, but other person saw nothing]
The sable and cream warcat purrs as it approaches you obediently and returns to your hand.

Sending it after someone who's a few rooms away from me in Kharam-Dzu:
>whisper warcat Stigs
Pulling the sable and cream warcat to your face, you whisper a name quietly in its ear. The warcat leaps from your hand and creeps along the ground, mewing loudly as it begins its journey toward Stigs.
[After being out of your hands and "gone" from inventory for maybe 15-20 seconds]
The sable and cream warcat purrs as it approaches you obediently and returns to your hand.

This is what Stigs saw when the warcat found him:
A striped sable and cream warcat suddenly appears out of thin air! It purrs loudly and bites at your ankle with unrelenting determination. OUCH!

Without warning, it ceases its attack. You could swear you hear Loxik's faint laughter in the distance as the warcat disappears from sight.

Might have to test more to see what the cat's range is.

10-27-2018, 11:11 AM
It's a stuffimal.


10-27-2018, 04:47 PM
Lead bidder dropped so it's now 18m to Felicitii going once.

10-27-2018, 06:10 PM
This has been sold on a buyout to a private bidder. Apologies for all the posts. Thanks for your bids.

10-27-2018, 06:58 PM
They have to be handed the item tho right? The old stuffimals are not a seeking out a person messenger.