View Full Version : +5 OHE BONUS T3 Fancy Sheath

10-23-2018, 08:22 PM
Got one dug up out of a jeweled box, unlocked to T3 of T4. has +5 OHE BONUS with giantman charges.

a glossy snake skin sheath - belt worn or thigh worn, can switch at will.

You analyze your snake skin sheath and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Your snake skin sheath is part of the Fancy Sheath group and will give special messaging that is of a clumsy nature.

It has Three tiers out of Four possible, which allows access to the following verbs: clean, cover, drop, fold, gaze, get, pull*, push**, spin, remove, tap, and wear
*Toggles Inventory Display On
**Toggles Inventory Display Off

Customizing this item is easy enough. It may have the following areas customized:
Throat (current setting is silver)
Inset Gemstone (current setting is garnet)
Material Descriptor (current setting is snake skin)
Strap Descriptor (current setting is suede)

If you GIRD SET (weapon) and use READY LIST to select sheath as your SHEATH, then GIRD, READY, SHEATH and STOW give the special messaging of Fancy Sheath.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the snake skin sheath for you or deepen its pockets.

holds one weapon.

Messaging implies general clumsiness and inexperience, so it seems to be the Fool style one, at least on a wizard with no weapon training. I was able to get the more proficient messaging at some points, you'll see down below the wear/remove specifically.

>remove shea
You deftly unfasten your snake skin sheath from your hip with barely a sound.
>wear shea
You deftly fasten your snake skin sheath on your hip with barely a sound.

Claudaro deftly unfastens his snake skin sheath from his hip with barely a sound.
Claudaro deftly fastens his snake skin sheath on his hip with barely a sound.

>clean shea
You buff your snake skin sheath, enhancing the healthy luster of its supple snake skin.
>cover shea
You pantomime the motion of drawing a weapon from your snake skin sheath with cunning abandon.

Claudaro buffs his snake skin sheath, enhancing the healthy luster of its supple snake skin.
Claudaro pantomimes the motion of drawing a weapon from his snake skin sheath with cunning abandon.

>gaze shea
You admire the way the garnet inset in your snake skin sheath catches the reflected light.
>get shea
You already have that.
>get sword from shea
You slowly draw your short sword from your snake skin sheath and hold it close, wary of the dangers before you.

Claudaro admires the way the garnet in his snake skin sheath catches the reflected light.
Claudaro slowly draws his short sword from his snake skin sheath and holds it close, wary of the dangers before him.

>spin shea
As you make some adjustments to your snake skin sheath, you fumble clumsily and nearly manage to drop it.
>remove shea
After what seems like an eternity of fumbling, you finally manage to unfasten your snake skin sheath from your hip.

As Claudaro makes some adjustments to his snake skin sheath, he fumbles clumsily and nearly manages to drop it.
After what seems like an eternity of fumbling, Claudaro finally manages to unfasten his snake skin sheath from his hip.

>tap shea You rap your knuckles on your snake skin sheath nervously, looking rather anxious. > Claudaro raps his knuckles on snake skin sheath nervously, looking rather anxious.

>pull shea
You tighten the suede straps on your snake skin sheath so that it hangs higher on your hip.

Claudaro tightens the suede straps on his snake skin sheath so it hangs higher on his hip.

>push shea
You loosen the suede straps on your snake skin sheath so that it falls lower on your hip.

Claudaro loosens the suede straps on his snake skin sheath so it falls lower on his hip.

>get sword
You carefully check that your snake skin sheath is still there before drawing your short sword from it.

Claudaro carefully checks that his snake skin sheath is still there before drawing his short sword from it.

>wear shea You fasten your snake skin sheath on your hip and fumble with the suede straps until you finally manage to secure it in place.

>remove shea After what seems like an eternity of fumbling, you finally manage to unfasten your snake skin sheath from your hip. >wear shea

Basically, a new item at EG that's already been partially unlocked, with a really nice enhancive bonus for the slot it's in.

No longer accepting silver on this item.
For posterity, there were no active bids on this when it was pulled, the MB was 25m, and no one had met it.

10-23-2018, 08:52 PM
I'd start you with a 15m bid for this item.

10-24-2018, 01:42 PM
If there is no interest in this item by the end of the day, it will be pulled to be relisted for BS only, as EG closes out, I have little use for silver.

10-24-2018, 03:16 PM
I’ll start with 18

10-24-2018, 09:23 PM
No longer accepting silver on this item. I just learned it can change to a thigh-worn slot or a belt-worn slot via a verb unlocked on it. Will likely repost for a price in bloodscrip only.