View Full Version : Couple of EG Raffle Items

10-22-2018, 10:13 PM
Looking to trade the following for some nice double leathers, silvers, or interesting OHE. Preference given to doubles.

Summoning Orb:

“This raffle is for an Orb of Summoning. In the right circumstances and provided it has not been used recently, the orb will allow you to teleport another living character to your current location.

>l my orb
The orb is small, no more than the width of a small apple. It's composed of a murky crystal, very possibly quartz, although its weight seems too slight for solid quartz. Small striations cover it, as though the sphere has been incised innumerable times with a fine, sharp tool. They created a pattern of starbursts that interlink seamlessly around the curved surface.


Permanent Igaesha Vial:

“This raffle allows the winners to bring one of their Igaesha vials up to Tier 2 and to simultaneously allow it endless uses (rather than the standard 15 uses).

This vial is used for Igaeshian Reader scrying, which is a traditional form of scrying within the Faendryl community.

For general info on Igaeshian Readers, see: https://gswiki.play.net/Elanthian_Divination:_Dark_Elves

This item is Tier 2 of 2. The vial is currently holding a sleeping Igaesha.

While the vial is empty and clean, you are able to add specially made positional arc dividers like beads or notches (ATTEND), wax (COVER), and a fresh tag (PUSH). Sorcerers who are skilled enough can hold the empty vial in-hand while summoning an Igaesha to funnel it into the vial.

When it is in use, you are able to: TURN, OBSERVE, RUB, CLEAN, POINT (AT), WHISPER (to the vial), GAZE, and PULL the vial.

If your vial "runs out of charges", sorcerers with ample demon summoning skill are able to CLEAN it out more fully for you and restore your vial to 15 charges. This vial currently has unlimited uses.

Once an Igaesha escapes the vial, the patterns it leaves will eventually dissipate -- the timer for that is based on "real time". Alarms (Tier 2) and the escape timer are generally based on in-Elanthia time and are will usually be paused when the vial is placed in a locker or any other similar situation, as well as when you log out with the item on your person -- but note that this will not always hold true.

Alteration Information:
Igaeshian vials are made of clear glass, often encased/supported/etc. by metal frames.
The article must always include "glass" and it cannot be colored glass.
The adjective just needs to make sense in all situations (empty vial, vial with demon, etc.)
The noun must be one of the following: vial, jar, tube, flask, cruet
No long or show description alterations, unfortunately!

Permanently added positional arc dividers can be altered by skilled enough merchants.

The tags can be switched put using PUSH if you want the tag to look different. Do this
with specially made tags or you can use paper that's used with sealing wax.