View Full Version : GemstoneShame?

02-20-2005, 06:54 AM
I got an IM on my phone this morning at 3:18 from my buddy Rex, he sent me this websit.


I didn't know what the hell it was all about until I got home at like 6am, drunk as all hell. I'm possibly over concerned about it in my current state, but I thought it was bullshit enough to respond via e-mail with the following response. Unfortunately, the mailbox is jacked and it got returned, so I posted it here.

I don't know who the hell you are, but you need to get something straight. First of all, Nasupel does not "own" Exttior, and if you knew your who's who, you wouldn't be ignorant enough to state that. Exttior was my friends original character, created some ten years ago with the then twin brother of his Arshwulf...another giant warrior that I created at the same time to walk him through the game...back then, it was pay per hour on prodigy, genie, and aol, so people like me ran up stupid bills and closed accounts and made new characters later...The owner of Exttior, a friend of mine since we were kids, managed not to do that. Exttior is his original character. He created Nasupel later on the same account, and later moved him to his own. The fact that both are capped represents some 10 years of hard work...Niether has ever been owned by anyone else.
Lots of people own more then one account these days, including myself, but like Exttior, I have never bought someone else's character, all mine I made myself. In fact, I actually gave a wizard away once when I thought I might quit that is still around, but I did not sell him either. It makes perfect sense to have two accounts. Especially if you enchant, given that you can only do one major per account. Additionally, anyone with two accounts is going to utilize the benefit of being able to hunt two seperate classes together. There's nothing wrong with it. Scripting unattended is one thing, but you seem to be whining about nothing. Frankly, it stinks of jealousy. What I can tell you about Exttior/Nasupel is that he is a great human being that will always be there for his friends. Attacking him on some weak ass website is pathetic and cowardly. Who is your character? Why not tell us about you, instead of whining about others?

-Arshwikk...and yeah, I'm the original too, not some ripoff of Arshwick...after all, he was also mine.

02-20-2005, 07:00 AM
That site is ancient.

Don't take any notice though man. It's rumour and bullshit anyhow.

02-20-2005, 07:04 AM
Not to mention its also inaccurate about who owns who and doesnt list the vast majority of sold/bought characters or MAers.

MAer too damn it!

02-20-2005, 10:57 AM
Yeah, for a list of MA'ers alone, its just WAY too tiny.

02-20-2005, 11:02 AM
Unrelated, but Omnirus (on the sold characters list) is beef wellington.

Edit: oh good he's on the MA list too. He's still an idiotbrain.

[Edited on 2-20-2005 by Bobmuhthol]

02-20-2005, 11:20 AM
Someone save me from burning braincells and explain to me wtf beef wellington means.


02-20-2005, 11:24 AM
To quote Anticor...posted in November of 2004:

For the rest of the week I'm going to associate stupid/dumb/retarded to the word beef wellington.

02-20-2005, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Arshwikk
Lots of people own more then one account these days, including myself, but like Exttior, I have never bought someone else's character, all mine I made myself.

Okay, so I posted then saw the website and what the person said is basically correct. Who cares if Exttior came first then Nasupel? They are correct in that he has possession of Jadall and he used to MA them all over to hunt.

The person said:

The most annoying instances of this is when someone buys an older character (in some cases some of the oldest characters in the game) and uses that older character to help or babysit their younger character while hunting.

And that's exactly what was done with Jadall -even if she wasn't purchased. I might find Exttior's player to be nice and all that but the truth is the truth. If you do these sorts of things, get some thick skin.

[Edited on 2-20-2005 by TheRoseLady]

02-20-2005, 01:40 PM
The point is that it is moronic. First of all, if your gonna bitch, do it right. For one thing, character's do not own each other, people own characters. Secondly, he did not BUY Jadall either. Lastly, as I said before, there's nothng wrong with people hunting multiple accounts "all over the place" as long as they are the ones doing it (at the keyboard), and not off watching a movie while an elaborate script does it for them. In fact, I have no problem with elaborate scripts that aid a person at the keyboard who is MA hunting...I see them as rather brilliant, especially the ones that take the time to try to make the characters appear seperate and not zombies. I've seen some people run two-three accounts at once and do a fantastic job trying to speak through all of them, and act like they are not one person.

02-20-2005, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Arshwikk
The point is that it is moronic. First of all, if your gonna bitch, do it right. For one thing, character's do not own each other, people own characters. Secondly, he did not BUY Jadall either. Lastly, as I said before, there's nothng wrong with people hunting multiple accounts "all over the place" as long as they are the ones doing it (at the keyboard), and not off watching a movie while an elaborate script does it for them. In fact, I have no problem with elaborate scripts that aid a person at the keyboard who is MA hunting...I see them as rather brilliant, especially the ones that take the time to try to make the characters appear seperate and not zombies. I've seen some people run two-three accounts at once and do a fantastic job trying to speak through all of them, and act like they are not one person.

I think you are splitting hairs here on the purchase vs own and who came first points. MAing is a hot button for many folks. There's nothing wrong in your book, but to others it's annoying as hell.

If a person wants to engage in MA hunting and the like, then expect that some folks will feel the need to point it out and express their dissatisfaction. As I said before, someone needs to grow some thicker skin.

I don't like attention whores, in fact, I hate them. But it's their perogative to try and conjure up as much attention as they like - I am free to speak about it - they are free to engage in it. :shrug:

02-20-2005, 04:57 PM
Why does everyone give a fuck about MAing? So stupid.

- Arkans

No, I do not MA.

02-20-2005, 11:13 PM
I only have one account and I don't give a crap about MAing. If you're paying for another account, who cares?

People REALLY fail to look at Gemstone as a game anymore. Instead of having fun playing, they spend most of their time being critical of other people.

02-20-2005, 11:18 PM
I have two accounts and acess to two others that belong to Stunseed and vice versa. So fucking what. I don't use my characters to handle fights for each other and as long as I am not doing that, why the hell do people get so bent out of shape? Like someone said earlier, we pay for those accounts, we should be able to use them as we want. Otherwise, why have two accounts?

02-20-2005, 11:22 PM
MAing wouldn't occur as much as it does if

A> better NPC healing/raising services existed

B> more locker space per char (even as basic) existed

C> NPC spellup sevices existed

D> alterations, raffles or other situations where someone who MA's has a better chance of getting picked didn't exist.

so people are always going to MA, not like I have a problem with that.
If I had an empath on another account, I'd be happy, then I could just camp him at a table, run a healing script, and have a place to not only heal, but dump loot so my locksmith could come and pick all the boxes.. wouldn't waste much time.. be more efficient....

02-21-2005, 12:34 AM
My character operates just fine with current NPC services. If I had more locker space, I'd just use it all up anyway. I guess I don't see the MA attraction, but in this specific case, to each his or her own.

02-21-2005, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Satira
People REALLY fail to look at Gemstone as a game anymore. Instead of having fun playing, they spend most of their time being critical of other people.

You whisper to Satira, "Did you SEE that dress she had made? What the hell was she thinking?"

Satira whispers to you, "I KNOW! Not only do the colors clash but its totally out of genre."


*above statement is completely fake...though, sorta true. :D

02-21-2005, 02:48 AM
Hah, I thought Jesae and Satira might have been talking about Faiyth's copulating gown. Yes the color combination is hideous. Burgundy? Strawberry, Raspberry? Yuck.

02-21-2005, 04:16 AM
Haha, true. I do talk smack about other people's clothing, but that's me being critical of the overall appearance.

If someone got a halter top made, I'd just be surprised they allowed it. I wouldn't have a cow and complain on the official boards about it.

02-21-2005, 12:39 PM
Well, since I made up that conversation we weren't. But now I'm mildly curious to see what this gown of Faiyth's looks like now.

02-22-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Hah, I thought Jesae and Satira might have been talking about Faiyth's copulating gown. Yes the color combination is hideous. Burgundy? Strawberry, Raspberry? Yuck.

Here's the before mentioned hideous dress that I had made. It's suppose to look something like the dress below, but in shades of red instead of shades of pink.


a multi-layered cinnamon silk dress
SHOW: The complex coloration of this dress is a combination of various layers of red hued sheer chiffons, each mixing brilliantly together to achieve a warm cinnamon. The bottom layer is a deep burgundy solid silk meant to hide the wearer's form while blending pleasantly with the dark strawberry coloration of the sheer material that resides above it. Sewn loosely atop these layers are a rich ruby followed by a pastel cherry which further aids the material in accomplishing the desired color.

02-22-2005, 01:04 PM
Picture of a dress != description of an ugly dress.

02-22-2005, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Picture of a dress != description of an ugly dress.

I obviously didn't "describe" it in the show well enough then. Oh well, I like it all the same.

Edited to fix punctation..

[Edited on 2-22-2005 by faiyth]

02-22-2005, 01:17 PM

I see none of that atrocious color in the picture of the dress. The show gets an F.

02-22-2005, 02:10 PM
A.) Why is this thread in the social forum instead of something gemstone related ... like gemstone websites.

B.) Why is this thread now about altered dresses?

02-22-2005, 03:55 PM
A much more interesting GemStone Shame site would be like, "The players of Parkbandit and Tayvin are carrying on a secret steamy love affair," and then post pictures. Or insert your own names. :heart:


02-22-2005, 04:08 PM
I was going to try to make that site and call it Gemstone Whores, but I couldn't find enough steamy logs. I can find the Lisu Log and the Klaive/Garr which I am currently hosting. I was hoping for more, but no one sent. :sniffle:

Get to whoring people! :D

[Edited on 2-22-2005 by Toxicvixen]

02-24-2005, 10:22 PM
I never could get Exttior to sell me his multicolored sword. :(

Caw caw caw!

- N