View Full Version : What is loot boxes done right?

09-28-2018, 04:51 PM
You own a successful gaming business! You want in on that sweet loot box money. Who doesn't need another shitty Ferrari? But those damn Redditors. How do you satisfy the mouthy assholes and make millions at the same time?

09-28-2018, 04:56 PM
Pure cosmetics seems to be the least offensive way.

Generally you don't want to introduce freemium aspects into a game consumers already pay for, though.

09-28-2018, 05:00 PM
Pure cosmetics seems to be the least offensive way.

Generally you don't want to introduce freemium aspects into a game consumers already pay for, though.

I feel that whatever you can find in a loot box you should be able to get in game. Cash shop or whatever might be floating out there, as long as you hit the requirements.